Building Coil For Kayfun 3.1


The Vaping Dutchman
Cape Town
Today I received my kayfun from focalecig. Have build my first coil but it gives me this terrible metallic burnt taste. And I have no idea what I am doing wrong.
What could be the problem?

2mm coil.
1.3 ohm (on vamo v5)
Kanthal 30, 2mm eckowool and tried 3mm silica (from vapemob)





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I am no Kayfun expert but did you wash it out thoroughly?
I have no coil building experience, so I can't really help, but one thing I notice there, it looks like one of the legs is touching the airhole ring. Dunno if that might be an issue
hi @Matt

good going on your first coil!!!

ok, burnt taste is possibly a wicking issue

for me, it seems you are using too little wick.

did u wash that kayfun out properly?

use hot water and maybe some sunlight liquid and use a toothbrush to scrub it. this could solve he metallic taste you getting

did you clean and dry burn the silica before use?

the process is to torch is good, wash, torch, wash before use

hope that helps
agree with @Die Kriek, that one leg does look awfully close to the terminal. No idea where the metallic taste is coming from though
Machine oil from manufacture, did you wash it good with some hot water and dishwasher, rinse repeat dry and retry
Lifted up the one leg now.
I did clean the kayfun with sunlight let it soak abit.

Didnt do anything to the silica how do you torch and wash it on the base or separate?

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I had a different coil before this one bigger and that had 1.7 ohm. Didnt gave me this taste but also didnt give allot of vapor.

Sent from my GT-I9500 using Tapatalk
Lifted up the one leg now.
I did clean the kayfun with sunlight let it soak abit.

Didnt do anything to the silica how do you torch and wash it on the base or separate?

Sent from my GT-I9500 using Tapatalk
do it seperately

so hold it with a pliers/ cutters/ scissors/ tweezers, then torch it till its white; then rinse and repeat

try and use more silica

it seems you using too little, so the liquid is burning up faster
Can you take another close up picture to showcase the depth of your vertical juice channels please. It appears as though they are almost non existent. That's is a manufacturer's mistake and would ensure dry hits.
Can you take another close up picture to showcase the depth of your vertical juice channels please. It appears as though they are almost non existent. That's is a manufacturer's mistake and would ensure dry hits.
You could be on to something there, looks like the flow of juice is interrupted by the furrow that runs around under the chamber threading...... not good
The burnt taste you're referring to might be dry hits due the coil not receiving enough juice to vapourise. Notice how deep my vertical channels are.

I saw on another forum that people boiled there kayfun. So thats what I did improved the taste allot.

And took more pictures



Not sure if I got them right if not let me know. I did had some dry hits.

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Agreed, those vertical channels do look rather shallow and don't connect to the horizontal channels.

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Thats a big difference indeed

Sent from my GT-I9500 using Tapatalk
Then I have to send it back going to take forever again :(

Checked pictures on there website looks exactly the same as mine. Also the fasttech website seems that these clones are this way.
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That sucks @Matt, but I can see those vertical juice channels are not deep enough. Which is sure to lead to dry wicks and burnt tastes. Also agree with everyone about a good ole bath for the new kayfun. Although if it's going back don't bother.

Sent from my awesome Reo-mini.
if you have access to any dremel tools, that would be advantageous

you gona have to drill that bugger

will save you the time and effort of sending the unit back to FT

well done @Reinvanhardt for spotting that one!
if you have access to any dremel tools, that would be advantageous

you gona have to drill that bugger

will save you the time and effort of sending the unit back to FT

well done @Reinvanhardt for spotting that one!

No dont have dremel tools unfortunately. I think i have to look around cape town to find a shop to do this then. I got the following email from focalecig.

Hello, Matthijs

Thank for your support on Focalecig and we have checked your order.
We have strict quality check of the Kayfun Lite Style .
We have contacted to the supplier in details and confirmed that it is the design of this product.
Not a manufacturing mistake.
Thanks for your attention and have a nice day !

Best Regards,
that is just swak customer service!

how can the design of the product be that crap! it can clearly be seen that there is a default on the wicking channels and hence the dry/ burnt taste
No dont have dremel tools unfortunately. I think i have to look around cape town to find a shop to do this then. I got the following email from focalecig.

Hello, Matthijs

Thank for your support on Focalecig and we have checked your order.
We have strict quality check of the Kayfun Lite Style .
We have contacted to the supplier in details and confirmed that it is the design of this product.
Not a manufacturing mistake.
Thanks for your attention and have a nice day !

Best Regards,

So basically what they're saying here is..... We are pleased to have taken your money, now :finger:
So basically what they're saying here is..... We are pleased to have taken your money, now :finger:

i would be real peed off if that had been me

people can say what about FT, but they will never reply to a query the way this supplier did
Send them a link to this thread telling them that they are jeopardizing their market in South Africa.
any asshole with at least 1 eye can see that the one advertised and the one @Matt got are NOT the same..... and I think we can all see that this is a manufacturing fault....... sies man