Calling all DIY'ers

@Humbolt I frothed and heat steeped 3 times and then let it stand for 4 days. I'm sure it will only get better, but it is already amazing.

You can add 2 drops of Acetyl Pyrazine per 10ml if you want to bring out the crust flavour a bit more, but it is lovely just as it is.

Let me know what you guys think once you've tried it. Any feedback is welcome
I love this thread
Also going to get some dulce and make this up. Even though I've got 15 other combos to taste
This is about my 7th iteration on a Cherry Cola recipe. I might be tempted to get some CAP champaign for a bit more effervescence, but good as is. A couple of days steeping helps, but good to go almost immediately.

Cherry Cola

TFA Cherry Cola 8%
TFA Glazed Cherry 4%
TFA Lemon/lime 3%
TFA Black Cherry 2%
TFA Double Apple 2%
TFA Menthol 1%
TFA Koolada 1%
EM 2 drops per 10ml

P.S. I abhor the flavour of coke and other cola derivatives. The DIY journey takes you places you never thought you would go to :smoke:.
Hi all DIY'ers,

I've been playing around with some DIY and so far enjoying it tremendously. So far playing it safe with mostly attempts on clones/online e-liquid recipes (which I tweaked/altered to my palate).

So far played with a Bombies - Black out city clone, Mustard's Milk, Derailed a like clone, Blue berry Ice Cream Waffle, Dragon's Blood, Orange Cream/ Coconut Extra, Lime Ice (Credit to @Silver) and some other Fruity/ menthol combinations.

My current goal is more challenging moving towards Pipe/ Cigar Tobacco flavours and have already gather a few online recipes to get a feeling towards percentages and flavour profiles. I like my dark tobacco's, strong coffee/ chocolate with fruity and woody undertones and would like to replicate these in my DIY attempts.

Looking at the following ideas: (TFA Flavours from Skyblue)

1. Cherry Cigar/Pipe tobacco ( Black Mild/ Black Cherry) - like those Blackstone Cherry Cigarillos
2. Vanilla Tobacco (Black mild/ French Vannilla/ Vanilla Swirl) - Example Smoked Custard
3. Mocha Tobacco ( Black Mild/ Dulche/ Kahlua Cream/ Double Chocolate etc.)
4. Orange Cream Tobacco ( Black Mild/ Orange Cream/ Double Chocolate) - like Bournville dark Chocolate with orange
5. Apple Pie Tobacco ( Black Mild/ Apple Pie) - something in the line of a famous Cowboy apple pie
6. Complex Tobacco ( Black mild/ Cinnamon danish/ Grahams Cracker/ Cocunut Extra/ Banana cream) - a bit of Boba's without the almond

I also have the aditional additives (Acetyl Pyrazine/Smooth/ EM ) and flavours (Sweet Cream, Bavarian Cream) and yes the vinegar (applecider 7%) for #6

I'm well aware on the curing time for these juices (2-3 weeks) and will be glad to post tried recipes in this thread.

Will appreciate any advice/ headsup's from all Master DIY'ers/ mixologist out there.

Also a Big thanks to all the contributors to this thread, sure makes the DIY a lot easier and understandable.
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Hi all DIY'ers,

I've been playing around with some DIY and so far enjoying it tremendously. So far playing it safe with mostly attempts on clones/online e-liquid recipes (which I tweaked/altered to my palate).

So far played with a Bombies - Black out city clone,

Oh please do share the Black Out City clone (if its nice).
The guy that made the Mustard Milk and best Nana Cream clone out there - fizzmustard - launched a line of juices.

Just look at some of those flavour profiles :0

An herbal tisane of bright pomegranates and dates, verdant basil and Clary sage, chilled with a hint of bruised mint leaf."
Oh please do share the Black Out City clone (if its nice).

Will do this evening, took it from Clone megathread and inprovised with what I had, for example lemon sicily with VM Lime, so definately not a 1:1 and not meant to be, will come back to you on this one...
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The guy that made the Mustard Milk and best Nana Cream clone out there - fizzmustard - launched a line of juices.

Just look at some of those flavour profiles :0

An herbal tisane of bright pomegranates and dates, verdant basil and Clary sage, chilled with a hint of bruised mint leaf."
Wow, sounds amazing. Love their detailed descriptions with matching pictures. Shall have to order some.
Wow, sounds amazing. Love their detailed descriptions with matching pictures. Shall have to order some.

Top notch hey.
I'm not sure if that particular retailer will deliver here. I read that it's like a hometown retailer of his, and he gave them exclusivety for a month. But I'm sure next month it will spread to other US retailers.

I read of a person who makes his Nana Cream clone, bought some of this new juice and said the Nana Cream clone was "amateur" in comparison.

Will do this evening, took it from Clone megathread and inprovised with what I had, for example lemon sicily with VM Lime, so definately not a 1:1 and not meant to be, will come back to you on this one...

I don't really care if they 1;1 clones. Clone recipes usually mean it will be a nice juice.
@Andre if you do order and are interested in sharing shipping with someone, please drop me a message :)
I don't really care if they 1;1 clones. Clone recipes usually mean it will be a nice juice.

Here is my take on b.o.c. (60/40, 12mg, at least 1 week steep)


and here is my take on derailed (All TFA, 60/40, 12mg, at least 2 week steep)

@acorn how do you find Boysenberry? I've been curious about that one...
@acorn how do you find Boysenberry? I've been curious about that one...
Honest to say only used it so far in the recipe above, not yet on it's own to get the clear profile, best to describe as a cross between or a mixture of Blackberry and Raspberry. I got it from Melinda when it just arrived. Still want to play with it as I like my Blueberry, Blackberry, Pomegranate etc.
Thanks a lot.
I have been looking for a good menthol to make.

I dont see Booysen Berry at Skyblue or Valley Vapour?

Got it from Skyblue in early June, don't see it on their site anymore.

Check: #23,
came in with the New Flavours like Blueberry Extra, Pomegranate etc.

I love the smell but don't ask me to describe it, I suck at giving detailed descriptions of flavours.

Best to describe see: which describe it as

"A boysenberry /ˈbɔɪzənbɛri/ is a cross between a European Raspberry (Rubus idaeus), a Common Blackberry (Rubus fruticosus), an American Dewberry (Rubus aboriginum) and a Loganberry (Rubus × loganobaccus).[2]"