Calling all DIY'ers

Also, cook. Most of my pairings are inspired by dishes I've cooked or eaten :)
Zenooph said:
Best advice I can give you is to start with some clone recipes and then start experimenting with your own mixes. Make small batches so you don't waste liquid. When I experiment I generally don't make more than 5ml and if I like what I've made I'll mix a bigger batch.

Pairing different flavours comes with time. It's a lot like cooking, you learn that certain flavours work well together and in which percentages. Using clone recipes and adjusting them to suit your taste is another way of figuring out what works.

My first few mixes came out pretty bland, but with every batch I mix I get better. You will need some patience and practice.

And remember the steeping! It's very important for your mix to steep.
I learned the hard way to keep its small but I havent mixed more than ten single flavours so im very new
So once you've mixed some single flavours to the point where you are happy with the percentages, try a clone with 3 or less flavours. Once you're happy with that, try a more complex recipe. When you've mixed a few recipes and you are happy with the outcome you can start experimenting with your own recipes. There is unfortunately no quick way of making really tasty juice.
Also, cook. Most of my pairings are inspired by dishes I've cooked or eaten :)
Ive seen youre selling ejuice if I may ask do buy flavour where we are buying flavour or as I expect do get some place unknown better quality flavour
I largely buy through Skyblue however I do purchase from 3 other international companies. Flavours are rarely "better" or "worse" just different.
Now I know what it could be and its my fault not the quality but I have written down recipes but I havent mixed enough to know what it should but I think when my juice is up the first batch it can only improve in the second bach
@reijnier I don't know what your taste preference is, but give the Peanut Custard recipe I posted a try. It really came out quite nice, and if you're into desert flavours with a nutty twist you might really enjoy it. I mixed it at 70/30 VG/PG and let it steep for 1-2 weeks
[QUO"Zenooph, post: 250140, member: 3379"]@reijnier I don't know what your taste preference is, but give the Peanut Custard recipe I posted a try. It really came out quite nice, and if you're into desert flavours with a nutty twist you might really enjoy it. I mixed it at 70/30 VG/PG and let it steep for 1-2 weeks[/QUOTE]
Ill write it down thanks still have some juice to finish
Anyone used TFA Mild Black tobacco? As a single flavor, what percentage would be a good starting point at 50/50 mix? Smells a hell of a lot better than the TFA DK Tobacco. Might use it with one of my NETS as well.
Anyone used TFA Mild Black tobacco? As a single flavor, what percentage would be a good starting point at 50/50 mix? Smells a hell of a lot better than the TFA DK Tobacco. Might use it with one of my NETS as well.

I use it at 8% as recommended by @Melinda
Anyone used TFA Mild Black tobacco? As a single flavor, what percentage would be a good starting point at 50/50 mix? Smells a hell of a lot better than the TFA DK Tobacco. Might use it with one of my NETS as well.
I use at 3% - it is a strong flavour but takes a few weeks of steeping to get there.
17 days since the last DIY post? Is everybody developing their own secret Juice line-up? :p

OK here it goes: Was looking for a nice chocolate type DIY recipe and thought a Banana Split would be nice and found this:
From sash3784

Banana Split #2
This recipe is very good, next attempted will add a cherry and whipped cream

(TPA) Pineapple 3%
(TFA) Strawberry (Ripe) 5%
(TPA) Peanut Butter 1%
(TFA) Double Chocolate Clear 3%
(TFA) Ripe Banana 3%
(TFA) Coconut Extra 1%
(TFA) Vanilla Bean Ice Cream 5%

I had my own take on this and here it is :

(TFA) Banana Cream 6%
(TFA) Strawberry (Ripe) 5%
(TFA) Vanilla Bean Ice Cream 5%
(TFA) Double Chocolate Clear 3%
60%VG/ 40%PG, 12mg Nic

Dripped some in the Cyclops straight from the mix and came out pretty nice, not to sweet, nice chocolate with just the right amount of strawberry and banana cream in there. Now for the steeping...will have to constrain myself for a week.
:O 3% TFA pineapple? Yowsers!!!
Do you perhaps have the regular strawberry as well as strawberry ripe? I've been swapping over between the two - I find blending some of the regular into the ripe adds some sweetness.

Your recipe looks solid! I'd recommend trying to get the Cap chocolate glazed donut. Would work pretty well there I think.
Have Strawberry Sweet, I sometimes combine 50/50 with Strawberry Ripe, will try it on my next take
Hi all DIY'ers,

I've been playing around with some DIY and so far enjoying it tremendously. So far playing it safe with mostly attempts on clones/online e-liquid recipes (which I tweaked/altered to my palate).

So far played with a Bombies - Black out city clone, Mustard's Milk, Derailed a like clone, Blue berry Ice Cream Waffle, Dragon's Blood, Orange Cream/ Coconut Extra, Lime Ice (Credit to @Silver) and some other Fruity/ menthol combinations.

My current goal is more challenging moving towards Pipe/ Cigar Tobacco flavours and have already gather a few online recipes to get a feeling towards percentages and flavour profiles. I like my dark tobacco's, strong coffee/ chocolate with fruity and woody undertones and would like to replicate these in my DIY attempts.

Looking at the following ideas: (TFA Flavours from Skyblue)

1. Cherry Cigar/Pipe tobacco ( Black Mild/ Black Cherry) - like those Blackstone Cherry Cigarillos
2. Vanilla Tobacco (Black mild/ French Vannilla/ Vanilla Swirl) - Example Smoked Custard
3. Mocha Tobacco ( Black Mild/ Dulche/ Kahlua Cream/ Double Chocolate etc.)
4. Orange Cream Tobacco ( Black Mild/ Orange Cream/ Double Chocolate) - like Bournville dark Chocolate with orange
5. Apple Pie Tobacco ( Black Mild/ Apple Pie) - something in the line of a famous Cowboy apple pie
6. Complex Tobacco ( Black mild/ Cinnamon danish/ Grahams Cracker/ Cocunut Extra/ Banana cream) - a bit of Boba's without the almond

I also have the aditional additives (Acetyl Pyrazine/Smooth/ EM ) and flavours (Sweet Cream, Bavarian Cream) and yes the vinegar (applecider 7%) for #6

I'm well aware on the curing time for these juices (2-3 weeks) and will be glad to post tried recipes in this thread.

Will appreciate any advice/ headsup's from all Master DIY'ers/ mixologist out there.

Also a Big thanks to all the contributors to this thread, sure makes the DIY a lot easier and understandable.
@acorn,this is my adv.I call it "Old Faithful" Pg-vg 50-50%,RY4,4.5ml,menthol,1.5ml,nic.1.5ml(or to taste) recipe is for30ml.Surprisingly tastes great w/o seeping though it will improve it.You mentioned trying some tobacco juice DIY and this simple one has been good to me.
No matter how hard I try ( even tried clones) I just can't get the right bloody f*€%#ng recipe. Makes me naar I won't lie. A lot of the recipes have a vanilla element to them and I find that vanilla has this horrible chemical taste. Anyone have the same experience?
No matter how hard I try ( even tried clones) I just can't get the right bloody f*€%#ng recipe. Makes me naar I won't lie. A lot of the recipes have a vanilla element to them and I find that vanilla has this horrible chemical taste. Anyone have the same experience?
No I'm fine with the Vanilla, Greek Yoghurt, Kiwi, Watermelon & pineapple give me the chemical treatment:confused:
No matter how hard I try ( even tried clones) I just can't get the right bloody f*€%#ng recipe. Makes me naar I won't lie. A lot of the recipes have a vanilla element to them and I find that vanilla has this horrible chemical taste. Anyone have the same experience?

Steeping!!! I find most Vanilla flavours need at least 2 weeks to become smooth and less chemical
Ya I agree, Vanillas, creams and custards all get at least 2 week steep with me, but I prefer 3.

Also don't over do it with the percentages used with these flavours, or you will likely get a chemical'y taste. I find if I slightly over do it with TFA Custard for example (anything over 8) I get a soapy taste that for me just doesn't go away. Yet t hat flavour at 6% is heavenly.
No matter how hard I try ( even tried clones) I just can't get the right bloody f*€%#ng recipe. Makes me naar I won't lie. A lot of the recipes have a vanilla element to them and I find that vanilla has this horrible chemical taste. Anyone have the same experience?
Have been liking vanilla bean.
Had a peanut butter-milkshake thingy a while back and it got me thinking..... This tester came out very good after 2 weeks of steeping, even better after 3. Definitely a savory type vape.
Had a peanut butter-milkshake thingy a while back and it got me thinking..... This tester came out very good after 2 weeks of steeping, even better after 3. Definitely a savory type vape.
I'm in desperate need of a good Peanut butter recipe, hook a fellow up!