ahhh nice dudewooot, well done bro - love you that you are experimenting a bit with raspberry those are always wicked recipes man.
You should try that spiced milk recipe I posted that was directed at you - a while back, it's also something special man.
I'm currently trying a chocolate milk, but it is failing badly. It's not absolutely terrible - but it's not what I want. Also it seems like the chocolate flavoring i'm using has an alcoholic smell to it. Which isn't my favorite thing atm.
I will definitely give that spiced milk a try. Must just find it and I will try it tonight.
The failures are still fun though I'm failing a coffee mix at the moment with too much cocoa, think I need to just add more coffee and dairy milk to it and hope I can fix it.
I thought this DIY thing would be hard(it is hard) but I'm loving it actually. It is very rewarding when it works. I gave someone at the office my PB I tried and they like it so much they thought It was from a vendor. The dude wants me to make him a 100ml of the juice