Calling all higher nic vapers (18mg and 12mg)


Flavour and throat hit seeker
Staff member
Hi all

I am starting a thread for all of us that are (still) on 18mg or use 18mg regularly.

As you know, several juice manufacturers, importers and retailers dont focus on us. Vapeking's juices are in 12mg with 18mg being a special order. I have heard that Sub ohm vapor may consider not stocking 18mg on some of their lines.

While Im at it, let me have my say here. While I appreciate that we 18mg vapers are a minority among folk with high powered drippers and the like, i cannot understand why several retailers here view 18mg as an issue.

Are they only selling to the top end high powered mod users? It seems to me they are not catering for the masses on lower powered Clearo devices? I am not a retailer and could be wrong here so no offence intended.
But vaping 12mg or less on a Clearo is certainly not the best way to kick stinkies - at least not the way I look at it.

So I would like to unite us a bit and find out who are the 18mg vapers. I know several but I think it will help to get as many of us together as possible

I think this will have several benefits. It may help with juice buys, juice swapping and even with putting some group pressure on the retailers ;-)

So to all those regular 18mg vapers, please let us know and report in here

Bear in mind that most of us that will report in here are likely to be the more experienced users of the forum with higher powered gear. So this list could end up showing why we are a minority! But bear in mind my comments about those new to vaping on the lower powered gear.

There may be other non-18mg vapers that will comment on this thread, so I will start a list here, just copy and paste and add your name without the @ tag

18mg vapers

Silver - 18 mg most of the time
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Great thread @Silver !

We need to keep a track of all the 18mg vapers. This will also be great to have as it is somewhat difficult to swap juices with others who seem to be on lower nic levels.

18mg vapers
Silver - 18 mg most of the time
Yiannaki - 18mg 99.9% of the time
I recently stopped with the stinkies. Over a week now stinky free \:D/ The person I bought my first juices from recommended 18mg to start off with. So I suppose I am still an 18mg vaper. I should also mention that I have had absolutely no craving for a stinkie since I started, and I am sure that vaping on 18mg has had some role in that.

Silver - 18 mg most of the time
Yiannaki - 18mg 99.9% of the time
kimbo - 18mg 100% of the time
Moist - 18mg most of the time
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Starting on 36mg
Then moved to 24mg
I thought 18 was a good spot for me to settle in :)

Silver - 18 mg most of the time
Yiannaki - 18mg 99.9% of the time
kimbo - 18mg 100% of the time
If it weren't for 18mg in my kanger tanks, I would still be smoking.
18mg in a clearo is like 9/12mg in a dripper IMO.
I'm now down to 6mg, but I can't think that I would have stopped if I started with 6mg.
There will always be a place for 18mg!
I just re-read my post above and wanted to make something clearer

I am not trying to knock any particular retailers or start a major war here or anything like that.
I am just trying to get the 18mg vapers together so we all know who we are.

For the record, Vape King and SOV, who I mention in my original post, know me quite well. I have spent quite a bit with both and intend continuing. Both are fantastic retailers overall and have brought me much vaping pleasure.
I am just updating the list without the @ tag symbol, so we don't all get notified each time a new name is added.

Silver - 18 mg most of the time
Yiannaki - 18mg 99.9% of the time
kimbo - 18mg 100% of the time
Moist - 18mg most of the time
Andre - 18mg most of the time
You can and me - 18mg 98% of the time.
And @WhatSmoke 100% of the time.

I totally understand the complexities of supply and demand. I supply projectors to resellers, and sometimes I sit with certain models because they're just not as popular as others.

But from a consumers point of view, the reality is if you don't got what I want, I go where I can get it.

I'm only really worried about premium juices. I know eCiggies stock Five Pawns in 18mg, and 5P do have a nice selection, just no tabacco flavours.
Lol i startet on 12mg in a evod, then went up to 18, and then upgraded to kayfun and mvp and went up to 24mg, then i upgraded to a reo, now 18mg is way to strong and I have almost no 12mg juices :(
Silver - 18 mg most of the time
Yiannaki - 18mg 99.9% of the time
kimbo - 18mg 100% of the time
Moist - 18mg most of the time
Andre - 18mg most of the time
BumbleBee - 18mg on ma drippa and kayfun
You can and me - 18mg 98% of the time.
And @WhatSmoke 100% of the time.

I totally understand the complexities of supply and demand. I supply projectors to resellers, and sometimes I sit with certain models because they're just not as popular as others.

But from a consumers point of view, the reality is if you don't got what I want, I go where I can get it.

I'm only really worried about premium juices. I know eCiggies stock Five Pawns in 18mg, and 5P do have a nice selection, just no tabacco flavours.

Lol @r0gue z0mbie - thanks for the feedback

I do appreciate that most of the really high end premium complex juices are designed for higher powered devices anyway
And I suppose new vapers are not going to spend R300 on a premium juice for their Clearo
So maybe the 18mg "rebuildable" vapers need to just go to 12mg and vape at a bit more power and more often.

Would you mind adding your names to the list... thanks...
Lol @r0gue z0mbie - thanks for the feedback

I do appreciate that most of the really high end premium complex juices are designed for higher powered devices anyway
And I suppose new vapers are not going to spend R300 on a premium juice for their Clearo
So maybe the 18mg "rebuildable" vapers need to just go to 12mg and vape at a bit more power and more often.

Would you mind adding your names to the list... thanks...

Ya I get that, I do.

But honestly I've again been thinking of more power, when I'm using my little EVoD with normal juice... Then I get home, Spinner and Nauti with premium juice and I think, "why do I want to spend more money on physically bigger products again?" ;)

I'm getting plenty good flavour, throat hit and I can tinker with the flavour with the air holes and spinner anyway. I'm sure I could vape 1mg if I connected the Nauti to my car battery, but I don't want to that.

I do get this is my problem, not the retailers.
Silver - 18 mg most of the time
Yiannaki - 18mg 99.9% of the time
kimbo - 18mg 100% of the time
Moist - 18mg most of the time
Andre - 18mg most of the time
BumbleBee - 18mg on ma drippa and kayfun
r0gue z0mie - 18mg most of the time
WhatSmoke - 18mg 100% of the time
Reporting for duty 18mg 100% of the time :)
While I'm here, note that this was not an official call from SubOhmVapor. Merely something I've been considering. The 18MG options are still available and will be until further notice.

Sent from my SM-G900H using Tapatalk
Silver - 18 mg most of the time
Yiannaki - 18mg 99.9% of the time
kimbo - 18mg 100% of the time
Moist - 18mg most of the time
Andre - 18mg most of the time
BumbleBee - 18mg on ma drippa and kayfun
r0gue z0mie - 18mg most of the time
WhatSmoke - 18mg 100% of the time
jan - 18mg most of the time
Silver - 18 mg most of the time
Yiannaki - 18mg 99.9% of the time
kimbo - 18mg 100% of the time
Moist - 18mg most of the time
Andre - 18mg most of the time
BumbleBee - 18mg on ma drippa and kayfun
r0gue z0mie - 18mg most of the time
WhatSmoke - 18mg 100% of the time
jan - 18mg most of the time
Shabbar - 18mg most of the time
18mg vaper here @ 100% of the time.
I've tried 12mg and that is just fail for me, I would then rather just smoke cigarettes.

If it was not for 18mg strength juice I would not have continued vaping past the first month.

Now that I have an idea as to what I like, I've been looking at getting some premium juices such as the Witches brew, Suicide bunny, Kings crown as well as the Seattle Co. brand that I would like to try just to name a few that are locally available.

Bottom line if I can't get 18mg locally there are other options to get 18mg products.
Yip :nod: Depending on the juice im between 18mg and 12mg. Without 18mg i doubt i wouldve got off the stinkies.

Silver - 18 mg most of the time
Yiannaki - 18mg 99.9% of the time
kimbo - 18mg 100% of the time
Moist - 18mg most of the time
Andre - 18mg most of the time
BumbleBee - 18mg on ma drippa and kayfun
r0gue z0mie - 18mg most of the time
WhatSmoke - 18mg 100% of the time
jan - 18mg most of the time
Shabbar - 18mg most of the time
DoubleD - 18mg 70% of the time :)giggle: @ 70%)
@Silver, thank you for starting this thread! Agree with your points!

Silver - 18 mg most of the time
Yiannaki - 18mg 99.9% of the time
kimbo - 18mg 100% of the time
Moist - 18mg most of the time
Andre - 18mg most of the time
BumbleBee - 18mg on ma drippa and kayfun
r0gue z0mie - 18mg most of the time
WhatSmoke - 18mg 100% of the time
jan - 18mg most of the time
Shabbar - 18mg most of the time
DoubleD - 18mg 70% of the time :)giggle: @ 70%)
Imthiaz Khan - 18mg 99.9% of the time
Bottom line if I can't get 18mg locally there are other options to get 18mg products.

I agree, I love buying locally, stimulate the local industry. But if the hand is forced then I'll import.

But the post office is always on bloody strike
I have some Dr Clark Snake Oil at customs, even if it goes to my PO, I've just heard the staff there were setting the PO bicycles on fire this morning. Who knows how long it will be till I get my package.

Sent via a NASA satellite which gathers my thoughts and relays them to the world