CLDMKR Update #6: The Cloudmaker Whiteout, Assembled! (self.electronic_cigarette)
submitted 12 hours ago by returnitySmogDistribution /r/smogGB
Hey, it's Ian from Cloudmaker, checking in again! I just wanted to keep everyone in the loop on the development of our user-customizable Whiteout 150W modular box mod. I know the majority of you have followed our previous posts, but if you haven’t you can get caught up on the full story by checking out our past updates on reddit, particularly the FAQ update.
As of earlier this week, we’ve completed the manufacturing of our chassis prototype with all the mechanical accessories: panels & L-plates, buttons, and cradle. If you didn’t see the initial, unanodized photo I posted of it on our facebook page earlier this week, check that out and please like/share our page with other non-ECR vapers who might like this idea. Since that FB post, we’ve gotten the parts anodized, and we've reassembled them to give you the first real impression of what the finished Whiteout will look like (minus the electronics, of course).
Jeremy (/u/blitz206) sent over the first pictures of the fully-assembled & anodized Whiteout chassis:
Whiteout Chassis Assembly: Collage
Whiteout Chassis Assembly: Close-up
We do want to emphasize that the Whiteout will be delivered as a 100% assembled, finished product that will perform out of the box without any mechanical knowledge or programming required -- but we know a lot of you are looking forward to tweaking the aesthetics and even the firmware most of all!
On that note, we plan on starting the initial functionality tests of the improved Ares chipset design later this coming week, so you can expect a major update about the chip design, performance, and its expanded capabilities & customizability sometime next week! This should be a pretty big update for us!
Also, I wanted to remind everybody that we’re on the verge of beginning development of the subreddit community for Cloudmaker devices. We’re inviting anyone who’s interested to help us create the place where people will go to learn more about their Whiteouts, discuss new ideas and upgrades, and collaborate to make the most of the Whiteout’s unique feature set. You can contribute pretty much whatever you'd like and work on whatever you’re most comfortable with.
Together, we’ll organize and create the content, including the guidelines of the sub, the wiki pages, video/image tutorials, how-to’s, and build guides, among other things. We’ll even be working on first-ever projects like open-source downloadable community code modules for the chip & 3D printing schematics for the unit panels or custom chip cradles! If you’d like to be a part of this, email me at with your name / reddit username / what you’d like to help out with.
That’s about all for now, guys! As always, Jeremy and I will be following this thread to answer questions you might have and hear your thoughts, suggestions, and ideas!
submitted 12 hours ago by returnitySmogDistribution /r/smogGB
Hey, it's Ian from Cloudmaker, checking in again! I just wanted to keep everyone in the loop on the development of our user-customizable Whiteout 150W modular box mod. I know the majority of you have followed our previous posts, but if you haven’t you can get caught up on the full story by checking out our past updates on reddit, particularly the FAQ update.
As of earlier this week, we’ve completed the manufacturing of our chassis prototype with all the mechanical accessories: panels & L-plates, buttons, and cradle. If you didn’t see the initial, unanodized photo I posted of it on our facebook page earlier this week, check that out and please like/share our page with other non-ECR vapers who might like this idea. Since that FB post, we’ve gotten the parts anodized, and we've reassembled them to give you the first real impression of what the finished Whiteout will look like (minus the electronics, of course).
Jeremy (/u/blitz206) sent over the first pictures of the fully-assembled & anodized Whiteout chassis:
Whiteout Chassis Assembly: Collage
Whiteout Chassis Assembly: Close-up
We do want to emphasize that the Whiteout will be delivered as a 100% assembled, finished product that will perform out of the box without any mechanical knowledge or programming required -- but we know a lot of you are looking forward to tweaking the aesthetics and even the firmware most of all!
On that note, we plan on starting the initial functionality tests of the improved Ares chipset design later this coming week, so you can expect a major update about the chip design, performance, and its expanded capabilities & customizability sometime next week! This should be a pretty big update for us!
Also, I wanted to remind everybody that we’re on the verge of beginning development of the subreddit community for Cloudmaker devices. We’re inviting anyone who’s interested to help us create the place where people will go to learn more about their Whiteouts, discuss new ideas and upgrades, and collaborate to make the most of the Whiteout’s unique feature set. You can contribute pretty much whatever you'd like and work on whatever you’re most comfortable with.
Together, we’ll organize and create the content, including the guidelines of the sub, the wiki pages, video/image tutorials, how-to’s, and build guides, among other things. We’ll even be working on first-ever projects like open-source downloadable community code modules for the chip & 3D printing schematics for the unit panels or custom chip cradles! If you’d like to be a part of this, email me at with your name / reddit username / what you’d like to help out with.
That’s about all for now, guys! As always, Jeremy and I will be following this thread to answer questions you might have and hear your thoughts, suggestions, and ideas!