Clone Recipes

So just incase you were wondering what car boot steeping does... Here is a pic of the bottle I mixed this morning

I've only left juices there for a day or so but most of the time it lands up rolling under the spare tyre well and I find it a week later at the car wash !
if i had to find a juice whenever i wash my car it would be steeped for 3 mnths
i do car wash on sundays, take the lotus for a spin and get it washed. prob the only road that car is getting to see until i finish that paperwork
Looks very interresing that GVC clone juice. is it the recipe at the beginning of the post @shaunnadan?
Looks very interresing that GVC clone juice. is it the recipe at the beginning of the post @shaunnadan?

Not exactly that recipe. That recipe is good but you find it lacking something and can't quite figure what is missing . I make my gvc slightly different, I started out with this recipe and after about the 5th version of tweaking I found one that I can Vape all day long ! After 2 weeks of steeping its on par with the original gvc

Custards are a great diy starting point. It's complex in itself and adding something as simple as 1% of cream can really change it.

The best thing is to find a juice that you like, if your clones aren't spot on then tweak it to what you like , experiment and find new ways to reinvent juices.

Think of the recipes as guidelines more than fixed amounts to follow .
Not exactly that recipe. That recipe is good but you find it lacking something and can't quite figure what is missing . I make my gvc slightly different, I started out with this recipe and after about the 5th version of tweaking I found one that I can Vape all day long ! After 2 weeks of steeping its on par with the original gvc

Custards are a great diy starting point. It's complex in itself and adding something as simple as 1% of cream can really change it.

The best thing is to find a juice that you like, if your clones aren't spot on then tweak it to what you like , experiment and find new ways to reinvent juices.

Think of the recipes as guidelines more than fixed amounts to follow .

I tried it before and i found out. That i dont have the patience to tweak juices if i can work with a recipe its worth to try.
Uhh excuse my ignorance, but where do I get Citric Acid?

I thought it would be a baking product, closest I saw at a local Spar was a Citro Soda...

was going to ask the same thing, but thought I'd be sounding stupid :p

Maybe Apple Cider Vinegar would work?
1part CA to 9 parts PG for a 10% mix, and a lot of shaking. Put under hot water tap to heat it up a bid, but not boiling water.
I think TFA sour is malic acid if I'm not mistaken. I havent used it much, but I think the malic is supposed to make fruit flavours pop, I find the CA similar but gives the juice a nice tang to it.