Cloupor Hottest Mod of 2015 - Warning!

There is actually a few sources on the web regarding this. It is the actually chipset that catches fire in the area of the firing button. It also happens often when the device is not actually in use. Some folks recommend pulling the battery out when you sleep as a result.

It also happens regardless of how you charge. And is not related to a cavalier approach to safety the mod seems faulty. Cloupor (apparently) says that if you fire for 15 seconds at low ohm and you get the message 'too hot' this might be one of the affected devices (please search if there is a specific ohm rating I don't remember). There are many European and American retailers that have pulled it from their shelves and have recalled due to these safety concerns at their own cost as Cloupor is being very dodgy.

I think my Cloupor Cana suffered the same fate last week but there is too much glue on the chip to actually see and make a worthwhile comparison.

This didn't stop me from buying one but as an educated decision at least. And despite some peoples disdain for the Cloupor Cana, I was very happy for the 7 or so months I used it as a 2nd hander from Andre but then temps higher than about 13W never really caught my fancy.

Anyway there are tons of posts out there, for some reason I thought generally it was known here as well. If you have a Cloupor Mini it would do you well to research this and know the risks.
