Competition Entries - Jhb Vape Meet 5


Im the real boss
Supporting Vendor
Fourways, South Africa
Ok Time to get the competition entries rolling in:

Please add your names to the list below:

Cloud Blowing (Judged by @Derick @Rowan Francis and @PeterHarris and @devdev ) Juice will be supplied by Craft Vapour

@Austin VapeonMadison
@Chef Guest

FIRST: 2 * Bottles suicide Bunny Sponsored by Vape Cartel , Panzer Mechanical mod clone Sponsored by Vape King , 1 * 12ml Bobas Bounty Sponsored by Juicy Joes
SECOND: 1 * 18ml Bobas Bounty Sponsored by Juicy Joes , 3 * 10m Kanthal Sponsored by Vape King , 1 * DIY Starter Kit - sponsored by Skyblue
THIRD: 1 x Set of 5 x 30 ml e-liquids our Range in the mg of recipients choice - Sponsored by Skyblue Vaping @Melinda , 5 * Vape King E-liquids , 1 * 30ml Lekka Vapors Sponsored by Juicy Joes

Coil Building (Judged by @Rowan Francis and our previous winner @PeterHarris and @devdev)

@Austin VapeonMadison


FIRST: 2 * Bottles of Suicide Bunny Sponsored by Vape Cartel , TOBH Atty V2 Clone Sponsored by Vape King , 1 * 12 ml Bobas Bounty Sponsored by Juicy Joes
SECOND: 1 * 18ml Bobas Bounty Sponsored by Juicy Joes , 2 * 30ml Lekka Vapors Sponsored by Juicy joes , 1 * DIY Starter Kit - sponsored by Skyblue
THIRD: 5 * Vape King Juices , R100.00 Juicy Joes Voucher , 1 * 30ml Lekka Vapors sponsored by Juicy Joes, 1 * bottle of Suicide Bunny sponsored by Vape Cartel

Prizes for Lucky Draws:

Coil building Stand Sponsored by Vape King
1 * Buffalo Mechanical Mod sponsored by Vape King
Vapour Mountain Voucher to the Value of R600.00 - Sponsored by @Oupa
2 x R100 Juicy Joes Vouchers - Sponsored by Juicy Joes
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You can use my uber ultra top secret area 51 designed Dripper @Tank

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I'm in for cloud blowing. Just have to redo the coils in the stillare. Coil building is not yet my strong point so I think I'm gonna pass on that one for now maybe closer to the time

sent from my telegraph machine using Tapalalk stop
Okay I would like to know how is the coil building judged. What are the things that the judges will look at?
Okay I would like to know how is the coil building judged. What are the things that the judges will look at?

Each participant will be handed a rebuildable atomizer to build.
Participant to use the wire and wick of his/her choice.
Bring your own wire, wicking, tools, jigs,ohm meters, vape apps, calculator - whatever you want.
You will be asked to coil as close as possible to a resistance to be disclosed at the start of the competition.
You can build whatever coil you want - dual, twisted, chimney, ribbon wire, parallel - anything goes.
If your wire will be twisted or plated or whatever, feel free do to so beforehand. But, of course, no pre-wrapped coils.
20 minutes will be allowed to complete your coil and wick. Disqualified after 20 minutes.
Juicing of the wicks will be done by the judge.
The judge will test each build on the same device with the same juice.
Criteria will be:
Looks and performance of the coil and wick - 10 points.
Flavour, vapour and throat hit - 10 points.
Closest to the target resistance - 10 points for closest, 9 for second closest, and so on....if you are on the same time as another participant (e.g. both second closest) you will both score the same points (9 points each for the example). You are welcome to test your ohm meter against that of the judge(s) before the competition.
@Stroodlepuff thanks for clearing that up. I will watch this time around and maybe next vape meet ill give it a shot. I don't have an ohm meter yet. I've been building my coils and testing it on my evic to read the ohm
I'm up for the lucky draw's or what ever else you may need me for....I don't build coils so that's a no, cloud blowing also not my thing...I can judge the beer drinking....or is there no beer downing competition this time?

ah well let me know :) :dance:
I'm up for the lucky draw's or what ever else you may need me for....I don't build coils so that's a no, cloud blowing also not my thing...I can judge the beer drinking....or is there no beer downing competition this time?

ah well let me know :) :dance:
Beer driking FTW!
Will judge both!

Not sure why @PeterHarris has edged me out in judging the coil building. I think he should actually defend his title....
I'm sitting this coil building competition out. Not happy with my coils.
+ one competitor for the Cloud Blowing comp :)