CONFUSED !!!! Really confused !


Reo Hound
Ok so some of you might have read about my journey from a fake ego ce4 bought from a china shop up until i got my Kangertech Evod from this wonderous species of human being called a reputable dealer. Yes i worshipped my evod and loved every moment using it, still do infact. So the bug had then bitten me and i wanted more and better, so naturally i went up a notch and purchased a Vision Spinner 2 and a Mini Protank 3. Needless to say it is incredible and guzzles my juice like a bleeding V8 engine.. Ok so now again i find myself on the wanting end of the proverbial stick and am aiming a bit higher this time... Enter Hana Modz Clone 50 watt Mod !

So i reserved one from KieranD @ Vape Cartel and infact cannot wait for it to arrive at my doorstep. But here comes the confusion....... What tank would you the Veterans recommend, yes i did Ask KieranD what he recommends, but just want to make sure. ( Insert name here ) vs ( insert name here ) vs ( insert name here )

Rebuildable vs clearomiser ... There is a sea of confusion and i do not want to do to a Hana what some do to their Reo's lol ....... Evod it !

Please could someone be so kind as to help this lost in confusion new vaper onto the path of soft playfull clouds and mouthwatering flavours. So that i may do myself and my soon to be precious no ill.

Thanks in advance,

Ps thanks for reading


Vape the Planet
you get certain RDA's that do cater for traffic, I myself rely on either the Magma, or the latest one I got, the Cerberus, they have massive drip wells, and once filled up last my entire drive home from sandton to centurion... but if handled incorrectly they will leak, for instance, if the magma is filled all the way up to the edge of the drip well, it will start loosing the juice out from the air intake holes, so never fill it up to much or you will end up with that issue... as for the Cerberus this one is simple, it's a 3 coil setup, you can only do 3 coils, but the way the airflow adjust has been designed it allows for you to close it off completely... This is what I do now, full it up nice and proper, and while i'm not using it in the car I just close the airflow all the way... :) no leaks, hehe
This Tank does look interesting... very interesting indeed... My biggest concern here is how long your coils will last, bearing in mind how long cotton lasts on an RDA before you have to re wick it.... you might end up spending a fortune on the coils for this baby, but damn, it looks interesting... check out the coils man, LOL, MASSIVE!! HEHE

Check out this Preview Vid from Todd
Firstly, I feel sorry for your shopping experience in China, but there also are world renowed manufacturers like joyetech, eleaf, aspire...I suggest everybody do some work on devices you wish to buy or just pick a popular one, you won't miss good vaping feelings! Secondly, 50w is too much for a clearomizer, why not Aspire Atlantis, the new subohm tank. Worth a try! Sure, naulitus is rather good option!
China shop in Cullinan at shopping centre called Cullinan Jewel. Im aware.that 50w is too much for a clearomizer.. Like i said i am looking at all my options and the atlantis is one of them.


Rolled off a table at work a couple of days after i got it at the Chinese Shop.. Just look at the battery.

Vape the Planet
Have ypu tried just changing your drips tips. For lung hits a wide bore and for mouth to lung change it out to a standard hole . Might just do the trick without having to adjust airflow

Changing drip tips will have no effect if airflow is restricted by AFC.
China shop in Cullinan at shopping centre called Cullinan Jewel. Im aware.that 50w is too much for a clearomizer.. Like i said i am looking at all my options and the atlantis is one of them.


Rolled off a table at work a couple of days after i got it at the Chinese Shop.. Just look at the battery.

Vape the Planet

Never heard of it, I know heaven gifts, health cabin, fasttech...they are reliable onlineshop...
This Tank does look interesting... very interesting indeed... My biggest concern here is how long your coils will last, bearing in mind how long cotton lasts on an RDA before you have to re wick it.... you might end up spending a fortune on the coils for this baby, but damn, it looks interesting... check out the coils man, LOL, MASSIVE!! HEHE

Check out this Preview Vid from Todd

Wait, have confused myself. The Atlantis is an Aspire product - as far as I know it is not stated what their wicks are made from. Probably not cotton....last I heard the BVC coils were wicked with ceramic. The Kanger Subtank is a Kangertech product and has two option, a RBA part that comes wicked with cotton, but obviously (as it is an RBA) you can wick it to your preference. Second part is a commercial coil head - with what material that is wicked has not been specified as far as I know.
Wait, have confused myself. The Atlantis is an Aspire product - as far as I know it is not stated what their wicks are made from. Probably not cotton....last I heard the BVC coils were wicked with ceramic. The Kanger Subtank is a Kangertech product and has two option, a RBA part that comes wicked with cotton, but obviously (as it is an RBA) you can wick it to your preference. Second part is a commercial coil head - with what material that is wicked has not been specified as far as I know.
also cannot with certainty say what the wick is made up of, but as far as the bvc coils, those where cotton with a bit of mesh at the top... I also took one of the older ones apart, and the consistency is like that of cotton, but it looks more like those japanese cotton pads that are used.. also check out the video, when he shows the close up on the coil, it looks like some of the cotton threading is sticking out of it... but we will know as soon as the product is finally 100% available, hehe, it looks like it could be a success... I will however stick to my RDA, like the dripping game, hehe
Go with the Nautilus Mini you wont be disappointed and as the months go buy U WILL be looking at them RDA`s to start building your coils etc..

@Rotten_Bunny "Powerful you have become, the dark side I sense in you"
Use your nautilus mini for now, but if you dont want to rebuild, wait for a week or 2 and get the Nautilus ATLANTIS!!! Its a sub ohm tank, u can vape it upto 40w. It will keepup with anykind of vapeing... So ive heard

Yes im with @Skobbejak on this 1, watched a view reviews and it does what most RDA's can do in terms of cloud chasing and flavour. its a sub ohm Clearomiser. and its practically hassle free. Just fill the tank and blast off!!!:dance::dance::dance:
Although the specs show its capable of 20-30 watts, it actually can go as high as 45 watts!!!!

South African supplier:
China shop in Cullinan at shopping centre called Cullinan Jewel. Im aware.that 50w is too much for a clearomizer.. Like i said i am looking at all my options and the atlantis is one of them.


Rolled off a table at work a couple of days after i got it at the Chinese Shop.. Just look at the battery.

Vape the Planet

A friend of mine have one of these excact same batteries, EGO-CE4, 650mah. Also bought from a China shop, he has been using it for 9 months now, charged at least once a day. He must be one of the luckiest sob's alive.......
Make the move to a reputable RBA. It is so easy building coils and beats R20-R40 replacement fee any-day! The taste on a RBA is just great and organic cotton is cheap and much better tasting than these man made replacement coils. A kayfun 3.1 or light is a great RBA to start on and is only R350-R400.
I dont know about that, i find that organic cotton hides away flavor of the more complex juice, i have 5pawn, king crown,suicidebunny and vape goddess(my wifes) for me the flavor of these juices is better in the nautilus! I can taste the cotton in a RBA! Our other juices is ok in a RBA. Some say that the taste gets better the more u vape, but i dont see the use in waisting 4-6ml of good juice in waiting for it to taste better. Then only to have to replace your wick after two or maby 3 more tanks.
But hey.. This is only my findings on the kayfun, taifun and russian.
Everybodys taste is diffrent.
Its only my opinion
The kayfun requires alterations when it comes to airflow. For me it just doesn't make the clouds as it should, unless u start drilling holes like most ppl do.

I'm vaping only 3 months and im in no hurry to start rebuilding, i enjoy my clearomisers. My day will come when i start rebuilding:blah:
I dont know about that, i find that organic cotton hides away flavor of the more complex juice, i have 5pawn, king crown,suicidebunny and vape goddess(my wifes) for me the flavor of these juices is better in the nautilus! I can taste the cotton in a RBA! Our other juices is ok in a RBA. Some say that the taste gets better the more u vape, but i dont see the use in waisting 4-6ml of good juice in waiting for it to taste better. Then only to have to replace your wick after two or maby 3 more tanks.
But hey.. This is only my findings on the kayfun, taifun and russian.
Everybodys taste is diffrent.
Its only my opinion
I dont know bro each person is different. First of all in the Rba you have a choice of wicking with cotton ,rayon etc etc. Using the examples you have given I think the exact opposite. I cannot taste more than 1 component of a complex liquid in the nautilus. Claim your thrown through the nautilus I just taste a milky cream. Whereas through the kayfun with cotton I taste each component. To the level that I called a friend after tasting it through the nautilus and asked why he liked it so much and then vaped it a few days later through the rba and was so impressed I brought another bottle that day. I do think that some flavors like mothers milk taste good in the nautilus but most dont for me at-least. Another problem with nautilus is I find that after a tank I feel that the coil looses allot of taste! Now days I only use my RBAs and reomizer 2!
For me it is mostly about the wicking material and how you react to it. I react to cotton in exactly the way @Skobbejak does. Rayon is much better, but personally I find the best taste on Ekowool and Ceramic. Point is, experiment until you find the wicking material best suited to you.
As to rebuildables, seems to me the best taste is to be found on RDAs (Rebuildable Dripper Atomizers), but RTAs (Rebuildable Tank Atomizers) are more convenient. Of course a combination of dripper and tank is to be found in bottom fed devices.
The kayfun requires alterations when it comes to airflow. For me it just doesn't make the clouds as it should, unless u start drilling holes like most ppl do.

I'm vaping only 3 months and im in no hurry to start rebuilding, i enjoy my clearomisers. My day will come when i start rebuilding:blah:

The Lemo is the answer to the Kayfun's lack of's a cheap authentic RTA that almost rivals RDAs for airflow, has a glass tank, and is lighter than the KF. And it still builds almost exactly like the kayfun.

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