Cotton Bacon Prime

I suppose it’s one of those “each to his own” situations again.

Some loved streaky for example, others can’t stand it.

I used to steer clear of CB2 cause I just didn’t like it but have used it solidly for the last year.

Still can’t seem to see the allure of royal wick but that’ll more than likely change I’m sure.

I think the same will be with CB prime. Some will love it and Some will hate it or be completely indifferent to it.

Just like most of vaping, it all comes down to personal taste and what works for you.
I find it takes quite a bit of time to tell the difference between some of these wicks.

Maybe because my vaping is generally at lower power and less demanding that sometimes it's difficult to even tell a difference.

But I do like CB2 for tobaccoes.
Have been enjoying royal wicks in the Skyline and BB for fruity menthols.

Still need to try the new CB prime.

Thanks for all the info @Rob Fisher !
@Rob Fisher are you winning with CB Prime in your RTA's or is it still in test phase?
Oh sorry I just realised now that you said you still testing it today,I thought it was few days ago that you posted that,il wait for more feedback with regards to CB Prime in Rta's before I buy it
Oh sorry I just realised now that you said you still testing it today,I thought it was few days ago that you posted that,il wait for more feedback with regards to CB Prime in Rta's before I buy it

Yip... switched back to Titanium Fiber Cotton in my RTA's for now... will test again when I have the energy! ;-)
I suppose it’s one of those “each to his own” situations again.

Some loved streaky for example, others can’t stand it.

I used to steer clear of CB2 cause I just didn’t like it but have used it solidly for the last year.

Still can’t seem to see the allure of royal wick but that’ll more than likely change I’m sure.

I think the same will be with CB prime. Some will love it and Some will hate it or be completely indifferent to it.
Royal works exceptionally well in my BB, as well as the Skyline, just ordered some more, but I use sStreaky, nearly finished / CB 2 for the rest. Going to try cloud kicker as well, got some samples but haven't used it yet. New vape budget I'm going to get Jellyfish again, haven't found a better all rounder yet.
Royal works exceptionally well in my BB, as well as the Skyline, just ordered some more, but I use sStreaky, nearly finished / CB 2 for the rest. Going to try cloud kicker as well, got some samples but haven't used it yet. New vape budget I'm going to get Jellyfish again, haven't found a better all rounder yet.
I want to give that jellyfish a whirl as well but I have so much cotton everywhere so probably not anytime soon.
Got a friend who purchased it from Tasty Clouds yesterday and he is raving about it.
Says he doesnt get burnt hits even when the cotton is extremely dry and says that he is getting much better flavour off it.

Not sure how true it is,but it has gotten me interested indeed.
I think CBPrime combined with the "Replay" function on the DNA boards might be chicken dinner .... no more dry hits ever again ....
Not sure how others are finding the Cotton Bacon Prime but I'm finding it a little stiff and almost rough in the fingers... it appears to SHINE in an RDA or BF RDA but I'm not sure it's ideal for RTA's. But it's early days and still testing. There is little doubt that the new CB Prime is very absorbent and maybe it's a dash too absorbent for RTA's because I was getting leaking and gurgling with it... I'm interested to see what others are finding?

One thing is for sure we are spoilt for quality wicking materials these days and there are probably 4 or 5 wicking brands that just excel at the job!

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I see Cotton Candy doesn't feature in this list. Any particular reason?
Got a friend who purchased it from Tasty Clouds yesterday and he is raving about it.
Says he doesnt get burnt hits even when the cotton is extremely dry and says that he is getting much better flavour off it.

Not sure how true it is,but it has gotten me interested indeed.

As I drip exclusively (although I have a little cheapo squonker on the way) I am very keen to try this cotton.
I wicked my serpent mini 22mm this evening with CB prime and am very impressed. I can’t compare to anything other than CB v2 as that is all I have used and the Flavour is much better. Also seems to be a much airier draw if that is the correct terminology :) I could not get a dry hit no matter how hard I tried and no leaking so far.
Ok the shootout results are in... But first, a quick prelude... I've tried just about every single cotton I could lay my hands on and I fell in love with CBV2 for its versatility, ease of use and neatness. It worked well in RTA's and RDA's, as a cloud chucker and a more minimalist flavor approach. It worked in my Reo's and RM2's and OL16's just as well as Cotton Candy. It was always nice and fluffy and relatively easy to work with.

CBP is basically a cotton that has all of the above pro's, as well as 2 stand out added features that make it a fantastic wick... Firstly, it wicks fast... Like really fast... I cut 2 equal pieces of CBV2 and CBP, laid them flat on the table and put a drop of juice on each end simultaneously... Needless to say, CBP cotton was saturated a good few seconds before CBV2.

Second stand out feature... No matter how hard or fast you hit it, that burning cotton gagging sensation does not appear at all... All I get is no flavor, less vapor. No harsh ugly taste.

There's also the feel of the cotton in hand, it feels more brittle, rough and textured... It feels more resilient and strong... So I tested it. Tensile strength of CBP is higher than that of CBV2 which means no more broken cotton when pulling through coils. (I wick really, really tight as I am deathly afraid of spit-back).

Which brings me to my next pro, obviously subjective based on build, wick tightness and coil dependent, as well as numerous other factors... I experienced less spit back with CBP. This can't be a confirmed for sure statement though as there is way too many variables.

In a nutshell, I love it in the hadaly for the sole purpose that it licks up moisture like a desert rose. There is no excess juice swimming around in the Hadaly, so less likely to spill when over-squonking. So far I have not experienced any cons, I would still need more time with it to see how it holds up when in use, what happens if I forget to seal the bag correctly and leave it for a while exposed to the air etc. I know CBV2 inside out, it gets brittle and crumbly after a flight, a worn CBV2 wick mutes flavor terribly and it can only hold so much juice before it becomes a messy affair. I need to know how CBP fairs in these departments before asserting my claim that this new CB is the bees knees

P.S. It takes a minute or 2 for the cotton to break in... Between 3 and 5 small toots. This is withot priming and squonking the first juice onto the coils
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I am by no means an expert, but when something new comes along that even mentions more flavour I get it asap. Finally got this cotton from a Vape shop I didn't even know existed. Thanks to @Cornelius for telling me about Vape Odyssey in Horizon. Wicked my dead rabbit in the store couldn't wait for the hour drive home before trying it.
As @Amir mentioned there is definitely a break in period but I have nothing but praise for this cotton. Not sure of it's my imagination but the Vape feels slighty cooler than the CB v2 I replaced it with. For the fun of it I counted my hits to see how many I can get before getting a dry hit. Got to 33 before I resquonked. Still a lot of cotton out there I need to try but this so far is far beyond anything else I've tried. Awesome stuff!!
I am by no means an expert, but when something new comes along that even mentions more flavour I get it asap. Finally got this cotton from a Vape shop I didn't even know existed. Thanks to @Cornelius for telling me about Vape Odyssey in Horizon. Wicked my dead rabbit in the store couldn't wait for the hour drive home before trying it.
As @Amir mentioned there is definitely a break in period but I have nothing but praise for this cotton. Not sure of it's my imagination but the Vape feels slighty cooler than the CB v2 I replaced it with. For the fun of it I counted my hits to see how many I can get before getting a dry hit. Got to 33 before I resquonked. Still a lot of cotton out there I need to try but this so far is far beyond anything else I've tried. Awesome stuff!!

I did the next re-wick on a coil master tab and saturated the wicks, vaporized the juice then saturated and vaporized again... Then transferred it to the bliss, squonked fresh juice on to the wicks and skipped the whole new cotton taste. Jumped right into the good stuff. Mallowshake has new meaning with CBP
I did the next re-wick on a coil master tab and saturated the wicks, vaporized the juice then saturated and vaporized again... Then transferred it to the bliss, squonked fresh juice on to the wicks and skipped the whole new cotton taste. Jumped right into the good stuff. Mallowshake has new meaning with CBP
Now there is a man with a long did it take you to vaporize with these never dry wicks?
Now there is a man with a long did it take you to vaporize with these never dry wicks?

I work and build simultaneously so over the course of about an hour I just kept pulsing the tab till it was dry. No easy feat mind you... The minute you think its dry and look away, when you look back it's found juice somewhere and its sucked it up again
I work and build simultaneously so over the course of about an hour I just kept pulsing the tab till it was dry. No easy feat mind you... The minute you think its dry and look away, when you look back it's found juice somewhere and its sucked it up again
@Amir I found this series on YouTube, don't know if you've seen it. Its about wicking much harder than the status quo. Of course I had no choice but to try immediately. Pic shows normal vs new takes some doing to get it all in there...still have to run it a while longer, but give it a go, I was pleasantly surprised.1519876136031-1237639969.jpg
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@Amir I found this series on YouTube, don't know if you've seen it. Its about wicking much harder than the status quo. Of course I had no choice but to try immediately. Pic shows normal vs new takes some doing to get it all in there...still have to run it a while longer, but give it a go, I was pleasantly surprised.View attachment 124227
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I've seen this and ever since I'm a tight wicker... Sometimes so tight that it almost deforms the coil when going through and I have to use a tweezer to hold the coil in place while the wick goes through. A quick pull through back and forth to even it out and make sure its not too tight that it becomes restrictive, saturate and pulse on the tab and then carry on as normal
I've seen this and ever since I'm a tight wicker... Sometimes so tight that it almost deforms the coil when going through and I have to use a tweezer to hold the coil in place while the wick goes through. A quick pull through back and forth to even it out and make sure its not too tight that it becomes restrictive, saturate and pulse on the tab and then carry on as normal
@Amir and I had to go and spend data 3am in the morning when you had this information all along....for shame!