Buying counterfeit juices might be cheaper but PLEASE consider the hidden DANGERS:
No certificates for the compounds making up that juice
No quality control (what the H*** are you getting?)
Some counterfeit e-liquids have been found to contain dangerously high levels of nicotine and/or other harmful particles.
“We’ve found in the order of 25 or 26 different elements, including metals, in the e-cigarette aerosols,” said Dr. Prue Talbot, a professor of cell biology at the University of California, Riverside, who co-authored several of these studies. “Some of the metal particles are less than 100 nanometers in diameter, and those are a concern because they can penetrate deep into the lungs.”
Good companies have a reputation to uphold! Only buy from a REPUTABLE retailer.
#BlendsofDistinction #VapingCommunity #Don'tBuyFakes #NoToCounterfeits