Available from at the good price of R140.00 for 30 ml. Only available in 6 and 12 mg. I tried the 12 mg.
Great information given on the web site:
Bottled in rsa and fine mixed in usa.
40% Propylene Glycol, 60% Vegetable Glycerine ,
Natural and Artificial food flavouring and Nicotine
and sterile water. 100% alcohol free.
Description of the juice on the web page:
Juicy grapefruit and a blast of key lime come together in this signature flavour.
A perfect balance of sweet and sour.
My impressions:
Vaped this on my usual testing setup. A Reo Mini with a Chalice III at 0.61 ohms (around 28W) with ceramic wicking.
Was drawn to Limelight because of the "a perfect balance between sweet and sour". However, on tasting my palate did not detect a shred of sour, only sweet. The grapefruit and the lime aromas are very evident. And very authentic. I persisted over a period of 2 days and vaped about 3 ml, but this for me is more of a dessert juice than a fruit juice. My taste does not like a sweetish grapefruit and lime combination.
As has been said on this forum numerous time, taste is very subjective. My daughter in law just loves this juice and thinks it is the bees knees - also did not find any sour notes though. So, she inherited the bottle.
Bottom line: A well executed juice and great value for money. Unless you have an American palate, do not expect any sour/tart notes. If you like genuine grapefruit and lime aromas on a sweet base, this is for you.
EDIT 21/04/2015: At the first opportunity the daughter in law filled her mAN with Limelight. Vaping at 9.5W on the iStick 20W (around 11W on most other regulated devices), she complained that the juice was too sour and she did not like it as much as on the Reo with Chalice at around 28W. Of course, I tasted and agreed with her that it was almost all grapefruit and nice and tart - just the way I liked it.
As a further experiment I cleaned out the Lemo 2 and replaced the pre-installed coil with my own (8 wraps of 26 g Kanthal with 2.5mm ID at 1.02 ohms), wicked with Native Wick according to the very good tutorial by @free3dom elsewhere on this forum.
Yes, indeed, the more power the sweeter the juice. At around 27W daughter in law was satisfied with the juice again - the sweetness and the lime well developed. I like it around 18 to 20W - just a touch of sweet lime.
New bottom line: This juice is a chameleon - at low power it is quite tart, as you up the power it becomes sweeter.
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