Did I break it?

Simple rule that was mentioned on the forum before - keep atties with spring-loaded 510 connectors far away from your hybrid mech mods. The spring compresses and the negative end of the atty WILL screw all the way down and touch the positive battery terminal, creating a short circuit the instant you fire it.

The Atlantis can be safely paired with the Aspire CF MOD range which was designed for it. It might not be regulated, but it does have some additional fail-safes built in to keep you from blowing yourself up.

Mod manufacturers should include literature & safety warnings with their products, just like a vehicle's owner manual. Store owners might potentially give a short 'safety first' schpiel when selling someone a mod, but at the end of the day it's still up to the user to use the device responsibly.

Just like noob bikers ride 'extra' careful when starting out and pushes all possible limits 6 months down the line, us vapers also 'forget' the basic stuff when we think we know we have some experience. We all f up. We're just human after all.

Oh, and Murphy. Never forget about him, as that bastard has got us all covered.
Yeah that Murphy fella, love him to bits. Only he would make the plastic bankie of spare orings and screws completely vanish two days after i finally consolidate all my collected spare crews, o-rings and stuff like that in one bankie. :banghead:
He is spot on! I have vented 2 batteries with the Atlantis. A VTC5 and a new version AW! :-(
Funny enough, I accidentally discovered ( ie I dropped my mod:oops:) the design flaws in the Atlantis last night. There's 2 main areas which are contributing to disaster:
1) The positive post on the coil has enough play for it to be pressed slight further into the coil body.
2) The Positive post on the base also has enough play to be pressed into the base.

Because the Atlantis is springless, the base positive post makes direct contact with the coil positive post. There is enough friction to prevent slippage when using mods with spring-loaded 510's, but anything that is applying more force to the base post WILL create enough pressure to push it up and because there is some play in the coil post, both the coil post and base post minutely move up together about 0.5-1.0mm, enough to result in the base positive post becoming flush with the negative......ZAP ! Instant hard short when using anything that has a positive equal or wider than 510, hybrids become the worse-case scenario.
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