Discussion - Juice Competition - Best Of Ecigssa

Guys please reread the first post in this thread. I think we are derailing here.

Although some vendors have responded and said they are in, none of those have explicitly said they are happy to contribute samples.

The competition is supposed to reveal:

The best international juice - as voted by ECIGSSA members
The best local juice - as voted by ECIGSSA members

This will be in sub catergories.
Well maybe a little... and then how realized how dof that post was. No offense.
There is a much easier way… send them all to me and if any stay in a REO for longer than 2ml’s then they win! @oupa’s Menthol Ice will have to into a special category! :rock:
Maybe we just should create a threat, with 2 sub categories : local juice and imported juice. Then all the forum members enter the name of juice and how they rate it out of 10. That way u can see a complete list of what's popular an what in terms of how many people rate the juices and what scores have been allocated. This a great idea @devdev

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@Zuzu88 that is familiar to the overall idea of the comp, except we plan to automate the collection of data so that no one has the job of running around like a blue bummed insect trying to collate the data. Also eliminates human error
Non takin ;)

I also realize how dof mine is, considering that I can't seem to compile a proper sentance. The fact that my spel checker no longer works doesn't help :D

Back on topic. I like this idea. Not in the sense of the comp, but it's going to give us a good idea where SA stands on liquids , be it local or international. It will show us a little something about our vape culture.
Hey guys... regarding those samples. I think Dev covered it already.
I cannot afford to supply samples of my lines. Simple as that.
Another thing, I feel that finding good liquids is a journey.

It's starts off by hearing about it, looking for reviews on the web, making up your mind, buying it, trying it and then deciding if it was worth the effort to get hold of.
Providing samples of my lines cuts out 90% of that journey. And even though that journey is expensive, it's part of this hobby.

Sometimes a good juice is about more than just taste. It's the excitement, the anticipation, the supply and demand factor... and then finally, the grand finale - that it actually was worth everything you went through and the price to get it. I'd like to preserve this.

Then there's also the fact that I cannot bankroll providing samples to the masses... have I mentioned that already?

Oh and then here's also the fact that I cannot bankroll providing samples to the masses...

Every single cent that SΩV has made has gone back into building a bigger and better SΩV. Pair that with the give aways we do on a regular basis I can not fit in any more promotional gigs. I do like the idea though.

nailed it on the head rev. if there is going to be votes and stuff for best juices i really don't think the vendors should be supplying ANY juices at all
Yep... I'm with RevnLucky7 on that one. I do however feel vendors can rate juices that they do not stock of they feel like rating juices. This is not going to be a quick survey, it wall take a while to get a good collection of data going

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Quetion: How do we know the person submitting his or her vote did taste the juice, or are not just in it to scew the voting proses, take a pic of the bottle next to your mod?
Here's a suggestion. It may not work but worth mentioning. Why not run a poll for about 3 months allowing people to vote on which juices they currently use and rate as their favorite in those categories. These would be juices they have already tried and enjoy. If vendors wish to get their juices tasted for this poll, they could offer in store testing (I'm not sure what online stores could do). After this poll is completed, there will be a top 5 list of each category and these vendors can then choose to supply a sample of these juices to a smaller meet up of judges. That way they can be voted in and then judged by a panel of "experts" to cut down the amount of samples needing to be provided. They can then perhaps vote and combine their votes with the poll votes and come to a final winner for each category.
Dev, is there a way to limit forum access by post count or similar? Might be worth trying to limit access to however we decide to run this - even if it's a thread and I end up having to copy/paste all the submissions.
It could be possible to limit certain categories of user yes, but we have always tried to steer away from that as any form of elite access effectively runs at odds with the principles of the forum.

Still, it could be done quite simply by locking the thread and only giving those who need to be able to edit it moderator rights
I more mean having something like a 5 post requirement to get access to the link to the form - this can be doubled up by requiring a username or link to userpage in the submission form.

Just saying this in terms of protection against vote skewing..
LOL. We had a vote skewing incident back in December when things were still small.

I think a post limit could be possible, probably do it in region of 20posts.

I think surveymonkey could be a better option, since we can tell people to use their forum names. If we see it is anyone who has signed up very recently we can ignore their votes
Wasn't around then hey, but seems like it's a good point.

Sounds good!!!
@VapeTownZA Have a look at post #34
Sorry can't see post numbers on my phone. Mind copy pasting it or tagging me in a quote to it?

We'd be happy to help by hosting the survey through our Facebook page. People would have to use their Facebook accounts but it ensures you can see how often people vote etc. I think survey monkey limits the amount of replies you get unless you pay. Will research.
Sorry can't see post numbers on my phone. Mind copy pasting it or tagging me in a quote to it?

We'd be happy to help by hosting the survey through our Facebook page. People would have to use their Facebook accounts but it ensures you can see how often people vote etc. I think survey monkey limits the amount of replies you get unless you pay. Will research.

That's really kind of you man, not sure if I am out of place here, but that might end up being VapeTown subscribers flavour of the year, not so much ecigssa's winner - not to mention that not everyone uses facebook...
That's really kind of you man, not sure if I am out of place here, but that might end up being VapeTown subscribers flavour of the year, not so much ecigssa's winner - not to mention that not everyone uses facebook...
That's true. Well I'll put it out there as an option for incase we need a poll on Facebook. I'll do some research into surveys tomorrow. Might be some very simple forum plugins or something. Will update when I get more info.
This is a great initiative and something I would like to see done well
I support it in principle - it just has to be done in the right way
Let me think about this and will post some thoughts next week.