Disposable Tanks and Sub ohm Tanks: My Thoughts

Feedback about how long the coil lasts on the Mystique Disposable:

I started using a tank on 23 May and today the coil was finished, so that's 2 weeks. However, I haven't used oInly that one tank all the time. I alternate betweeen two Mystique tanks and my iJust 3s.

@Silver, I'm afraid I won't be able to use just one Mystique tank to see how long it lasts. The juice capacity is only 3ml and it drives me nuts! It lasts 1.5 hours only before I need to refill and if I have to refill every 1.5 hours I'll go into a rapid decline.
Feedback about how long the coil lasts on the Mystique Disposable:

I started using a tank on 23 May and today the coil was finished, so that's 2 weeks. However, I haven't used oInly that one tank all the time. I alternate betweeen two Mystique tanks and my iJust 3s.

@Silver, I'm afraid I won't be able to use just one Mystique tank to see how long it lasts. The juice capacity is only 3ml and it drives me nuts! It lasts 1.5 hours only before I need to refill and if I have to refill every 1.5 hours I'll go into a rapid decline.

Thanks for the feedback @Hooked

With these tanks that one doesn’t use exclusively I would just keep a record of how many tankfuls of juice you go through before you need a coil change.

If a commercial coil can do 30-40mls of juice then that’s good in my book
Thanks for the feedback @Hooked

With these tanks that one doesn’t use exclusively I would just keep a record of how many tankfuls of juice you go through before you need a coil change.

If a commercial coil can do 30-40mls of juice then that’s good in my book

@Silver, Ah yes, forgot about that method. When I start a new tank I'll note the number of tankfuls
I lent a mod with a Mystique tank to one of the TCG guys. Full story here

He put it in his pocket; it autofired and the driptip of the Mystique melted


Melted Mystique_Luciano TCG.jpg
The little silicon stopper that needs to be lifted to fill the tank with juice is quite small and a little fiddly to work with. I was in a hurry the other day and as I lifted it, it went flying off somewhere. I still haven't found it!

And this, folks, is exactly why I said in a post above that if you buy a single tank you're losing out, because you don't get extra silicone stoppers. Whereas if you buy a pack of three, there are three extra stoppers in the pack.

I was too lazy to go to another room to get an extra one, so I just used Prestik - and I've continued to use it!. It works perfectly too, but of course it doesn't look great and I would never go out with my mod looking like this!

Mystique Prestik.jpg
I lent a mod with a Mystique tank to one of the TCG guys. Full story here

He put it in his pocket; it autofired and the driptip of the Mystique melted


View attachment 168899

Thanks @Hooked
Interesting ;-)

That also demonstrates why its so important to use the correct batteries in a vaping device that uses external batteries. If it gets stuck in your pocket in an autofiring position and your build is too low - or the batteries are unsuitable - it could lead to problems. The battery could vent and not just the atty that melts a bit - but you could get quite injured.

Battery safety is very important in vaping.
With these tanks that one doesn’t use exclusively I would just keep a record of how many tankfuls of juice you go through before you need a coil change.

If a commercial coil can do 30-40mls of juice then that’s good in my book

@Silver I have an answer for you. 10 tanks of 3ml = 30ml of juice before I needed to replace the Mystique tank.

What I found interesting was that at the end I didn't get the throat burn which I usually get when a coil needs to be replaced. There was just no flavour on the 11th tank so I threw it away.

I also tried the Tesla disposable tank and it was exactly the same!
Someone made a comment somewhere about how bad these disposable tanks are for the environment, because they're made of plastic. That is true and I don't know what the answer is to disposing of the disposable tanks.

We're all trying not to use plastic nowadays e.g. our local Spar no longer supplies those disposable plastic carrier bags. One must use one of those big, long-lasting bags, or buy a brown paper bag. They don't supply plastic straws either. That's highly commendable but ...

I fill at least one large black garbage bag a week with plastic from fruit containers, yoghurt tubs, containers of cream etc. So quite honestly, a 3ml tank is not the biggest concern!
I fill at least one large black garbage bag a week with plastic from fruit containers, yoghurt tubs, containers of cream etc. So quite honestly, a 3ml tank is not the biggest concern!

I 100% agree with you @Hooked! I always have stock of some Mystique tanks... they are brilliant disposables... my Brother-in-law in Canada uses them exclusively because it gives him great flavour and he just hates any hassle... all he has to do is fill and vape. The Mystique Tanks have gotten him off the stinkies! So they are a Chicken Dinner!
I will never endorse the usage of disposable tanks no matter how good they are. And because I know people, 90% of them will end up not being recycled.
It represents such a opposite side of what i feel vaping is all about ..... a healthier alternative. You think nature is smiling at these?
F.CK these disposable tanks and anyone that uses them and DOES NOT dispose of them in the correct manner.
People should recycle end of story but a bit of a rant there with all the plastic we all use in daily life and when it comes to vaping e-liquid bottles are a far bigger issue but your not saying "F.CK these e-liquid bottles and anyone that uses them and DOES NOT dispose of them in the correct manner" which seems it's more a go about disposable tanks. I do occasionally use them and won't go and F.CK myself thanks!
My own thoughts are although not close to rebuildables are surprisingly good for flavour and most are made very well. When i first tried one i was expecting the plastic to give a bit of a taste but that just doesn't happen and they give as good flavour as a good sub-ohm standard tank with mesh coils. I find them useful to have for emergencies etc and serve a purpose although i don't like the trend of including them as a kit tank. Great write up @Dela Rey Steyn !
@Silver I have an answer for you. 10 tanks of 3ml = 30ml of juice before I needed to replace the Mystique tank.

What I found interesting was that at the end I didn't get the throat burn which I usually get when a coil needs to be replaced. There was just no flavour on the 11th tank so I threw it away.

I also tried the Tesla disposable tank and it was exactly the same!

Thanks @Hooked
30ml is not bad -

What juices were you vaping if I may ask in those 10 tankfuls?
Were they light coloured juices light on coils or darker richer juices that are tough on coils?
Thanks @Hooked
30ml is not bad -

What juices were you vaping if I may ask in those 10 tankfuls?
Were they light coloured juices light on coils or darker richer juices that are tough on coils?

Pastei de Nata (Portuguese Egg Tart) - 6 tanks (since it's a custardy juice it would be hard on coils)
Vape Juice SA - Marula - 2 tanks (a light juice)
Chai Latte - 2 tanks (fairly light)

For me the issue isn't how long the tank lasts, but how long the juice lasts in the tank. These tanks just slurp the juice. I finish a 3ml tank in 1.5 hours - if I'm lucky. If I'm chain-vaping within half an hour I need to refill.

Because of the amount of juice one goes through, I wouldn't use these tanks on a full-time basis.

Also, they are inclined to leak (or condensation) at the bottom. At first I thought they didn't, but now I agree with @Chanelr
on this. I'm not sure what this leaking is, as it doesn't happen all the time. I'll post a pic next time.

Here you can see how much it leaks - or perhaps that's just condensation but it's a helluva lot of condensation!!

Perhaps I should vape at a higher wattage? I vape at 42W.

I wonder if other people have the same issue? @Rob Fisher what about your brother-in-law?

Mystique Leaking.jpg

Here you can see how much it leaks - or perhaps that's just condensation but it's a helluva lot of condensation!!

Perhaps I should vape at a higher wattage? I vape at 42W.

I wonder if other people have the same issue? @Rob Fisher what about your brother-in-law?

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I can't say I have noticed anything other than some condensation... I have never had any leaks from them.

Here you can see how much it leaks - or perhaps that's just condensation but it's a helluva lot of condensation!!

Perhaps I should vape at a higher wattage? I vape at 42W.

I wonder if other people have the same issue? @Rob Fisher what about your brother-in-law?

View attachment 170805
When you get spots of liquid on your device like shown in the picture it's condensation, e-liquid pools!
@Silver I have an answer for you. 10 tanks of 3ml = 30ml of juice before I needed to replace the Mystique tank.

What I found interesting was that at the end I didn't get the throat burn which I usually get when a coil needs to be replaced. There was just no flavour on the 11th tank so I threw it away.

I also tried the Tesla disposable tank and it was exactly the same!
If there was just no flavour on the 11th tank it sounds like you use tanks/coils till they are flavourless, some people change as soon as there is any noticeable drop off in flavour and others anywhere in-between.
Do you get that on all the tanks or just one of them @Hooked?

@Silver On all the Mystique tanks and irrespective of what juice I'm vaping. Can condensation be that much???

By the way, I'm trying out the Tesla disposable now too - will give feedback.
If there was just no flavour on the 11th tank it sounds like you use tanks/coils till they are flavourless, some people change as soon as there is any noticeable drop off in flavour and others anywhere in-between.

@Timwis I noticed a drop-off on the 10th tank but it wasn't bad enough to decide to call it a day. There was sufficient flavour for me to refill again, but unfortunately that did not work!
I have 3 Smok atties , 2 rebuildables and one with a replaceable coil and had them for about 18 months , I sometimes prefer my Smoks above my Gear or JK Mini . It is easier to grab the Smok light up edition [coil] and go , no hassle , no mess.
I have 3 Smok atties , 2 rebuildables and one with a replaceable coil and had them for about 18 months , I sometimes prefer my Smoks above my Gear or JK Mini . It is easier to grab the Smok light up edition [coil] and go , no hassle , no mess.

@ARYANTO You might want to try a disposable tank on one of your SMOKs - that will be even easier and quicker than replacing a coil ;) - and the flavour from these disposable tanks is truly very good indeed!!