Distinguishing a Seller vs a Flipper

Whats your views on flipping?

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You are always entitled to also bargain on classifieds too. If you don't believe you should pay the price they ask. Then start your path on getting the price down as you checked sources a b and c and believe the price could be far better. Do it personally though. As price battles is something everyone suffers in the land of South Africa. We pay far more than the item is worth when you convert dollars to rands..
You are always entitled to also bargain on classifieds too. If you don't believe you should pay the price they ask. Then start your path on getting the price down as you checked sources a b and c and believe the price could be far better. Do it personally though. As price battles is something everyone suffers in the land of South Africa. We pay far more than the item is worth when you convert dollars to rands..

And this is exactly the reason I tend not to advertise on the Classies anymore. Some buyers yes do their homework but other's just come with stupid offers/trades or lowball offers and that well suppose is their right , but this isn't some corner shop where you can haggle with the vendor for a better price on Simba chips :p

As for the flipping of goods it's been around for years , supply and demand created by the makers IMHO and fueled by the flippers..... but like someone mentioned there are places for that kind of thing ...not here...
i vote let the flipper be. classifieds is for selling 2nd hand vape gear. so as long as its not new gear he is flipping i have no issue.
You as the buyer have a choice whether you willing to pay the asking price for the gear in question.
. so as long as its not new gear he is flipping i have no issue.

But if he was flipping new gear it would be better, at least you would be paying RRP or flipper price on a new item.

At moment one is paying flipper price on second hand gear.
I won't elaborate but I've seen some guys asking for ridiculous prices on 2nd hand gear, more than RRP on a new piece exactly same. I really don't think such belongs here...
But if he was flipping new gear it would be better, at least you would be paying RRP or flipper price on a new item.

At moment one is paying flipper price on second hand gear.

If someone buys second hand gear and retail price then that is either because he is desperate for that piece of hardware or alternatively not clued up as to what the actual selling price of the item is. But the rest of guys wont get caught out by that and will call the seller out on the product.

In addition if i decide that i desperately need money for some private matter and sell all my guy at ridiculously low prices to a friend of mine who doesnt need it but buys it to help me out. why should he not be allowed to resell the items at whatever the going rate for second hand gear is?
I dont really think this matter is an issue. Everybody is looking to make a buck. I say if they get a buyer then let them be.
On plenty of forums one is only allowed to use the classifieds once you have reached a certain amount of posts. In this way you won't have guys joining ecigssa just to post something for sale . Many of the posts are post#1 in for sale threads.. maybe 100 posts or more gains you use of the 'for sale tread'

Also in my opinion , I hustle for my vape goodies. Its not everyone that can afford to just fork out hard cash. So I sometimes flip/trade-up to allow myself to reach what I want,taken into account it's gets regenerated into the hobby and not seen as a business to make profit for other purposes. I don't believe older participating members on ecigssa will 'flip' goods for profits and so by enforcing the 100+ posts before u can use sales category should help.

Also the mods should intervene in case where guys exploits situations in the classifieds as it is a rule that members may not discuss pricing etc. To each his own,but currently there are adds for items that's more than it'll cost one brand new..

Just my 2c

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I think it comes down to trust , you trust that long standing members won't exploit those in the same community.

It's also a two way street though , once you are known as a "flipper" your days in the Classies will get pretty lonely ....
I for one do not possess the cash flow that allows me to indulge in buying HE or rare gear. Maybe one a year. :)
Fortunately i very rarely see a piece of hardware that, to me, is worth the price being sold at.
I watch a crapload of reviews and many times you see a reviewer discussing such an item he purchased but never again you see him using or referring to it in videos he/she does after that one.
My theory is that a lot of vapers buy these items because it is a trend or that it makes them feel special or that they crave the attention they receive when others know they have obtained it but in the majority of these cases those special moments are temporary.
I buy what i think would be a great piece of hardware despite it's position in the top 10 or it's level of availability in the Russian underground.

So what is my point?
I have no problem with a person selling his personal property at the price he desires. It is my option as a sane human to accept, decline or ignore the opportunity.
We have vapers in this community that love buying expensive gear for whatever the reason and they would then have the chance to satisfy their needs via a more familiar environment.
As long as it does not become a commercial trend meaning that you don't see one specific individual flipping a variety of these goods often. But ecigssa members have the keen ability to spot that a mile away. :)

I must admit that i enjoy seeing all these goodies but that is where it stops most of the times because i realise that it is just another mod that does exactly the same as my Therion, Hcigar or Smok Alien. I am one for practicality and hence enjoy a certain market while others enjoy other things ..... why limit them?

A mod to me must look good, have a great battery life, feel great in the hand, be within my affordable price range, durable components and have that something special that caters to my taste or preferance.
Some very good points there @KZOR

Psssst, I've seen some leka stuff u own.. where do u sell them. Please tell

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I think it comes down to trust , you trust that long standing members won't exploit those in the same community.

It's also a two way street though , once you are known as a "flipper" your days in the Classies will get pretty lonely ....
I don't agree.. one can flip within a certain range very successfully. As long as u dnt cross that RRP line !!! Like @Marzuq said, what if some rich friend of urs no longer wants to vape and sells you his stuff for dirt cheap and u later advertise at a good 2nd hand price but still profitable for you.. note, not all flippers are bad guys .....

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I don't agree.. one can flip within a certain range very successfully. As long as u dnt cross that RRP line !!! Like @Marzuq said, what if some rich friend of urs no longer wants to vape and sells you his stuff for dirt cheap and u later advertise at a good 2nd hand price but still profitable for you.. note, not all flippers are bad guys .....

That's exactly what flipping is , extorting the market/demand or a "rich friend" for your own financial gain .... anyway I'm not accusing anyone or getting into the merits of it to each one his own .....
That's exactly what flipping is , extorting the market/demand or a "rich friend" for your own financial gain .... anyway I'm not accusing anyone or getting into the merits of it to each one his own .....
How are you extorting the market if you come in under RRP. And the 'rich friend' was just an example fyi and also 'for your own financial gain' as u mentioned.. what if it's as a means to push your vape hobby to the next level? Referring to guys who are not strapped with cash to spend on nice vapes

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I would say the quantity and condition of item is an easy way to spot. For example someone selling 5 sealed atomisers or mods.

There are much easier ways to do it. Facebook etc, why would people bother on this forum?

In order to control this, Admin will have to police pricing. How feasible this is, I have no idea. If the policing is not going to happen then it is what it is. I agree with those that mentioned it's upon the buyer to decide what an item is worth to them. A buyer can be equally wrong by creating a market for these "Flippers" by not doing their homework and paying higher prices.

Should a pattern be identified where a particular user is trying to "Flip" items regularly, then that should be dealt with individually.

Users also have an opportunity to state if they "think" an item is overpriced, this can potentially save an unsuspecting buyer.
I still believe that we should simply introduce a commission fee on all sales to ECIGSSA. This starts touching onto moral issues which if difficult to judge.

Sent by iDad's iPhone
I still believe that we should simply introduce a commission fee on all sales to ECIGSSA. This starts touching onto moral issues which if difficult to judge.

Sent by iDad's iPhone
My word ..

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Hi guys

This thread is good for us to read and its interesting to see the views of the members.

There are two issues here and I feel its important to separate them out

1. The issue of so called "flippers" selling 2nd hand goods for more than the recommended retail price.

2. The issue of folks using the Classifieds to regularly do this and in so doing they are trading as if they have a small business of sorts.

On issue 1), Personally, I don't like the act of "flipping". But its not something we can police easily neither is there a policy against such practice. Willing buyer, willing seller applies. Buyers need to do their research.

But on issue 2), if someone is using the Classifieds to run a business of sorts, then thats not cool and goes against the rules of the Classifieds, which are meant for personal trading only.

So if someone regularly buys items only for the purpose of selling them on the Classifieds, then please notify the Admin and Mod team via PM or by reporting the post. The member concerned will be asked if they would like to apply to become a supporting vendor and if they are serious enough about it then its better for them to conduct that activity in their own dedicated vendor subforum while contributing toward the forum.
Hi guys

This thread is good for us to read and its interesting to see the views of the members.

There are two issues here and I feel its important to separate them out

1. The issue of so called "flippers" selling 2nd hand goods for more than the recommended retail price.

2. The issue of folks using the Classifieds to regularly do this and in so doing they are trading as if they have a small business of sorts.

On issue 1), Personally, I don't like the act of "flipping". But its not something we can police easily neither is there a policy against such practice. Willing buyer, willing seller applies. Buyers need to do their research.

But on issue 2), if someone is using the Classifieds to run a business of sorts, then thats not cool and goes against the rules of the Classifieds, which are meant for personal trading only.

So if someone regularly buys items only for the purpose of selling them on the Classifieds, then please notify the Admin and Mod team via PM or by reporting the post. The member concerned will be asked if they would like to apply to become a supporting vendor and if they are serious enough about it then its better for them to conduct that activity in their own dedicated vendor subforum while contributing toward the forum.

@Silver could we also maybe add on the classifieds template RRP .

I know iteam prices vary store to store but then in those cases the seller could always use the average price.
One store has iteam X for R400
Another store has iteam X for R550
Then RRP would be R475

Im with everyone (although i still dont think its right) on the fact a seller is can choose what ever so price he feels hes iteam is worth.

But i think if a seller has his price sitting next to the RRP it will in a way make the seller rethink their price.
If someone buys second hand gear and retail price then that is either because he is desperate for that piece of hardware or alternatively not clued up as to what the actual selling price of the item is. But the rest of guys wont get caught out by that and will call the seller out on the product.

In addition if i decide that i desperately need money for some private matter and sell all my guy at ridiculously low prices to a friend of mine who doesnt need it but buys it to help me out. why should he not be allowed to resell the items at whatever the going rate for second hand gear is?
I dont really think this matter is an issue. Everybody is looking to make a buck. I say if they get a buyer then let them be.

I agree brother and i know it should be on the buyer to do research but i just cant help but feel someone will get taken advantage off.

There has been guys weve helped out on the forum where they say a friend's, friend is selling this mod and that mod for a certain amount "is it a good deal" he asks and it wasnt a good deal.

If we have RRP as a template on the classies this can help buyers especialy new peeps joing our ever growing forum.
@Silver could we also maybe add on the classifieds template RRP .

I know iteam prices vary store to store but then in those cases the seller could always use the average price.
One store has iteam X for R400
Another store has iteam X for R550
Then RRP would be R475

Im with everyone (although i still dont think its right) on the fact a seller is can choose what ever so price he feels hes iteam is worth.

But i think if a seller has his price sitting next to the RRP it will in a way make the seller rethink their price.

Hi @Clouds4Days , while that might be a nice idea, its going to be very difficult for us to make sure that sellers put that piece of info in. And whether that info is reasonable or accurate. I think its up to buyers to do their homework and check out the prices on a few retailer websites. Dont think its too much trouble for buyers to do that before buying a second hand item.
I agree brother and i know it should be on the buyer to do research but i just cant help but feel someone will get taken advantage off.

There has been guys weve helped out on the forum where they say a friend's, friend is selling this mod and that mod for a certain amount "is it a good deal" he asks and it wasnt a good deal.

If we have RRP as a template on the classies this can help buyers especialy new peeps joing our ever growing forum.

@Clouds4Days , how about this

If you see a seller you feel has a price that is too high, rate the advert as "optimistic". Then PM the admin and mod team and lets see what we can do. If the seller is doing this repeatedly, we can ask them to stop this behaviour.

I spend a fair amount of time in the Classifieds and I do not believe this issue you are referring to is a common problem. But maybe I am mistaken. Please let me know examples of such adverts. If you do not feel comfortable linking them here, feel free to PM me with the details.
2. The issue of folks using the Classifieds to regularly do this and in so doing they are trading as if they have a small business of sorts.
That and as per the OP, if you regularly do that on this forum then you should register as a vendor. My flipping 2c.
@Silver @Clouds4Days while members trying to sell goods for higher than RRP is an issue, i feel trying to regulate this firstly will be an extremely expensive task in the way of time and then there is the issue of trying to tell someone what they can and cant sell their own items for.
Flippers selling for higher than RRP is an issue, i agree on that, but its up to the individual to do his research and ensure that he does not get caught while buying via the classifieds. Buying on the classifieds is a risk. one we all accept whether it be that you pay via eft for goods from someone outside your own are and then get stiffed. or whether the condition says 9/10 but when it reaches you its a 6/10.
Personally i feel this issue rather requires an awareness to be created around the topic rather than try to regulate it.
I don’t think of a flipper as someone that buys a product and adds 10-20% n then resells but rather guys that bring in a mod that should retail at R3000, they hype it up for weeks on the forum before it lands and once it does, they then go into raptures about how amazing and life changing it is, only for it to suddenly appear on the classifieds for R6000.