Hey all,
So with @DizZa from The Flavour Mill bringing in some of the No Fly list juices such as Sugar Cookie V1, I decided to finally give Funfetti a try and mix up a batch as everyone said Sugar Cookie V1 is a must for the Funfetti recipe.
Aaaand so I did. Mixed it on the 15th December exactly according to the recipe here: http://diyordievaping.com/2015/08/26/lets-mix-funfetti/
I used syringes so I was pretty darn accurate in terms of my percentages.
Tried it as a shake n vape, nope, then left it alone for 5 days as per the recommended steep time.
Tried it again and still nope, WTF is going on here. Tastes nothing like the Funfetti I tried previously - which was superb! Without a doubt a strong cakey taste and vanilla.
My mixture taste like biscuit, perhaps even burnt biscuit.
I even made another batch on the 16th and tried that 2 days ago and the same thing - so no ways I got the percentages incorrect. I am wondering how burnt biscuit steeps into a lovely, fluffy vanilla sponge cake? Along with the recommended steep time of 4 or 5 days, I am unsure what is going on here and am looking for a bit of advice.
Does it just need to steep for longer or am I going crazy?
So with @DizZa from The Flavour Mill bringing in some of the No Fly list juices such as Sugar Cookie V1, I decided to finally give Funfetti a try and mix up a batch as everyone said Sugar Cookie V1 is a must for the Funfetti recipe.
Aaaand so I did. Mixed it on the 15th December exactly according to the recipe here: http://diyordievaping.com/2015/08/26/lets-mix-funfetti/
I used syringes so I was pretty darn accurate in terms of my percentages.
Tried it as a shake n vape, nope, then left it alone for 5 days as per the recommended steep time.
Tried it again and still nope, WTF is going on here. Tastes nothing like the Funfetti I tried previously - which was superb! Without a doubt a strong cakey taste and vanilla.
My mixture taste like biscuit, perhaps even burnt biscuit.
I even made another batch on the 16th and tried that 2 days ago and the same thing - so no ways I got the percentages incorrect. I am wondering how burnt biscuit steeps into a lovely, fluffy vanilla sponge cake? Along with the recommended steep time of 4 or 5 days, I am unsure what is going on here and am looking for a bit of advice.
Does it just need to steep for longer or am I going crazy?