2015 Bill Gates, in his conference meeting with the G7( people that run the globe) he states the following. " the earth is overpopulated and we are running out of resources. If we do a really good job in the future with vaccines and health care services, the global population number can be brought down" so lets take a look...
The same guy that said this 6 years ago, is now miraculously come up with a plan to save humanity, with a vaccine.wake up already. We are facing mass genocide/ holocaust.
People won't believe it because its to farfetched, sounds unreal. And thats exactly the abused point.
Im also done with the topic. Thanks for your response.
Love how covidiots and auntie-waxxers can take things out of context to suit their own ignorant agenda.
On this forum we have some healthcare workers, spouses of healthcare workers, and families of victims that have experienced this pandemic on a whole different level than you have in the comfort of your lounge.
Telling us to "wake up" when we can't even get some some sleep is a bloody insult to every healthcare worker and everybody that lost somebody close to them.