Doge RDA for free

@TommyL gets the doge.
Because @DoubleD has never vaped an RDA before an Atomic will find its way to him.
Sorry @Hami but persevere with that TOBH its still one of my favorite RDA's.

Tommy and DoubleD plz pm to arrange collection or courier.
@TommyL gets the doge.
Because @DoubleD has never vaped an RDA before an Atomic will find its way to him.
Sorry @Hami but persevere with that TOBH its still one of my favorite RDA's.

Tommy and DoubleD plz pm to arrange collection or courier.
Thank you so much man! So stoked!
@TommyL gets the doge.
Because @DoubleD has never vaped an RDA before an Atomic will find its way to him.
Sorry @Hami but persevere with that TOBH its still one of my favorite RDA's.

Tommy and DoubleD plz pm to arrange collection or courier.

WOW! :O @Gazzacpt Thank you so much! Truly grateful mate.

(I'm :censored: bricks right now! seriously WOW!)