Doubles, triples, quadruples...


Flavour and throat hit seeker
Staff member
Starting this thread in honour of @Amir who mentioned on another thread its the first time he bought double of something in several years of vaping - two SXK Billet Boxes.

Which devices have you enjoyed so much that you have bought more than one of the exact same device? Can be a mod or atty. And still using them and enjoying them for a while?

I will start

  • Two Innokin MVP2 mods - bought near when I started. Still in daily use today by HRH
  • Four Reo Grands - about 3 years now - still rocking strong and I love them. Two of them have been used a lot less in the past year or so not because I dont like them but the newer gear is distracting me. They still sit in my vape cave looking at me and it makes me feel bad from time to time.

I have a spare Lemo1, a spare Subtank Mini (bought recently from @SAVapeGear ) and a few spare Evod1s. But these are not in double use. They just sitting quietly in the cupboard in their boxes waiting to be deployed. Its more of a psychological comfort thing for me, knowing I have backups of my loved devices.

Oh wow this will be interesting.

I love the merlin mini tank so much i have 3 of them and considering a 4 as i would like to have more variance in my daily juice selections.
Oh wow, @antonherbst , @KZOR

Merlin mini was much loved. Have one but didnt spend enough time with it. Need to play more on it.

@KZOR, i always think of you when I think of the Goon. And the way you say Goon in your videos. Hehe
@Silver another strong point on the merlin mini is that it can be used as a mtl atty as the kit comes with 2 airflow restrickter screws.

I dont personally use the mtl function but for the wife i have 1 merlin setup with it running. And she loves it.
3 x reo grands (2x lp standard 1 x sl lp) ugly as hell but for me it just works great and very durable
2× hadaly (great flavour easy to build on)
@Silver another strong point on the merlin mini is that it can be used as a mtl atty as the kit comes with 2 airflow restrickter screws.

I dont personally use the mtl function but for the wife i have 1 merlin setup with it running. And she loves it.

Ok thanks
I will try it - was aware of the restrictor but havent used it yet.
Noted in the "Vape To Do list"
3 goons
Thinking of a second BBox

Does it count if the goons are the 3 different ones??
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6 Reo'
6 OL16's
4 Hadaly's
4 Cyclones
3 SXK Billet Box
4 Insider
4 Exocet
10 Reo 6ml bottles
10 Reo 3ml bottles
8 Super soft bottles

Then singles ; Tmod, SVA, Sigelei 213, Leprechaun, 26650 Squonker, Snapdragon 1.5, Hussar RDTA, Pulse, and a lot of atty's in the spares box.
Batteries about 20
Let's stop for now :banana:
3 Reo Grands, 1 Reo P67, 1 Reo Mini, 2 VT Inboxes - all with OL16s and each carrying a specific juice category and alternatively vaped.

On the sly;), whilst I am patiently waiting for an authentic, a SXK BB with Exocet. Great device. Not as trouble free as a Reo or VT Inbox, but super vape and the form factor is unbeatable.

For tasting juices - Hohm Slice with Hadaly

An occasional vape on SX Mini with GEM tank and Provari P3 with GEM tank.

For special occasions - a few Reo Woodvils.
Wait till Mr Fisher sees this thread. Hehe
3 Reo Grands
2 Reo Mini
1 Reo Woodvil
3 RM2
5 Cyclone
1 Pico Mega with one of the RDA for tasting
6 OL16 (one given to my son)
2 Pico (one given to my son)
2 Pico Dual (both given to my son and he gave one to a friend)
2 Pico Squeeze (one given to my son)
2 Coppervape Squonkers (one given to my son)
3 Smok Mods - H-Priv, X Cube and something else cant remember (all given to my son)

I think I will stop there because I just realised I need to go and have some words with my son :bash:
2 x Pico
4 x Subtank mini
2 x Toptank mini
3 x Trinity Bell cap
Also in a similar fashion to @GregF a fair variety of stuff passed to my son (and a few mates).
Rob is in the bush and will partake in this thread when he returns. Regards his PA

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Wow... All this because of me? OhmiGosh :borra2:

2 Skyline (1 Skyline authentic and 1 Skyclone)
2 OL16 (1 was Hijacked a few days ago)
2 Nautilus mini
6 LG brown chocs and 6 VTC6's (Does that even count?)
I'll skip the list and maybe add later as the thread progresses, but the legend that has been with me from the start or rebuilding..

4 Billow V2 Nano's
I'm not crazy, I dont buy doubles....

Except for Reo Grand SL's ..... and O16's..... and Atomic's ...... and Chalice III's

okay, i might be a little nuts :p