Dripper Wanted/needed

@Snape of Vape all good choices, except the trustfire charger, I have heard about some issues with that charger, and a charger is some thing you want to be sure of the quality. My preference would be the Nitecore charger (available at eciggies). All the other items are available locally too, but it is a matter of time vs money. Are you prepared to wait for your vape vs paying a small premium on the price and get it right away (along with the touchy feelly before you buy)? :think:
Ok cool, I changed that to the EU version and added it.

Aerotank vs Kayfun?
im gona have to go with the kayfun

i have a russian 91% and i love it

you cant really compare the two as one is a RBA and the other uses conventional, premade coils (which can be rebuilt, but still carry that tiny bit of restriction if i may put it that way)

RBA is the way to go, you will end up with a RBA eventually anyways :) i can guarantee you that (@Rob Fisher will attest to this as well LOL )
@Wayne - Thanks I have decided to rather just get the stuff from there and wait it out. Price wise it just makes sense and I'll have something to look forward to then.
@Riaz - I have sticked with the Kayfun, changed it to the matt finish as they have that one in stock :)

Is there anything I missed in this order that I should add perhaps?
looks like you all set to go bro

the other accessory items you can always get again, like drip tips, nano kit etc
Great, thanks a lot everyone for all the help!
Order has been placed, now the wait begins!
Got my protank mini 3, vision spinner 2 and nitecore i4 charger today. At least something to keep me busy while I wait for the fast tech delivery

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