Dual coils in series??? impossibru or not.

stevie g

Vaping Addict
I only have 28 gauge and can't get high enough ohms on a dual coil. Ever heard of a dual coil done in series if so how?.
2 coils in series would be the same as adding the number of wraps of both coils in the pair and wrapping one coil with those number of wraps.
28g 12wraps per side gives me .7ohm which is too high a wattage for me. Going to 20 wraps a side just isn't realistic or desirable.
The only thing that's gonna raise your resistance is gonna be to do more wraps, or to run single coil. You can't run any more coils to raise the resistance.

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the 28g kanthal i have from vapeking does not scale according to the steam engine calculator. It seems to need more wraps than indicated. I ran out of 30g thats why i ask.
guys I'm a coil pro, been through 20 metres of kanthal on coils so far. Thing is my 28 looks like 28 but performs like 24g. I'm wrapping between 2mm and 3mm.
guys I'm a coil pro, been through 20 metres of kanthal on coils so far. Thing is my 28 looks like 28 but performs like 24g. I'm wrapping between 2mm and 3mm.
Coil pro Lekker bru. I should stock up again, just finished my last of the 200m I bought a few months ago.

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Try the dual at 0.7. It wont be as hot as a single coil at 0.7.
For me duals are pretty much a waste at 0.8 and over.
A 1ohm dual as not as intense as a 1ohm single.
I have strep throat so need low low voltage. Now i know why dna40 boards are so desirable.
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@Sprint when I got my magma I was running a SVD1 so needed higher ohms. Was able to build a dual coil in series with the leg connecting the coils running between the two posts. At first I thought this leg would warm up too but it turns out it worked. The problem however is that it takes noticeable longer to warm up a serial dual coil than a parallel dual coil. At least in my experience. If I remember correctly I used 24G and 8 wraps per coil on a 2mm drill bit and it gave me 1.2 ohms.

Sorry for the picture quality, hope you can make out what I did.

DSC_0066 (2).JPG DSC_0067 (2).JPG DSC_0069 (2).JPG
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I only have 28 gauge and can't get high enough ohms on a dual coil. Ever heard of a dual coil done in series if so how?.

with 24 gauge, do a 9 wrap, leave a space, do not clip the wire, just a space and then another 9 wrap... This is going to be huge... so you will have to put the coils at an angle otherwise fitting it on a dec would be an big ass issue...

oh, btw, you would need to do two of these, to get your desired 1.2 ohm requires dual serial..... not to hard to do, but yeah, that is what you are looking to do...

that was measured om a 2 mil inner diameter of the coil..

I would rather buy higher gauge kenthal if I was in your shoes... makes building those high build allot easier! simply going up to 28 Gauge wire would make a single coil, 9wrap get you your desired 1.2 ohm... big difference...