Hi @Spyro, like what you are doing and how you are doing it.
There is one thing, an idea, that is hanging around in my mind. Some brands such as the well known Twisp and Vap3 supply both hardware and juices (Almost said software...). Is it possible that these juices are "tuned" to their devices and may not perform as intended in others?
I tried Twisp Tobacco1 on a friends Cue and really liked it. Bought a bottle and juiced up an OL16 with it. A totally different beast with claws and teeth emerged with little resemblance to what I experienced on the Cue. Flavor profile waaaaay to intense.
Maybe something worth keeping in mind when testing these juice types?
I do agree entirely but these juices are marketed as 70/30 3mg blend, advertised as DL juice and are being used in an RTA with subohm coils. So the juices in question should all work well. I have always bought 70/30 and used this in my RTAs. Only recently have I ventured into 60/40 which admittedly does work better, yet I still have no issue with and actually enjoy some of their other juices. So yes I agree with you but this doesn't apply to the juices made by VAP3 as I enjoy some and dislike others - all vaped the same way, in the same settup. Which is why I suggested to try the other flavours instead. But, taste is subjective and that's why I've stuck with the same settup for each test. As of now I have decided to provide my experience and I won't be giving a rating as taste as well as everything else, is subjective
Oh yeah, and I won't be vaping MTL dedicated juices in my nano

Ps- thanks for kind wishes everyone.