ECIGSSA Comp 10 - Share Your Favourite Tip! (The E-Cig Inn, Boost, X-Hype Liquid Co.)


Sith Lord
ECIGSSA COMP 10 – Share Your Favourite Tip!

Sponsored by The E-Cig Inn, Boost, and X-Hype Liquid Company

Competition Closes: Wednesday 9 May 2018


Hey Fam! It's competition time again!

One of the amazing things that being a member of ECIGSSA, is that we get to share and receive some really useful advice. Running into a problem and being able to post about it, and get responses is something that never gets old.

Even aside from that, every now and then you come across a post about something that you've never really thought about, yet it can instantly change the way you do something, or improve some aspect of your vaping experience!

We thought it would be a cool idea to run a competition, and hopefully consolidate some of the little gems that people have stumbled across and others might have missed!

How to Win
It really is as simple as sharing a useful tip with us! Be it setting up a mod, coiling a specific RTA, or even a specific concentrate to sneakily add into your favourite mix for an added note! You can make it as easy or as complicated as you like!

All entries will then be randomly drawn to establish our three winners!

The Prizes
We have three amazing prices up for grabs, thanks to three AMA-ZING Supporting Vendors!

@BigB and @Mari have generously put up 6 x 100mls of their juice Crafters Code! Their are 8 juices in the range, and the winner can choose their flavours and nicotine options of 0mg / 3mg / 6mg!

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CCC.jpg CCD.jpg
CCE.jpg CCF.jpg
CCG.jpg CCH.jpg

A huge thanks to the guys from Boost, @Marzuq and @Keyaam ! For slot number two we have 5 x 60ml bottles of 3mg juice (one of each of the below), as well as 5 of their Fused coils (some single and some dual setups)!

Bubble Krush.png Iced.jpg
Peppermint Pudding.png Lemon Cake.jpg.png
Arctic Fruit.JPG


And lastly, we have a great prize put up for slot number three, thanks to @zandernwn at The X-Hype Liquid Company! The full line of their juices, 13 x 30ml bottles, nicotine strength chosen by the winner! So all the below, as well as the soon to be released Brand Name Summer Breeze!

60ml-Bang-and-Co-Jollies.jpg 60ml-Bang-and-Co-New-Kust.jpg 60ml-Bang-and-Co-New-Zestee.jpg
60ml-Brand-Name-Firebird.jpg 60ml-Brand-Name-Poolside.jpg 60ml-Brand-Name-Widow.jpg
60ml-Puffy-Puffs-Candy-Floss.jpg 60ml-Puffy-Puffs-Fireball.jpg 60ml-Puffy-Puffs-Wicks-Bubblegum.jpg
60ml-Puffy-Puffs-Wicks-Ice.jpg 60ml-Puffy-Puffs-XXX-Mint.jpg 60ml-Puffy-Puffs-XXX-Musk.jpg

Closing Date and Competition Rules

  • The competition will close on Wednesday May 9th, 2018 at 5 pm. Entries after that time will not be eligible.
  • One entry per person
  • All valid entries will be randomly drawn to give us the 3 winners.
  • Winners will be announced soon after the closing date
  • Everyone is welcome to participate in the spirit of this competition, however, members of the Admin and Mod team, vendors, and their staff will not be eligible to win prizes.
  • Only those ECIGSSA members with 50 posts or more when the competition closes will go into the draw.
  • Only those residing in South Africa will be eligible to win the prizes for this competition. Apologies to our international members but you are still most welcome to participate in the thread.
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Just want to add guys, feel free to share more than one useful bit of info. But each member will only get one entry even if they post 5 times.

Have fun!

the rest are:
- ALWAYS have 2 spare replacement glass for your tanks (Even when you think you dont need it)
- Put your Nicotine in one of THESE bottles, its much safer to use for beginner DIYers.
- Always carry an extra set of batteries (Safely in silicone sleeves or a safe container, NEVER making contact)

Hope it helps someone

the rest are:
- ALWAYS have 2 spare replacement glass for your tanks (Even when you think you dont need it)
- Put your Nicotine in one of THESE bottles, its much safer to use for beginner DIYers.
- Always carry an extra set of batteries (Safely in silicone sleeves or a safe container, NEVER making contact)

Hope it helps someone
Awesome @Dietz !

Definitely can't argue with you on the forum registration!

I'm lucky that I've only ever broken two glasses, and one was on purpose because I couldn't unscrew the ******! The nicotine is actually a relevant point to me. I have mine in a 100ml Chubby Gorilla with the tip snipped off. I forgot those bottles have a tendency to hold juice on the top, so the other day when I was boosting my nic in one of my juices, I got a nice handful of nic. I suddenly realised bottle choice was important!
The biggest and most important tip that I can give is:

Always prime and lube up ur coils, even if u are doing a huge pit stop and not going to be using that atty anytime soon. There will come a time u just screw that atty with dry coils onto a mod and hit that fire button!

So always always prime/lube them coils lol!

Because you know what they say about no lube, it’s like going down a water slide with no water!

When fitting coils or rewicking, always make sure the coils are a safe distance from the rest of the atomiser. Shorts cause sparks, sparks ignite ejuice, inhaling flaming ejuice is not fun.

Charge batteries as soon as possible, if you keep forgetting, you will get caught out sooner rather than later.

Most people find it easier to use a scale to mix DIY. Try using syringes and pipettes, but chances are you will prefer mixing by weight.

Emergency menthol concentrate can be made with Menthol crystals (available from chemists) and PG. Mix to your desired concentration, then add a few drops to your favourite fruity (or other) juice to give it some chill.

Wear sunscreen.
My tip is backup your backup.
I ran into a situation where i had four mods with me (two different setups and two pod mods)and no charger and all went flat the same time about 5hours from clocking out at now i carry backup juice backup mods and backup chargers and a small wicking set in a small luchbox and just yesterday my glass broke in my shirt pocket and it didn't bother me(that much).the best part is when you can help someone with said toolbox when they run into trouble

Sent from my X30 using Tapatalk
The easiest tip for new vapers i give is.

Go to a vape shop with an expierenced vaper to have him help you understand the vape lingo and not to be bullied into buying a setup that is not to your liking or vape style.

As easy as that.
Awesome @Dietz !

Definitely can't argue with you on the forum registration!

I'm lucky that I've only ever broken two glasses, and one was on purpose because I couldn't unscrew the ******! The nicotine is actually a relevant point to me. I have mine in a 100ml Chubby Gorilla with the tip snipped off. I forgot those bottles have a tendency to hold juice on the top, so the other day when I was boosting my nic in one of my juices, I got a nice handful of nic. I suddenly realised bottle choice was important!
@Stosta , I kid you not, I broke two glasses at the same time while replcing one.

And the nic, ive tried a few bottles, but this needle tip is just tops!! no mess no fuss.
Tip for Vapers!

Snip the tip of the Chubby tip so the juice comes out without you pulling a muscle squeezing the bottle!

Hi guys.

My number one tip I have to share goes :
Get uncapped data , cause when you're hooked on ecigssa you'll kill mb's like it's nothing.

And then : when refilling your rta , make sure you have the right bottle of juice in your hand , nothing tastes as bad as two exact opposite flavour profiles mixing.

Have a great day ;
My tip is "recommending RDTA's for new vapers".

This comes from experience where starter kits just don't do it right and guys start worrying about their budget every time they need to buy new coils, or replace sealed battery packs etc.

RTA's can be off putting if you don't wick it right, resulting in leaks or dry hits.

RDA's for noobs just seem like a hassle, and they don't fancy the idea of dripping every few drags.

Therefore RDTA's, which perform reasonably well, coil replacement and wicking is cheap, and they avoid the issues that RTA's and RDA's have.
When pitstopping your Skyline or clone always ensure that the inner o-ring is in place before you screw the tank together.:confused: Otherwise no 1 on your mod.
Make sure there is not heavy juice build up under your atty as this can be a mod/chip killer. Keep it fresh :cool:
My top tip - Do not get into a discussion with anyone who is anti-vaping. Just nod your head and move along. Smile on the inside :NAUGHTYEYE:
My tip comes from experience. Always mark which of your battery pairs are married. Easiest is to mark the white insulator ring with a marker (just a dot or 2, so 1 dot = set 1, 2 dots = set 2 etc etc.), or alternatively change the wraps so married sets only match each other.

Marrying batteries in dual/triple/quad battery mods is important (see and it's easy to lose track of sets when you're like me and use a lot of the same battery type (12 samsung 30Q 18650s and 6 Ijoy 21700s).