Eden mods snapdragon


New Vaper
Hi everyone,

Pulled some old vapegear out of my vape box.
Let me introduce to you the snapdragon v1.5 in a mtl config and the dl config (see pic)
I want to put the snappie on a mech tube but now my question is what would be a good single coil mtl mech build?
Hope someone can help me.

Best regards


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Hi everyone,

Pulled some old vapegear out of my vape box.
Let me introduce to you the snapdragon v1.5 in a mtl config and the dl config (see pic)
I want to put the snappie on a mech tube but now my question is what would be a good single coil mtl mech build?
Hope someone can help me.

Best regards
I'm not into fancy coils. Simple round wire 24g SS coils and sometimes 32g, but then with a much higher resistance coil above 1ohm.
@Silver, @Grand Guru, @Dela Rey Steyn , @DarthBranMuffin and @Timwis might be able to help you more
Hi everyone,

Pulled some old vapegear out of my vape box.
Let me introduce to you the snapdragon v1.5 in a mtl config and the dl config (see pic)
I want to put the snappie on a mech tube but now my question is what would be a good single coil mtl mech build?
Hope someone can help me.

Best regards
Not a massive mech user but personally whenever I check the voltage no matter what the wattage or ohm I always seem to be around 3.5v so I tend to just use the same as I would on a regulated device which will either be single round wire, fused clapton or 3-core at around 0,6ohm (either N80 or SS/N80 hybrid). However with the lower wattage of MTL with a mech you could try using N90 rather than N80 for quicker ramp up maybe in a hybrid form. Others who MTL using mechs much more often than me I'm sure would be more help and maybe @charln would be able to come up with a creation specific for your requirements.
To give a recommendation is going to be nigh on impossible as everyone has different sweet spots. For instance, I like to mtl around 0.4 on a staple clapton.

What ohm do you generally vape at? With that info @charln would most probably be able to recommend the best type of coil you could try.
Hi @lowierunner

id say go for a coil that ohms out at about 0.7 ohms. On a mech that would be producing about 22Watts, which is a good area to be in (for my taste)

I often use the VandyVape superfine MTL clapton wire in my MTL vapes
about 5 or 6 wraps would get you to 0.7 or 0.8 ohms a 2.5mm coil internal diameter.

let us know what you decide and how it turns out
@lowierunner also have a look at the following options:

@charln has a MTaLien (BVC Coils)
Kamikaze MTL Fused Clapton
White Collar MTL Fused Clapton
Coil Master Comp Wire 26G (plain but lasts very long and flavor is good)

Like @Silver said, keep it in 0.7 to 0.8 range, although 1ohm will work, the flavor and performance is better a bit lower down.
Thank you all for the replies, i’m going to make a build tonight around the 0,7 mark and see how that will work.
how did that build go @lowierunner ?
To be completely honest with you: can’t get in the whole mech thing again. Strange because around 2015 i almost only used mech mods. Can’t seem te get a build i like. I think i’m spoiled with my dicodes mods and using temp controle etc.
I like a bit warmer vape had 4 builds in my mech that where to cold the moment i put it on my dani 25 and up the wattage and it comes to life. I’ll keep it easier and stay with my wattage mods i guess :)
So looking for a nice small squonk mod with a chip haha.
To be completely honest with you: can’t get in the whole mech thing again. Strange because around 2015 i almost only used mech mods. Can’t seem te get a build i like. I think i’m spoiled with my dicodes mods and using temp controle etc.
I like a bit warmer vape had 4 builds in my mech that where to cold the moment i put it on my dani 25 and up the wattage and it comes to life. I’ll keep it easier and stay with my wattage mods i guess :)
So looking for a nice small squonk mod with a chip haha.

Nothing wrong with that!
you have good mods and if you like them then why go back to mech?
Nothing wrong with that!
you have good mods and if you like them then why go back to mech?
And to be honest this setup does give me that oldskool mech mod vibes. I still remember i had the first svoemesto tube mod, i loved that thing but it died :-( (i think it was called semovar or something like that)


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Ahh here it is, this review is from 2014 so that was the time i had it. Was the bees knees back in the day!


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Ahh here it is, this review is from 2014 so that was the time i had it. Was the bees knees back in the day!

That was a beast of note
Remember reading about it back in the day

Lovely to see all the old devices