eGo ONE CLR Head

awesome!!! Looks like a good stealth vape option
Nice find, will make the eGo One even better

However, this needs to go in the Who Has Stock sub-forum if you want vendors to respond ;)
Hopefully one of the mods will notice this thread and move it for you :D

Yes agreed @free3dom. I was under the impression one could pick the sub-forum during the post and only figured out afterward that it post in the one your at. If any of the mods don't mind, please help me move it to "Who Has Stock" or show me how to do it.
Thread moved to "who has stock"
Well spotted @free3dom !
They reckon no stock yet, about a week or two - when we order again we will get some of these :)
@Derick sweet bud! Put me up for one please ... any idea on price point or too soon ?
They reckon no stock yet, about a week or two - when we order again we will get some of these :)
Yes please.....I am also in on the adjustable liquid control, the standard coils don't like high VG
@Derick, any news on the CLR heads?
Not yet sorry, we are planning to place another order next week some time as we need to restock on M80's and Lemo 2's as well, then we will bulk the EGO ones and their heads into that order. We just had to restock on batteries first :)