eJuice Calculator for iOS


Experienced Vaper
Hey guys

Does anyone know if there's a comprehensive app for an iPhone to calc percentages when mixing? I can't find a proper one in the app store. I tried "Nieuwe sigaret", but it sucks...

i have a bookmark to a web based calculator

works much better and since its online when i get to my laptop (where i place most of my orders) i can see what im missing etc.
Hey guys

Does anyone know if there's a comprehensive app for an iPhone to calc percentages when mixing? I can't find a proper one in the app store. I tried "Nieuwe sigaret", but it sucks...


there used to be some in the US and Japan app stores
Thanks @shaunnadan .

I'll just stop being such a lazy prick and put the laptop on when I mix. :whip:
Hey guys

Does anyone know if there's a comprehensive app for an iPhone to calc percentages when mixing? I can't find a proper one in the app store. I tried "Nieuwe sigaret", but it sucks...


There's nothing of note, I've checked...I just use steam engine from the browser.
There's nothing of note, I've checked...I just use steam engine from the browser.

I've got my recipes etc. on e-liquid-recipes, but I battle to reference it on the phone. There must be someone on here that designs apps (or has the knowledge to do so). This might be a gap in the market with some bucks to be made... :nerd:
Find the online ones from Skyblue Vaping very helpful
I've got my recipes etc. on e-liquid-recipes, but I battle to reference it on the phone. There must be someone on here that designs apps (or has the knowledge to do so). This might be a gap in the market with some bucks to be made... :nerd:

I have serious ocd. So I have a file that i keep printed copies of each recipe I mix. When the gloves come on then the phone and iPad go far away.

Once I finish mixing up that batch I file the physical copy away
I have serious ocd. So I have a file that i keep printed copies of each recipe I mix. When the gloves come on then the phone and iPad go far away.

Once I finish mixing up that batch I file the physical copy away
Soft copy of that file please

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mmmm, opportunity has surfaced. I'll work on an app :) Will let you know once I get it going, you can be my first test pilot...