Ekowool advice please


Experienced Vaper
hey guys,

So I have some ekowool which i bought some time back from SOV (I can't remember the diameter). I tried wicking with that by building a micro coil and feeding the eko though the centre. When I finally got it in, there were many burnt tastes. I also tried on a Russian by building a 3mm dia coil and pushing through three strands of eko. It cracked and popped too much, with my tongue getting burnt because of the droplets of juice.

Now I wanna try again, a single coil setup that doesn't pop like crazy, using ekowool, for my magma. I prefer higher ohm coils, between 1.6 to 1.8ohms... And I only have 28g vapor wire

Could someone please tell me what to do?

hey guys,

So I have some ekowool which i bought some time back from SOV (I can't remember the diameter). I tried wicking with that by building a micro coil and feeding the eko though the centre. When I finally got it in, there were many burnt tastes. I also tried on a Russian by building a 3mm dia coil and pushing through three strands of eko. It cracked and popped too much, with my tongue getting burnt because of the droplets of juice.

Now I wanna try again, a single coil setup that doesn't pop like crazy, using ekowool, for my magma. I prefer higher ohm coils, between 1.6 to 1.8ohms... And I only have 28g vapor wire

Could someone please tell me what to do?


Did you torch the ekowool first?
Take the ekowool, put a needle thru it then wrap around that

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Ahh I got you! But more questions lol... I shouldn't wrap too tight right? Meaning the wick should move as cotton would in a regular micro coil?

You don't want to choke the wick

Just lightly around it should be fine

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Yes, as @Riaz said, Ekowool and micro coils not a good combination. Think SOV sold 2 mm Ekowool, quality stuff. I use a 1 to 1.2 mm mandrel inside to make sure I cannot choke the wick. If you wrap too tightly with round wire one tends to break the Ekowool. Ribbon wire works very well in this regard.
Some, like @vaalboy, just double up the Ekowool and wrap around that.
Hi @Bonez007

For what its worth, I have done two Ekowool coils for my RM2
But as Andre said above, I use ribbon wire (also what I got from SOV)
I take a paper clip and straighten it out then put that in the middle of the ekowool for stability
Id estimate the diameter of the paper clip to be only 1mm

Then I wrap the ribbon around - only 4 wraps fairly close to each other because the RM2 doesnt have much space for more. (0.9mm ribbon) then once installed I take out the paper clip and its snug but not tight. Comes out at about 0.67 ohms

@johan and @TylerD have done many of these

My coils performed very well. Slightly crisper than cotton for me and somehow the draw was a bit tighter. Warm vape, given the low resistance.
Thank you Silver. Do u think that ekowool is a better wick to use for custard based juices? I think I've read that somewhere... I've got some suicide bunny incoming so I thought it may be best to use ekowool.

Better yet, I'll do both rayon and eko, and compare the two
Thank you Silver. Do u think that ekowool is a better wick to use for custard based juices? I think I've read that somewhere... I've got some suicide bunny incoming so I thought it may be best to use ekowool.

Better yet, I'll do both rayon and eko, and compare the two

I am still confused @Bonez007
I have read a lot and have listened to so many others too

But I am now listening to me and my taste buds. Also looking at whats convenient and works for me.

I really dont think there is any better or worse thing. Its up to your preference.

But what I will say is you will probably build a better cotton based coil with 28g round wire than ekowool. And it may take you a while to get the ekowool coil right.

Some say that cotton filters the flavour and ekowool is better to bring out complex flavours. I have not found that. But my Ekowool experimentation is far from complete....

So far, compared to cotton, i find Ekowool to be a bit crisper and it makes the draw a bit tighter. Cotton seems smoother and a bit more airy. For me and the tests i have done, i cannot pick up a major change in the flavour itself on my setups (RM2 at about 20-30 watts).

Ekowool lasts a lot longer but when you chuck it, you need to build a new coil. I know you can dry burn the flavour out of it to change flavours, but for me I prefer the simple act of replacing the cotton. I think Ekowool is great for a device that always vapes the same flavour.

I tested Ekowool on WB Blackbird and on my VM Choc Mint with Coffee concentrate added.

Edit - forgot to mention I am a mouth to lung vaper and using 18mg liquids
Thank you @Silver, i think i have to try this out for myself. Yes, I also like to change out the rayon and just dry burn the coil, instead of replacing. With juices like Blackbird, Troy, etc, the NET's I think it's important to be able to do so because the coil gets crusty very quick. I can only stretch a coil for about two days max with NETs before dry burning.
Thank you @Silver, i think i have to try this out for myself. Yes, I also like to change out the rayon and just dry burn the coil, instead of replacing. With juices like Blackbird, Troy, etc, the NET's I think it's important to be able to do so because the coil gets crusty very quick. I can only stretch a coil for about two days max with NETs before dry burning.

Agreed, the wicking choice depends on many things as you point out - convenience and what juice you are vaping - not just the flavour production.
My worst fear is vaping will become a chore. I cannot allow it to happen, else I'm afraid I may go back to the stinkies. I still get strong cravings, but in those cases i draw on the magma so hard that the wick almost comes off out of the coil lol, then I crave no more :)
As long as it does the job. How is the vape?

Terrible lol! Burnt taste galore! I had to take it off and do my regular micro coil and rayon. I think I will have to wait for the next vape meet to have someone actually do this for me
@Silver - I was not aware that most guys with ekowool build a new coil each time they replace the ekowool? (or am I reading this wrong?)

I only use ekowool and when I change flavours, I remove the ekowool and torch it. While the coil is empty I dry burn her, and then I put my used and torched ekowool back into the old coil and prime with a bit of juice. Been using the same coil for about 5 weeks now and I have changed flavours in this particular device 7 times now.

@Bonez007 - When I wrap my coils I use a 2mm precision screwdriver. Wrap my coils around this and then put my 2mm ekowool through the coil. Here is one of my builds on my Kayfun. Have not had a dry hit yet. (Ignore the Ohm reading, I am just trying to show how the wick fits inside the coil) Hopefully this helps.




Thank you @baksteen8168 , I tried on the Russian and I also didn't get dry hits with the ekowool. I have tried it with single strand and three strands. I think it has to do with the way the russian/kayfun is designed, to pull juice into the deck area by vacuum. Maybe im wrong with this? On the magma, the juice relies on gravity and the efficiency of the wick drawing the liquid to the coil. I've yet to try three strands of ekowool on the magma, like @RevnLucky7 suggested, but I'm hopeful that it will work
Thank you @baksteen8168 , I tried on the Russian and I also didn't get dry hits with the ekowool. I have tried it with single strand and three strands. I think it has to do with the way the russian/kayfun is designed, to pull juice into the deck area by vacuum. Maybe im wrong with this? On the magma, the juice relies on gravity and the efficiency of the wick drawing the liquid to the coil. I've yet to try three strands of ekowool on the magma, like @RevnLucky7 suggested, but I'm hopeful that it will work

On my Omega and Nucleus I generally just wet the ekowool and vape until I start getting dry hits. Then wet again. I generally get around 10 to 15 good long pulls doing this, but this is on a 0.3ohm build. Will post pics of my setups in these if you want, but be warned... they are not pretty...

I wonder if the problem might be the higher ohm coils? (just thinking out loud here, although lower ohms get hotter quicker so surely this should produce more dry hits than high ohm coils... I am confusing myself here now... :confused: )
Has anyone tried wicking an Orchid like atty with Ekowool? I cant seem to get that right leading to numerous dry hits:sick:
I have, but sadly no pics.

What I did was when cutting my wick to just touch the base (like on a kayfun with small juice channels), I left a thin strand of wick that I placed into the juice channel. Wish I had a pic to show what I mean... I seriously suck at explaining things. :rolleyes: