Like many I have built up a collection of batteries of which some are over two years old. After a while, especially with regular re-wrapping it gets a bit difficult exactly which is which. In order to check on the health of my cells I run the EScribe Battery Analyzer on a single cell DNA mod. The program fires your mod intermittently and records the load and cell charge as well as Watt hours used to drain a cell from fully charged to empty (4.19V to 2.75V). The test concludes in a final readout of the total Watt hours the cell provided. Comparing these results between cells gives a good indication of which cells are up for replacement.

This cell, a Samsung 30Q reported a 9.86Wh capacity. Spending the rest of the evening testing all mu cells. A test takes about 2 hours depending on cell capacity.

This cell, a Samsung 30Q reported a 9.86Wh capacity. Spending the rest of the evening testing all mu cells. A test takes about 2 hours depending on cell capacity.