Explain Your Forum Name

Thanks @Silver i didnt know this existed already :-D
And here i thought i was a genius for thinking up of a topic.....
My world has crumbled to my feet... :-D

Sorry for that @Clouds4Days - not intentional

Sometimes its difficult to find old threads but don't worry, most of us old timers here remember when something sounds familiar ;-)
Sorry for that @Clouds4Days - not intentional

Sometimes its difficult to find old threads but don't worry, most of us old timers here remember when something sounds familiar ;-)

Very old thread. Last post was last year April. Im sure there are many many more members now so will be interesting to hear some stories :)
Was a big Stephen King fan back in my school days. Worked at an internet cafe (yes, I am that old) after school. Counter Strike had just landed and I needed a handle for when we needed to play against the customers. I was reading King's The Stand at the time and loved The Trashcan man character and thought it a good name for CS. It has stuck with me ever since.
Back in the day I was a serious online gamer and when it came to choosing a name I decided to go with a famous movie villain called Keyser Soze simply because the name was a great one and the movie a winner.
Changed it to KaizerSoza because I wanted the tag to be different but still recognizable. Most clan games were against internationals and they mostly just called me Kaizer but it sounded like K-ZOR.
Decided to just change it to KZOR to adapt to the environment and that was 20 years ago. :)
Was a big Stephen King fan back in my school days. Worked at an internet cafe (yes, I am that old) after school. Counter Strike had just landed and I needed a handle for when we needed to play against the customers. I was reading King's The Stand at the time and loved The Trashcan man character and thought it a good name for CS. It has stuck with me ever since.

Funny thing, my real actual really in real life name is the exact name of a Stephen King character (both first and second names).
Chose this name because I'm nuts about vaping...
Seriously it is a letter play of my name and surname and has a good symbolism:
"Acorns symbolize luck, prosperity and growth. They are thought to represent youthfulness strength and stability."

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I really wish I had a cool story behind my ecigssa handle but alas it just stems from my childhood nickname, Grapes supposedly short for Graeme (I know not really short since both have 6 letters).
As time passed and I got older, my friends got lazier and Grapes was abbreviated even further (yes we agreed earlier that Grapes was not shorter but stay with me here) to Greyz.
My CS handle, back when we used to hold Lan nights at a mates house was KiLLaG - doubt I'd fit in here with that handle.
@Stosta will understand :O
I really wish I had a cool story behind my ecigssa handle but alas it just stems from my childhood nickname, Grapes supposedly short for Graeme (I know not really short since both have 6 letters).
As time passed and I got older, my friends got lazier and Grapes was abbreviated even further (yes we agreed earlier that Grapes was not shorter but stay with me here) to Greyz.

Just as long as it isnt the colour of your grapes still pretty fun story :rofl:
I really wish I had a cool story behind my ecigssa handle but alas it just stems from my childhood nickname, Grapes supposedly short for Graeme (I know not really short since both have 6 letters).
As time passed and I got older, my friends got lazier and Grapes was abbreviated even further (yes we agreed earlier that Grapes was not shorter but stay with me here) to Greyz.
Between Grapes and KiLLaG... I'm totally going to call you grapes from this day forward.
I dont know. Used it in a Roman themed Role Playing game once. I dont even know how to pronounce it (Sespian or Kespian). Just sounds like someone you wouldn't want to meet on the battlefield and that his story will be told for 6000 years and he drinks the tears of his enemies.
Mine comes from when I just started playing Starcraft online. I was new to online playing and asked someone a question and they said "How do you not know that? are you a caveman". Been caveman ever since. Every online game you will find me with Caveman or SACaveman (where caveman is already taken).
I dont know. Used it in a Roman themed Role Playing game once. I dont even know how to pronounce it (Sespian or Kespian). Just sounds like someone you wouldn't want to meet on the battlefield and that his story will be told for 6000 years and he drinks the tears of his enemies.
Probably Kespian, in Latin the "C" is pronounced "K".
Mine comes from when I just started playing Starcraft online. I was new to online playing and asked someone a question and they said "How do you not know that? are you a caveman". Been caveman ever since. Every online game you will find me with Caveman or SACaveman (where caveman is already taken).

You lucky if it was more recent your forum name would probably be "noob-uninstall", online toxicity is at peak levels lately.