Another shoddy dodgy shoppy just opened in the Mall near me selling hookahs and mods and juices. This is just around the corner from a Evolution vape kiosk. Cannot comment on their pricing or validity but will go past there sometime to see if it’s the real deal, which at this stage I’m pretty unsure about. Too many of these places don’t have the faintest idea of what it is their selling.
If it turns out to be fake I will bring it to the attention of mall management, don’t know if they will respond but if not I suppose one less customer won’t bother them. Pity they don’t take note of the bush telegraph and the impact it can have on business ala Walmart and Marketing 101.
If it turns out to be fake I will bring it to the attention of mall management, don’t know if they will respond but if not I suppose one less customer won’t bother them. Pity they don’t take note of the bush telegraph and the impact it can have on business ala Walmart and Marketing 101.