First box mod.. Cant decide.

Thanks for all the input guys.

I bought an H-Priv + TFV4 from a forum member.

Let me just say right now that my entire perception of box mods has been changed. I knew they were good I just had no idea HOW good they actually were. I have been using two mech mods for ages now with a combination of a patriot dripper, modded taifun Gt tank and normal taifun.

I had no idea what I was missing out on. No idea at all.

The ease of use is the first point. Mech mods need a lot of looking after and caution especially when it comes to sub ohm builds. Regulating your vape is not an option. Want a different vape? Build a different coil. Want to wonder how battery doing? Pull it out and grab your multimeter.

This morning I chucked 2 newly charged batts in the H-Priv, filled the TFv4 tank and off I went. Besides the tank eating juice like a land cruiser V8 I have been blown away. I have been vaping so much I am already well into my 2nd set of batteries.

And its hard to compliment a tank that has received so many already, but the Tfv4 is incredible. Not the best flavour, but then again I mix my juice weaker since a 0.2 ohm dripper on a mech mod hits really hard. So a stronger mix may bring the flavour out.

Bottom line.. the entire vaping experience is determined by your hardware. If anyone reading this has NOT got a box mod please do yourself a favour and get one. Right now!!

And btw.. I now love the side fire button. Dont want anything else. ;)

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Okay, so i have the Smok Tfv4 and the Smok Tfv8, the beast, i Have the H-priv, (yes im a bit of a smok fan) so here is my 2c worth

The V8 is the better tank by far, by a country not the normal country mile.
The prebuilt Tfv8 coils, the octacoils, are amazing Flavour and clouds for days.
It is extremely heavy heavy on juice though,
The Hpriv runs the v8 smoothly but my friend has a rx200s, he gets about 4 hours longer out of his than i get from mine.
Okay, so i have the Smok Tfv4 and the Smok Tfv8, the beast, i Have the H-priv, (yes im a bit of a smok fan) so here is my 2c worth

The V8 is the better tank by far, by a country not the normal country mile.
The prebuilt Tfv8 coils, the octacoils, are amazing Flavour and clouds for days.
It is extremely heavy heavy on juice though,
The Hpriv runs the v8 smoothly but my friend has a rx200s, he gets about 4 hours longer out of his than i get from mine.
Well I will probably be getting a V8 now that I love the V4 so much.

I will also be trying out the Rba coil at some time soon I think.

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Okay, so i have the Smok Tfv4 and the Smok Tfv8, the beast, i Have the H-priv, (yes im a bit of a smok fan) so here is my 2c worth

The V8 is the better tank by far, by a country not the normal country mile.
The prebuilt Tfv8 coils, the octacoils, are amazing Flavour and clouds for days.
It is extremely heavy heavy on juice though,
The Hpriv runs the v8 smoothly but my friend has a rx200s, he gets about 4 hours longer out of his than i get from mine.
So how much better is the Tfv8? Is it a big jump or just some minor improvements?

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So how much better is the Tfv8? Is it a big jump or just some minor improvements?

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In my humble opinion they are both Bmw's.
The tfv4 is nice and a solid 318, maybe a 318i.
The Tfv8 is a bit closer to the 655ci raw v8 power with the greatest of ease that still floats through the easy all day vaping , but if you want, theres POWER!!!
In my humble opinion they are both Bmw's.
The tfv4 is nice and a solid 318, maybe a 318i.
The Tfv8 is a bit closer to the 655ci raw v8 power with the greatest of ease that still floats through the easy all day vaping , but if you want, theres POWER!!!
Lol.. think I may just get one..

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Tesla Invader would be insane as a First box mod.
If you know your ohms law and build limits

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Hey Guys,

So I been vaping for about 2 years now. Must be honest I have been on and off it and have been a bit naughty with the analogues.

Lately the bug has bit me again. Anyways.

Throughout most of these 2 ywras I have been using a pair of nemises mods and switching between a modded Taifun GT (dripper) normal Taifun Gt and a drilled out patriot. Really enjoyed the mech mods and still do.

But while browsing for a nice mech box mod I came across the SMOK TFV4 sub ohm tank. After watching a few clips about it I now want one. Or the TFV8.

But one thing is clear, these are not suitable for mech mods.

So I been looking at quite a few but cannot decide. It needs to have some serious power so it can happily push my drippers etc.

The SMOK H-PRIV looks decent but the fire button just not buying me. I am keen on an all black look with a metal/silver trim on edges. Something with a nice finish and where you cannot see the lcd display unless lit up. Want a flush finish on top so I can fit any tank/rba. Must take two 18650. Dont want 3.

Must be able to go down to very low ohm..

Few others I have looked at but nothing I like too much. The Snow Wolf looks devine but ffs.. that price.. love that type of look.


Got an H-Priv. Ironic how its about the same size of a pack of smokes.. See my comments below.

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Give the Artic Dolphin a look,it has the features you mention.