Flavour Chasing RDA

try getting a non bf rm2 /cyclone atty if you don't want to compromise on flavor
Both freakshow and mutation have under coil air flow. Giving maximum flavour... The mutation does have awesome overall air flow for big clouds...
And I love the little plastic grommits that you can plug into the under airflow slots to kill that off and turn it into a mega cloud chucker.
Velocity RDA
Great Flavour!!!
With the air flow wide open she can chuck the clouds.
Super easy to build.

Thank you @Sir Vape
I know alot of people might not agree, but I believe any dripper with the right build can pack massive flavour. I'm using a R167 nimbus dripper, drilled airholes out a bit (to avoid suffication;)) and truly dual 3mm coils, 5wraps, 24g kanthal. packs huge flavour. All my DIY juices are 94%VG+ and have heavy flavour. If your mod supports the coils needed for flavour you can build them on any RDA and have very decent flavour *Note this is just my opinion*
Rem Atty RDA Amazing flavor

I would reccomend the infinite clt v3 mini. Emphasis on the MINI it's has a reduced chamber for epic flavor and has sick spitback protection. It is very easy to build and has a lot of airflow and drip tip options. I've also heard that the mad hatter mini is pretty sick but I can't say that I've tried it. The freak show mini is tasty but the bloody thing leaks through the o-rings like a b**ch (I'm not dripping through the airflow incase you want to call me out).
So, I've taken my first big step into RDA's and dripping by getting myself a little Smok M80 Plus and a Subtank mini and borrowing @Neil's plume veil, which by all accounts seems to be an amazing little RDA (I don't have much experience in RDA's, but this has been my favourite so far!).

Now my question is, which do you guys think is the best (or at least very good) flavour chasing RDA? I like to chuck the clouds every now and again, but I'm 100% for flavour over clouds any day, so I'd rather go for something with massive flavour over massive clouds.

I have had my eye on the Marquis RDA, but can be convinced with a good arguement ;)

With out doubt the k.loud atty-(tank?) produces flavor I never thought possible and @ less than $10.00 is a steal of a deal. Must experience to believe.It's like eating the juice. Check it on Angelcigs.com (also check the zero gravity tank-atty combo, also great flavor: less than 4 bucks!
Pollux RDA. I've never had a better atty for flavor and clouds. Even after I tested my Velocity today. I still went back to the Pollux.
Pollux RDA. I've never had a better atty for flavor and clouds. Even after I tested my Velocity today. I still went back to the Pollux.
As I'm always on the look out for a good atty i'll add this to my list.
I get amazing flavour off my Marquis RDA Clone, wish I could get a authentic one, the best RDA I have used imo.
I'd love to own authentics myself but I ask my self if it's really $115.00 better than my clone?(in the comparison of my Lancia)
Mutation-X v4 the best flavor I've had
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Mutation-X the best flavor I've had

Hear a lot about this one but thought it was a cloud chaser, glad to hear of it's flavor production and the price makes it a no brainer
Hear a lot about this one but thought it was a cloud chaser, glad to hear of it's flavor production and the price makes it a no brainer

For me it produces the best flavor. I'm on the hunt to own one myself now.