For all your Pico fans

This is a genius idea, will work great on the standard Pico mod. Unfortunately it won't work for the Squeeze squonker
I can't claim the credit for the idea. but thought some may like it. I am about to order a pico and will get a heat sink for it.
Have one of these for a about two weeks now.

The coral may not be the best RDA around, but does do the job well enough. I only vape menthol in it, and build between .2 and .4 on it, nice flavour and enough cloud, go the whole day on one squeeze bottle and a 18650 last roughly 10 hours...

In all honesty, it is a awesome little setup, and has converted me to squonking, so much so that i am selling all my rdta's...

I would recommend this to anyone who wants a cheap but good mod, or who wants to test squonking without having to break the bank...