Okay so the Diver V2 and Scuba Tank + Drip Tip still up for grabs.
Promised some of you some images, so here they are.
She's a great little rebuildable atty. Especially if you like the tank look on a mod.
If you're still using cartos or protanks or things of the sort, this is a game changer for you. Will fit on any mod that allows airflow through the bottom as the tank will sit flush.
Really good vape with no leaking issues on silica at between 7 - 10 watts.
For anything over I recommend a cotton micro coil build. It's where she really shines.
Don't pass this one up because it's not called a Kayfun. Built right she can match a good a vape as any.
Another one for the micro coil and cotton guys. Works a charm.
I want R600 for it which will include postage VIA SPEED SERVICES
Reviews here:
And here:
Promised some of you some images, so here they are.
She's a great little rebuildable atty. Especially if you like the tank look on a mod.
If you're still using cartos or protanks or things of the sort, this is a game changer for you. Will fit on any mod that allows airflow through the bottom as the tank will sit flush.
Really good vape with no leaking issues on silica at between 7 - 10 watts.
For anything over I recommend a cotton micro coil build. It's where she really shines.
Don't pass this one up because it's not called a Kayfun. Built right she can match a good a vape as any.
Another one for the micro coil and cotton guys. Works a charm.
I want R600 for it which will include postage VIA SPEED SERVICES
Reviews here:
And here:
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