A clapton coil will give you much better flavor than a normal coil. I think it's because of its surface area, more juice soaks in so you always get a more flavorful vape than normal coils.Noob Question (well not sure if it's really a noob question though, but redirect me if need be):
Not sure if the hype has died out already but what are the actual advantages of using Clapton coils (besides for it looking damn sexy)?
I've not used it in any of my personal devices, however, I did try it on a buddy's setup (Dual Clapton on Plume Veil V1 Clone with Sigelei 150watt running at 62watts and a Dual Clapton on Atty Cubed on same MOD and wattage) and I have honestly had a similar experience using a dual micro coil build on a Subtank mini on an iStick TC40W. The ramp up time was too long, hence only got a decent hit on the second pull, I have achieved better vapour production using single coil builds with a cotton cloud and the flavour was not spectacularly different. I can somewhat understand a fused Clapton (because juice can channel in there as well).
Would appreciate any advice before putting in the PT to build these for myself (My devices list: Kanger Subtank Mini, Plume Veil Clone, Atty Cubed, SMOK X CUBE 2, eLeaf iStick TC40W, [Kooper Plus end of the month hopefully])