Getting back into dripping, some advice needed

Hi @JB1987
If you really like the performance of the Goon, which you should, and are looking for additional RDA's with similar performance in the future then i would highly recommend the Aria Sleeper or the Cosmonaut. All three are brilliant drippers.

Thanks @KZOR , I'll check them out for a future purchase once the budget has stabilized again.
Hi @Clouds4Days , I got the 24. I was surprised at the reduced chamber size, I think that adds to the great flavour, plus I can fit quite a few drops in there, about 25 easily.

Nice bud, excellent choice.
Its an amazing RDA and one you will keep forever.
Enjoy bud.
There will be a new 24mm Dripper making it's appearance at the end of Jan... the Kryten from Psyclone Mods!