Don't remember how low a resistance coil the iTaste VV can accomodate, but it is usually around 1.2 ohms. So a build from just over that on the RSST should give you a good "feel" for RBAs. In the long run, however, my gut feel is that a mech mod will be better. That said, I have never really researched that statement and could be totally wrong - will look into it or maybe someone else can help.Here's a noob RBA question - I've got an iTaste VV and I'm thinking of getting a Smok RSST and venturing down the rabbit hole of RBA's. Would I need to / would it be advisable get a more powerful battery when getting into RBA's? I'm sure that all depends on the ohms of the coils I'll be making but this will be my 1st RBA so this is more of a "feeler" question