

New Vaper
East London
Any guitar enthusiasts out there?? Acoustic/electric:band:

I currently own: a Taylor 324K-ce (ALL KOA)
Taylor GS mini (mahogany)
Washburn D10
and my "old faithful" Yamaha classical. (its ancient!)
Sadly sold all my guitars years ago when I realised that despite my knowledge of a power chord, I was never going to be a rock god.

I now only have my Washburn Bass, which was the first instrument (apart from a recorder when I was 6) that I ever owned.
I don't have picture with me at work, so I googled my guitars so I could show them here :p:D

Ibanez Prestige SZ2020QM
Ibanez SZ2020QM.jpg

Fender Telecaster Slimline, double cutaway with Seymour Duncan P90 pickups
Fender Tele Slimline P90.jpg

VERY old Jackson Performer 3

Epiphone Les Paul Special II (With authentic Gibson pickups)

Ibanez Art120

And a 1976 Ibanez Concord (pre-lawsuit - still has a Fender headstock)

Among these I also have 2 drumkits, a digeridoo, A Ukelele and a whole bunch of sound/recording equipment too :oops:
Cool thread. My main guitars at moment:
Ibanez AS73 jazz guitar, rewired and upgraded with Seymour Duncan 59 humbuckers, bought in 2001
Squire "bastardcaster" using a load of fender bits I had lying around, Bare knuckle brown sugar single coils (best pick ups I have ever used, but damned expensive), cts 250k pots and a rewiring job, bought in 2010, my main gigging guitar.
Eko Ranger 12 string acoustic, bought second hand in 1979 as a 21st birthday present to myself. (Yes I do realise I am an old codger).
1980 American strat
Cant wait to get home to show you guys a picture. she's my everything.
Had to sell my Gibson SG 2005, jackson same as @TheLongTwitch and a cort acoustic to get this bad boi.
Now just need a good valve amp

Mate, consider a Fender Blues Junior amp, with a strat it is absolutely heavenly. Depends on your style of playing of course, but definitely worth a look.
@DanTheMan I actually have a friend trying to sell his Vox VT40+ valve amp if you're interested?
Cool thread. My main guitars at moment:
Ibanez AS73 jazz guitar, rewired and upgraded with Seymour Duncan 59 humbuckers, bought in 2001
Squire "bastardcaster" using a load of fender bits I had lying around, Bare knuckle brown sugar single coils (best pick ups I have ever used, but damned expensive), cts 250k pots and a rewiring job, bought in 2010, my main gigging guitar.
Eko Ranger 12 string acoustic, bought second hand in 1979 as a 21st birthday present to myself. (Yes I do realise I am an old codger).
I would you compare the Bare knuckle to Texas Specials?? Im also planning on buying and upgrading a square as a project:D I miss my MIJ Tokai love rock (les paul)...
Hey @DanTheMan
As a sound engineer that has worked with countless south african alternative acts, I don't wish to be rude or insult you.
(As I could be comparing what you said to something different entirely)

If you have a proper sound system/PA and engineer that is going to mic up your amp and mix it properly...then the wattage means nothing!
I've mixed and done the best shows with small guitar amps because they are easier to work with essentially.

Big amps make guitarists want to crank the volume up....which is THE WORST thing possible for a good live gig.
(Plus you need to push a big amp to get it to the sweetest sound)
Small amp + mic = perfect mix for your monitors and perfect mix for the crowd.
The last thing you need is an amp so loud that the engineer actually turns the mic off.

***And trust me on this one; I have had to cut the mic too many times because the guitarist pumps his amp to hell!!!
***Then I have people in the crowd shitting on me and telling me the guitar is too loud in the mix.
"...Sorry sweety but I don't have any guitar in the mix; the guitarist's amp is so loud that I had to turn the mic off"

I have personally owned 2 guitar stacks and sold 'em both as they are unnecessary and a burden to lug around!
I currently own a 25watt orange amp and couldn't be happier....home, studio and live!

Not saying you should believe every word of mine and/or buy the amp my friend has on offer;
and there are situations that a bigger amp may work better etc.

Hope I haven't offended you and wish you luck on your search for a new amp! :):D
As I mentioned in another thread, I'm a drummer, so I personally don't have a guitar, but my mate who I occasionally jam with does. Here's a few of his guitars.

IMG_0022.JPG IMG_0026.JPG IMG_0025.JPG IMG_0023.JPG IMG_0024.JPG IMG_0037.JPG IMG_0038.JPG IMG_0039.JPG IMG_0040.JPG IMG_0041.JPG IMG_0042.JPG IMG_0043.JPG IMG_0044.JPG
I would you compare the Bare knuckle to Texas Specials?? Im also planning on buying and upgrading a square as a project:D I miss my MIJ Tokai love rock (les paul)...

Mate, pick ups and guitar sound is all very subjective so would not like to advise on the merits of one pick up vs another. I should perhaps have said the bare knuckles are the best pick ups I have owned that suit my playing. I absolutely love them but they may no suit you. Good luck and keep on playing man.
Hey @DanTheMan
As a sound engineer that has worked with countless south african alternative acts, I don't wish to be rude or insult you.
(As I could be comparing what you said to something different entirely)

If you have a proper sound system/PA and engineer that is going to mic up your amp and mix it properly...then the wattage means nothing!
I've mixed and done the best shows with small guitar amps because they are easier to work with essentially.

Big amps make guitarists want to crank the volume up....which is THE WORST thing possible for a good live gig.
(Plus you need to push a big amp to get it to the sweetest sound)
Small amp + mic = perfect mix for your monitors and perfect mix for the crowd.
The last thing you need is an amp so loud that the engineer actually turns the mic off.

***And trust me on this one; I have had to cut the mic too many times because the guitarist pumps his amp to hell!!!
***Then I have people in the crowd shitting on me and telling me the guitar is too loud in the mix.
"...Sorry sweety but I don't have any guitar in the mix; the guitarist's amp is so loud that I had to turn the mic off"

I have personally owned 2 guitar stacks and sold 'em both as they are unnecessary and a burden to lug around!
I currently own a 25watt orange amp and couldn't be happier....home, studio and live!

Not saying you should believe every word of mine and/or buy the amp my friend has on offer;
and there are situations that a bigger amp may work better etc.

Hope I haven't offended you and wish you luck on your search for a new amp! :):D

That is all that i needed to know. im buying a smaller valve amp. Done deal
I started playing guitars in the mid 50's. Was lead guitar in bands from the late 50's until Vietnam called mid 60's, then played again after the military until in the 80's when I took up keyboard synthesizers. But I still played "my" music on guitars for personal enjoyment for years. Older picture of the last two (and their original cases) that I held on to... a German custom made for me Framus Strato Deluxe I got in the mid 60's, and a Martin Sigma GCS-6 I bought new in 1972 (that's still near new as I never played it much).

It's has been 2 years since the last post on Guitars. I'm sure there are some new and old members that would love to show us their collection. I've been playing for almost 4 years and still play every single day. Music is a beautiful part of life, especially when you are able to create it yourself. Please show me more guitars :rock:
I have been playing a classical for a year now. My mates bought me a nylon for my 40th, to break in my fingers and get going.

Now I'm looking at the Yamaha F310 - I reckon great bang for buck. I've messed around on a few Yamaha's and they don't dissapoint.


Went to Mars Music 2 weeks ago and played a Taylor, cant remember model number, but it was R35k.... oh my sweet, what a guitar!
I play just for the love of music, to unwind and because I always wanted to, but never got round to it. So I'll never need anything like that Taylor.
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My Baby's :LOVEYOUZ:
Palmer PD21-CEQ VP-WR
Bucklay BA10PAK
Peavey Electric BXBEM120269

The Didgeridoo belongs to @Dietz
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My Baby's :LOVEYOUZ:

The Didgeridoo belongs to @Dietz
Its a Fender DidgeCast 900000ZX digital acoustic native airpipe-tunemaker-Deluxx.
I use it when I howl at the moon for some rain, I call it DA RAINMAKER
Whahahaha nope. I'm way too shy for that. @Dietz knows, I don't even play for him because of my shyness.
Its true, shes really talented, but I have to pretend that Im not listening for her to play me something