Halo Liquids, Why the Secrecy Around Pg/Vg?

I have tried many different blends, cant say that it makes a huge difference to me, but then my favourite coffee is riccoffy so it does not say to much about my taste:), @Danny you crack me up, the picture I had in my mind of you chasing someone down the street nearly bought a tear to my eyes.
Sorry to critisize a product brought in by sirvape. I must say that in fact if questioned SAB would most likely provide me with the information they are legally obliged to, the equivalent question to them though would be what percentage water is in your brew, if they think I can copy their brew from that they would just be dumb. At this point halo isnt obliged to but they will be eventually have to disclose the information. I dont really care how big their name is, in fact the bigger their name is the more they should attempt to care about the little guys. One of their competitors was even happy to tell me if a flavouring compound was in their juice when asked.

As for the analog story, I was an addict by 8 years old, so no my very adept and mature 8 year old self failed to contact british american tabacco to ask them what was in their product and why I was so addicted to it. But the detraction is noted and dismissed. Whilst at it I may point out that the bigger the name the more a company thinks they can hide behind it. A great example comes from the melamine pet food scare, everyone had a good go at whiskas and royal canin, ummmm hills science diet also had major problems, despite its big name and in fact ended one of my animals. Not interested in arguing, but wont be put down by a brand name.
I was also curious about the ratio used in their juices, it is really strange why they wouldn't disclose this. I queried with sir vape and they were extremely forth coming, they pasted the whole conversation they had with Halo.

According to the rep. From Halo these are all High pg juices and therefore not for me. Had to remove their juices from my cart, but when jimmy's come in all be all over it :p
To be honest, I do get what @Sir Vape is saying, But if you hand me a juice and I cant see the mix up on the label I tend to put it back on the shelf. I had a couple of juices that where high PG and wasted tons of money on them. My system does not like high PG and a 50/50 mix seems to be my sweet spot.

Unfortunately I agree with @Danny on this one. If Halo wont tell me the % in the bottle. I am rather going to skip then try it and waist another couple of bucks.
@Arthster and @Danny

Hey guys. Sorry for the late reply. Been a bit snowed under today with orders. Okay yeah I def get what your saying and Halo will in the future have to disclose the ratio mix with new standards coming into place. I have just been chatting to them again and they assured me the mix is between 60-70pg. So for those that are pg sensitive I suggest not to purchase. They are not the only guys that keep their ratio under wraps though and seems to be the norm with a few of the big boy mixers. Not sure why and find it a bit silly but there must be valid reason for their secrecy.

The one thing I can about Halo through dealing with them that they are very helpful and honest (except the exact ratio ha ha) about what their juices contain. Just scan their website or read article on Halo and you will see how important quality & approved ingredients are that are used in their juices. http://www.halocigs.com/faqs/eliquid.html

We are very fussy about what juices we supply. Halo we have been working on for the past couple months to get in, not only because of how awesome and complex their range is but their dedication to vaping in general.

Any other queries you have please just pop me an email :)
Thanks @Sir Vape. Very useful information and really glad that they are so dedicated to supply the vaping community with descent juice and a quality product. Maybe one of these days my system decides to let go of its PG affliction, I would really love to try some there products.
Im a little bit surprised by this, I dont like a lack of transparency when I am paying good money for a product I am going to inhale. I have been searching to find the Pg/Vg ratios of halo liquid, and all that I have found are snotty responses about proprietary information. To be honest I wont order it now, I want to know because up to 60 % Pg I am happy, but above that and I am not at all! So I as a customer dont know if I will be happy once buying the product, and they (Halo) wont give me the information I need to ensure I actually want it. Nor will they give it to vendors selling their goods. Other companies print it on their bottles standard. How is knowing the ratio going to enable me to clone their product. I am not asking for a goddam list of flavour compounds. Regulation will hopefully force companies to do that, not the amounts but the list, the list that would give us material data safety sheets and allow us to make informed decisions beyond, 'its food grade, its ok'

The response from them definitely says they are making too much money, too quickly to care about the individual customer. For all I know everything about their product could be bad, and now because they withhold simple information I dont and will not trust them. Even 5 pawns was very courteous and caring when I contacted them! To those out there that have ordered I hope its amazing, and every bit as good tasting as its made out to be. I will only be tasting once I sample from someone else, cant order a bottle and not be able to vape it because the top secret Pg ratio is too high. What a****les (excuse the french)!

Danny I have issues with high levels of 'PG'. When I contacted HALO I was told that the level of 'PG -vs VG' is :... proportionally higher; so I take from that it is higher than 50% PG even though the representative claimed she did not know the 'exact proportion' as that info was not supplied. I suppose the bottom line is that 'PG' could be anywhere from 51% to 99% which I think is a stretch.

Good luck if you decide to try it; I cannot even give it a try as any 'PG' level above 30% sends me to a place I don't want to go!

Sadly from the reading I have done it is the opposite. The closest to a real answer I have gotten is there is substantially more PG than VG ;(

Come visit me.... I'll give you a few bottles.... then decide for yourself...
From what I can phantom it doesn't look much different than a 50/50 blend does... HOWEVER... it did wick extremely fast through my Atlantis that over saturated the coil and caused spit backs. Which makes me think 60PG/40VG.... this is just speculation though.
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@Arthster and @Danny

Hey guys. Sorry for the late reply. Been a bit snowed under today with orders. Okay yeah I def get what your saying and Halo will in the future have to disclose the ratio mix with new standards coming into place. I have just been chatting to them again and they assured me the mix is between 60-70pg. So for those that are pg sensitive I suggest not to purchase. They are not the only guys that keep their ratio under wraps though and seems to be the norm with a few of the big boy mixers. Not sure why and find it a bit silly but there must be valid reason for their secrecy.

The one thing I can about Halo through dealing with them that they are very helpful and honest (except the exact ratio ha ha) about what their juices contain. Just scan their website or read article on Halo and you will see how important quality & approved ingredients are that are used in their juices. http://www.halocigs.com/faqs/eliquid.html

We are very fussy about what juices we supply. Halo we have been working on for the past couple months to get in, not only because of how awesome and complex their range is but their dedication to vaping in general.

Any other queries you have please just pop me an email :)
@Sir Vape as always your customer service levels are at its peak. Big up to you for pushing and relating the required info to the members. I'm certain that the new information will clear up all concerns with regard to the pg/vg questions.
@Marzuq thanks dude, yeah we cant win em all and can't keep everyone happy all of the time but we will try our hardest to do so. Thank you for your vote of confidence it is much appreciated.
@Marzuq thanks dude, yeah we cant win em all and can't keep everyone happy all of the time but we will try our hardest to do so. Thank you for your vote of confidence it is much appreciated.

In all my dealing with Sir vape I had only great experiences. I believe that as long as you are putting as much info forward about the liquids as you have available then you are tops. On the website I noticed you stated no alcohol used in production. For me that there alone is a step in the right direction as you already show that you are catering for and being open and forthcoming about what your non alcohol consuming client base can vape.

I tip my hat to the sir vape team
VandaL and Arthster too? it seems quite common. What is the problem, the symptoms?
VandaL and Arthster too? it seems quite common. What is the problem, the symptoms?

I get insane throat burn, can't even call it throat hit, it would be more in line with a throat sucker bunch to ba... kidneys. And that from vaping on my old ego-T with a 2 ohm Kangertech mini
What ratio is Liqua? i think i read somewhere that it's 70:30 ...i'll try google. i didn't like it when i started vaping but then a couple months later i quite liked the Liqua Turkish that i'd had in the cupboard. i was going to order a lot of NET juice at 60-40 instead of 50-50 but now i wonder...like maybe i should try Liqua again to see.
PS: Some say 70-30, some say 60-40.
I also tried Liqua when i started and that was a little harsh for me as well. I tried it not to long ago, (Went out and forgot juice at home) I'm not sure if it was real or a clone, I did buy it from a little dodgy shop that sells questionable vapes, but that wasn't to bad at all.
In the beginning most juices were 100% PG or at least 80% PG. It is a bit strange that they won't disclose the ratio though, but I would put it between 60 and 70 % as well. Remember there are smoothing agents some companies use to tone down the harshness of PG and give it a fuller feel/taste. I would say if you do not have physical side effects like rashes, sore throat, coughing, etc from high PG juices, it is well worth the try.

And yes, Liqua is 70/30, so if you can do Liqua you can certainly do Halo.
I don't have any PG allergies it's just I prefer high VG juices :rolleyes: 50/50 is kinda where I draw my limit. When I first started messing around with vaping juices were 15% VG 85% PG
Hi Guys, me again, got the Eleaf iStick as recommended by forum members but did not get the Nautilus aspire, just sticking with the one on the iStick. I am sooooo happy with my Christmas present so thank you all for the recommendations.
I also got the Liqua Vanilla juice. I must admit not as happy with the juice as it has a slightly sour taste.
I have been reading all the post on juices and still can't make up my mind of what to order.
I think what I want is something that tastes smoother, well rounded, with a medium hit as I find the 3.5v is about the same as smoking my Dunhill Infinite Light cig. Not too sweet though. The Liqua also seems to burn the throat a bit.
What are your suggestions as I do value your experiences.
Hi @Batfish, glad you got sorted with the iStick...it's a great little device. Usually it does not come with a atomizer, but if yours did then it was included by the vendor and that's just fine if it works for you :)

The Liqua juices are a bit "harsh". I'd recommend you try some of our locally made liquids, which are very high quality :nod:

Flavour is very subjective and I am quite reluctant to recommend something specific. It is unfortunately something you have to experiment with in order to find what you like.

From the recent polls done here on the forum I would have to recommend you head over to the VapourMountain site, their liquids have consistently rated very high among our members. I'm sad to admit I have not personally gotten round to them (it's on my list) but I trust that our forum members have very refined pallets. Have a look at the various flavours on offer and pick what you like - it is almost guaranteed there will be something you like. As a new vaper I would suggest 18mg, but 12mg might be a bit smoother (you might vape a bit more frequently using 12mg to get your nicotine fix).

Lately, I've been vaping a lot of juices from SkyBlue, which I would personally recommend very highly. Again just have a look at the flavours on offer and pick your preference. From them you can also get a Sample Box which contains 10 different flavours (in small amounts), allowing you find what you like without breaking the bank.

Of course there are many other vendors on here that make and sell liquids, and all are of the same high quality - I wish I could name them all, but that would just be overwhelming. So head over to this thread for a list and contact details.

Best of luck finding your flavour - it's a great journey ;)
Hi @Batfish, glad you got sorted with the iStick...it's a great little device. Usually it does not come with a atomizer, but if yours did then it was included by the vendor and that's just fine if it works for you :)

The Liqua juices are a bit "harsh". I'd recommend you try some of our locally made liquids, which are very high quality :nod:

Flavour is very subjective and I am quite reluctant to recommend something specific. It is unfortunately something you have to experiment with in order to find what you like.

From the recent polls done here on the forum I would have to recommend you head over to the VapourMountain site, their liquids have consistently rated very high among our members. I'm sad to admit I have not personally gotten round to them (it's on my list) but I trust that our forum members have very refined pallets. Have a look at the various flavours on offer and pick what you like - it is almost guaranteed there will be something you like. As a new vaper I would suggest 18mg, but 12mg might be a bit smoother (you might vape a bit more frequently using 12mg to get your nicotine fix).

Lately, I've been vaping a lot of juices from SkyBlue, which I would personally recommend very highly. Again just have a look at the flavours on offer and pick your preference. From them you can also get a Sample Box which contains 10 different flavours (in small amounts), allowing you find what you like without breaking the bank.

Of course there are many other vendors on here that make and sell liquids, and all are of the same high quality - I wish I could name them all, but that would just be overwhelming. So head over to this thread for a list and contact details.

Best of luck finding your flavour - it's a great journey ;)
Thank you so much for the advice. I understand you not being able to recommend a juice as palates are so different.
I like the idea of the sample box, will go over to the site and have a look see. Such fun this vaping journey!
Thank you so much for the advice. I understand you not being able to recommend a juice as palates are so different.
I like the idea of the sample box, will go over to the site and have a look see. Such fun this vaping journey!

You are very welcome!

I personally really enjoyed the sample box, as it gave me a great "range" of tastes as a baseline for selecting flavours. I discovered a handful of flavours I liked that I would otherwise most likely never have tried :D