HE v non-HE

Lol @Scouse45

I am very excited myself because the Skyline will be my first high end piece of gear
I have the Reos, the RM2s, Nuppins, the OL16 and my beloved abalone hotcig150
And the two authentic Kayfuns.
Those are my "highest end gear"

So am very excited for the Skyline and want to put it through its paces very carefully. But it will take me some time to figure it all out. I want to compare it to the gear and juices I know well.
Nothing beats the abalone hotcig it's my driver! After following ur kayfun posts I am trying a couple of sxk kayfuns to c how I like the style (let's not get into attack of the clones again) then maybe I can move onto a serious version.
My 2c. Some of the so called HE gear I've seen is awesome and I would buy them all if I could.
But coming from a manufacturing background, MY definition of HE depends on quality of fit and finish.
What I have realised is:-
- Expensive does not necessarily mean HE
- Stab wood does not make a mod HE
- Rarity does not make it HE (just look at some of the 3D printed squonk mods out there, they're cute, rare and expensive but definitely not HE to ME)

Here is a good example of what HE is to ME:-

View attachment 94436 View attachment 94437 View attachment 94438 View attachment 94439 View attachment 94440

Beautiful mod :inlove::h::inlove:
All good.
You got your pitchfork out for a minute there...
got caught up in the moment, my take on the whole topic;

Japanese, Chinese, Mexican, American, whoever produces whatever level of MOD/RDA/RTA, if I can get a good vape from it, I love it. Would i like an authentic ESG Skyline? Hell yeah! Can I afford it? That's a different subject that I need to discuss with my bank manager.
Maybe I just click to much on the wrong threads and always see the high praise in HE/expensive mods, that I myself want it as well, but cant afford it right this moment.
For now I'm off the stinkies, using my own defined HE setup namely a Therion BF with a tsunami/LP, so I'm a happy camper.
A bit more "LE" reviews on the forum would be great, but nowadays only the "HE" stuff makes it on here.
Nothing beats the abalone hotcig it's my driver! After following ur kayfun posts I am trying a couple of sxk kayfuns to c how I like the style (let's not get into attack of the clones again) then maybe I can move onto a serious version.

Great to hear @Scouse45
My Kayfun5 is going beautifully.
My V3 Mini is still not right and I need to experiment a bit more.
Nothing beats the abalone hotcig it's my driver! After following ur kayfun posts I am trying a couple of sxk kayfuns to c how I like the style (let's not get into attack of the clones again) then maybe I can move onto a serious version.
Nobody is atacking clones.
I for 1 just stated my opinion on them.
If I say that clones are intellectual property theft I don't see how you would take offence to my opinion unless you agree with my statement and then reject it because you think I'm atacking you.

If you want to use the clone it's none of my business.
Speaking of the Kayfun, I think this guy is funny as hell.
got caught up in the moment, my take on the whole topic;

Japanese, Chinese, Mexican, American, whoever produces whatever level of MOD/RDA/RTA, if I can get a good vape from it, I love it. Would i like an authentic ESG Skyline? Hell yeah! Can I afford it? That's a different subject that I need to discuss with my bank manager.
Maybe I just click to much on the wrong threads and always see the high praise in HE/expensive mods, that I myself want it as well, but cant afford it right this moment.
For now I'm off the stinkies, using my own defined HE setup namely a Therion BF with a tsunami/LP, so I'm a happy camper.
A bit more "LE" reviews on the forum would be great, but nowadays only the "HE" stuff makes it on here.
That's the spirit. I would suggest creating your own thread regarding the gear that you love.

It seems 1 man would create the bulk of the thread and everyone would add.
When said man moves to other devices that can't be bought readily it's natural that he would continue to do the same.

Perhaps this is a call to the community to be more active instead of expecting someone else to start a thread.
got caught up in the moment, my take on the whole topic;

Japanese, Chinese, Mexican, American, whoever produces whatever level of MOD/RDA/RTA, if I can get a good vape from it, I love it. Would i like an authentic ESG Skyline? Hell yeah! Can I afford it? That's a different subject that I need to discuss with my bank manager.
Maybe I just click to much on the wrong threads and always see the high praise in HE/expensive mods, that I myself want it as well, but cant afford it right this moment.
For now I'm off the stinkies, using my own defined HE setup namely a Therion BF with a tsunami/LP, so I'm a happy camper.
A bit more "LE" reviews on the forum would be great, but nowadays only the "HE" stuff makes it on here.

Hi @wikus

I alluded to this much earlier in the thread. There is no change on the forum regarding a swing toward high end gear. ECIGSSA has no policy to promote the posting of any type of gear.

What you may be witnessing is that one of our most prolific posters and fellow Admin Mr Fisher has gone heavily into the high end journey. Hence he has posted a fair amount of high end gear he is experiencing. And the related conversation adds to it. But that is his personal journey. Not a forum policy of any kind.

Members are free to post about all vaping devices, not just the high end stuff.

Just wanted to make that clear in case anyone thought differently.
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Hi @wikus

I alluded to this much earlier in the thread. There is no change on the forum regarding a swing toward high end gear. ECIGSSA has no policy to promote the posting of any type of gear.

What you may be witnessing is that one of our most prolific poster and fellow Admin Mr Fisher has gone heavily into the high end journey. Hence he has posted a fair amount of high end gear he is experiencing. And the related conversation adds to it. But that is his personal journey. Not a forum policy of any kind.

Members are free to post about all vaping devices, not just the high end stuff.

Just wanted to make that clear in case anyone thought differently.
Thanks for phrasing thay better than I could.

It really is up to everyone to contribute as there seems to be anger or resentment because Rob is no longer creating threads on everything new that comes out.

If it amazes you I would create a thread instead of waiting for someone else to do it.
In my hand right now

One of my favourite Vaping devices. Subtank Mini V2 on istick50. It's old but works so incredibly well

This exact device got me through VapeCon 2016 and will most likely get me through VapeCon 2017 as well. I have a 'love' for it that is quite special. Many special moments.

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I think this whole HE LE Clones vs Authentic has bigger repercussions than we think ... there are other forces at work here namely Tobacco companies. They are the real threat to the industry and our love for vaping ......

Instead of infighting , I propose we take action , join the fight as in the end it's about a healthier lifestyle be it vaping on a Skyline or a Twisp....

This was posted in 2014 ..... three years later nothing has changed it's only getting worse :

Quote from the post that grabbed me , read it and take heed brothers and sisters : http://www.economist.com/blogs/schumpeter/2014/03/e-cigarette-patent-wars

""The e-cigarette business, then, will probably end up much like the smartphone industry (whose miniature-battery technology helped make modern e-cigarettes possible): awash in patent-related lawsuits and counter-lawsuits. Taken together with restrictive and ill-conceived e-cigarette regulations proposed on both sides of the Atlantic, all this may slow growth and innovation in an industry that could greatly reduce the number of smoking-related deaths worldwide. Not exactly a win for anyone involved."
I'm not jumping on any side I myself cannot afford HE but I tend to think that's very narrow minded hey. Saying that us (the west) buy products irrespective of quality, design and tolerances... basically saying we jump at the cheap rubbish. How about due respect to financial position or due respect to choice?? I have vaped many years now and tried many many different devices and very often I go back to my cheaper simpler devices. I hav dnas and sx mods and I hav ordered sxk kayfuns to try. I don't hav the 2000 for a tank jus to c how it is so I will attempt the clones first based on other members suggestions also. Many of us r not making choices irrespective of designs and quality, we making choices with respect to our own situations and positions. This is not a personal thing at all, and I say this with all due respect... but that's rubbish to say that

No! I did not say you .... "us (the west) buy products irrespective of quality, design and tolerances... basically saying we jump at the cheap rubbish" - read again an then try to make an intelligent comment. I did not disrespect and or address your financial situation in any way, c'mon. I did not address your choice/s, bad or good! If you know the Chinese business model regarding "budget" conscious Western consumer goods, please explain it it to me, as it seems that I don't have a clue.
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Nobody is atacking clones.
I for 1 just stated my opinion on them.
If I say that clones are intellectual property theft I don't see how you would take offence to my opinion unless you agree with my statement and then reject it because you think I'm atacking you.

If you want to use the clone it's none of my business.
No did not direct that at u at all was jus lightening the mood haha I'm all about vaping wat u can how u can when u can! That's all that really matters
It is a pitty that I had such shit experiences with clones and never wanted to try them again.

I would have also liked to get stuff at good prices.

But you @boxerulez just want to go at people,don't understand why you are being like this.

I will buy what I want,when I want.I don't drink,never go out.Just a family man enjoying my hobby.
Sorry I come of as having a go I suppose in a way I am...

Like many here have admitted if I had money for Authentics all day I would too... but I am forced to LE and Clone a lot of the way.

Only allow myself a max of 2 higher quality devices at any given time.

I too do not drink and party but I am in a lower income group so I try to supplement my incone each and every way to reach just a little higher up the vape ladder.

I will turn a blind eye to most thing I encounter which seen divisive and snide toward clone owners.

I will try to be less frivolous going forward with my personal life and aim just a little higher but in the meantime I will puff on my clone hadaly as the flavour is just so damn good.

Peace out @NoCloneZone.

Again... apologies about having a go.

Pitchfork packed neatly away for now.

Sent from my SM-G610F using Tapatalk
I would like to add that most of my stuff is HE.
Not considered HE but it works exceptionally well and is exceptional quality.

I'm old enough not to care.
Speaking of the Kayfun, I think this guy is funny as hell.

@Alex becareful what you post :-D
I posted that exact video once and got a dislike and a comment "the guy swears too much" :-D

But i love that review... Ive watched it beginning to end about 3 times :-D
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I would love to know where the term LE came from.
I have not seen anyone calling gear LE and in my mind my gear is not LE even though most guys would call it LE.

I'm thinking whoever came up with the term LE has in fact created this divide between devices which shouldn't exist.
I understand rare pieces will be HE but is there really a need to class LE at all?
My suggestion is that LE is in your own mind.
Reading through this thread, my conclusion: the Chinese sweat shop owners know their Western client base as penny-wise-but pound-foolish.

Ah, OK, now that you have explained, I tend to disagree. Yes, I hear you that "goedkoop can be duurkoop" and that a cheap clone that packs up after a few days can be false economy. I have four clones and haven't had a single problem from any of them but I concede that many vapers haven't been as lucky as I have.

However, in financial terms, the bigger picture is that spending as little as possible on vaping and as much as possible on investments that increase in value over time is a wise option. The Chinese model along with DIY allows me to vape really cheaply. So it's a model that I'll keep leveraging.
I think you mean bad hand eye co-ordination or bad mouse/click skills :D

He was really upset with me because of that video and preached a bit inbetween his words :-D

I started typing but then thought shame rather not the toppie just probably walked out church and asked lord for forgiveness and here i lay all this rude language on him through my posted video :-D
He was really upset with me because of that video and preached a bit inbetween his words :-D

I started typing but then thought shame rather not the toppie just probably walked out church and asked lord for forgiveness and here i lay all this rude language on him through my posted video :-D
Was it myself?