Heaven Gifts 11th Anniversary Massive Contest: Golisi & Tesiyi Special--9/24

#Post 5

Benefits of Vaping - Less harmful to the environment (fires caused by cigarette butts)

#post 3
With so much variety in the vaping world there is so much to look forward to in the quest for aa healthier lifestyle.
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#post 4
Vaping brought me to this forum where I can share my experiences with fellow vapers making they journey awesome
#post 5
When I started vaping it was on an ego and it was harder to stay clear of stinkies. It has changed so much along the years that I can choose the vape mods that works for me and makes the vape journey easier.
#Post 5

Vaping can become an expensive hobby, but it's so much fun opening new gear when you receive it.

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Winner Announcement

Dear all,

Thanks for your active participation and supports. So excited to choose the winner.

Congratulations #5 @hot.chillie35!
Your prize is TESIYI E2S Charger.


You are our winner! Please PM us your shipping address in following format.
Post code:
Tel & Email:

After receiving the prize, please share your real feeling and user experience with other vaping friends here or any of your account such as Facebook, Twitter.