Help Choosing a RDA


Sith Lord
So I have wanted a tube mech for a long time, and I have finally been convinced by one @Rob Fisher to get one (he didn't have to try very hard, but I still blame him for enabling me). So I have a black and gold Envii Heretic on its way to me in the near future...


But I am really battling to choose what RDA to put on top of it, and hoping that the guys with more dripping experience can help me out. I need it to be:

  • 24mm
  • Black
  • Single Coil
  • Not too flashy or too much branding

The diameter and colour requirements are pretty obvious, but the single coil one is simply because I don't like messing around with dual-coil builds, I find them irritating. So I would like a RDA specifically designed for single coils, or at least well suited to single coil, I don't like the idea of only building on half a deck, but may be convinced if someone has had good experience with it.

The "Not too flashy" requirement is because I'm not a big fan of over the top branding (unless it looks awesome). Anyone that knows me, knows that I tend to choose looks over functionality (yes and then I cry when I get burned, but I'm stubborn like that).

So far here's my list, with pros and cons...

Vandy Vape Pulse 24




Understated branding
Found reviews of great single-coil performance
Can drip through cap


None that I can see!

Coilart DPro


I recently got given one of these and really like it, so it is at the top of my list ATM.

Ticks all my requirements
810 Drip Tip, so I can top it off nicely with an aftermarket buy

Don't love the branding, but it is pretty subtle at least
Very shallow juice well, so I have to drip a lot.

ADVKEN Gorge - Removed, the silver ring will be too much!



Single-coil only
NO branding (the DT will be replaced - another pro)


That damned silver rim that the cap sits on!!!!! I think it would break the aesthetics of the whole setup. It would wouldn't it? Or am I just mad?

Bonza RDA



Looks frikkin' epic!


Split deck so if I wanted to go with a single coil option I feel I wouldn't be using it to the best of it's abilities.

Vandy Vapes Govad - Removed due to reports of leaking



Ticks all the boxes


Haven't heard anything about it whatsoever! I can't say I LOVE the look of it, but it seems pretty interesting.

Please help me guys! I suck at making the right decision!
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It accommodates normal Goon/Kennedy tips and the juice well is great since the topcap seals off the bottom so your juice well actually goes all the way to the height of the airholes. :)
I still have mine and loving it. There is also a bunch of accessories available for this gem RDA. @Lee will confirm this.
I still have mine. It's one of those rda's that you always keep in your collection. I thought I was done using the CSMNT.... until I bought a bf kit for it. For me, it compares right along with the Goon.Same, same but different.
Oh! And the Govad is out of the running.

Apparantly to drip you need to take off the cap and very carefully "paint" the coils and cotton, or else it will start leaking through the bottom airflow or insulators. It just seems over-designed for what I'm looking for.
i see you have not considered a dead rabbit. thats full matt black


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I'm quite used to the mixed colours now, and I'm sure you will end up switching around..

To give you an idea:

IMG_4172.JPG IMG_4178.JPG

That is the Vandy Vapes Icon RDA, I picked it up very cheap and I love it.. Does single and dual coils and it takes some experimenting to get it right but it really delivers some outstanding flavour..

My first mech mod was the RDTA Mod which comes as a kit with the Limitless Classic RDTA. I got it on special, I see @Vapers Corner has the kit for R620 currently, which is really great value considering that the RDTA alone sells for not much less than that and this is a good kit.. Also having an RDTA to use on the mech is quite useful..

@Silver I know that the Petri is meant to be used on a mech but I don't find the 510 pin to be protruding enough on mine and I have found some conflicting info online, which makes me wonder if it is made to be used on the Petri mech only, I don't know but mine don't really pass the hybrid-safe test.. Also, if you are after a Petri Lite 22mm mech then head over to @noonclouds and grab one on special for R750 ;)
I'm quite used to the mixed colours now, and I'm sure you will end up switching around..

To give you an idea:

View attachment 117520 View attachment 117521

That is the Vandy Vapes Icon RDA, I picked it up very cheap and I love it.. Does single and dual coils and it takes some experimenting to get it right but it really delivers some outstanding flavour..

My first mech mod was the RDTA Mod which comes as a kit with the Limitless Classic RDTA. I got it on special, I see @Vapers Corner has the kit for R620 currently, which is really great value considering that the RDTA alone sells for not much less than that and this is a good kit.. Also having an RDTA to use on the mech is quite useful..

@Silver I know that the Petri is meant to be used on a mech but I don't find the 510 pin to be protruding enough on mine and I have found some conflicting info online, which makes me wonder if it is made to be used on the Petri mech only, I don't know but mine don't really pass the hybrid-safe test.. Also, if you are after a Petri Lite 22mm mech then head over to @noonclouds and grab one on special for R750 ;)
I hadn't considered the Icon, mostly again because of that build deck. I'm no building expert so need something that is either designed for a single-coil, or very easily adapts to a single coil, I've never been good at fiddling and finding ideal setups in a tank or dripper.
One of the better 24mm single coil RDAs that comes to mind is the Flave 24. Its gonna mess up your color scheme royally but its a great RDA nonetheless.
One of the better 24mm single coil RDAs that comes to mind is the Flave 24. Its gonna mess up your color scheme royally but its a great RDA nonetheless.
Yeah the buggery that will cause to my matchy-matcherson makes it a complete non-option! :-D
@Stosta I was definitely going for matchy matchy with my own vape gear. When I received my T-Priv, I wanted a white tank to go with it, but I couldn’t find one I wanted. At the time of ordering my Hadaly it only came in black (don’t know if other colour options are available elsewhere) and I wasn’t overly excited about it for that reason but I really wanted to try out a RDA.

Now, I’m really glad I got it! It stands out like a sore thumb on my T-Priv but it works well (still new to the RDA Rabbit Hole) and I’ve decided I’d rather have vape gear that may not match but works awesomely. :D

Having said that, vape gear that matches DOES look terrific, so I can’t blame you for wanting to match. ;-)
@Stosta I was definitely going for matchy matchy with my own vape gear. When I received my T-Priv, I wanted a white tank to go with it, but I couldn’t find one I wanted. At the time of ordering my Hadaly it only came in black (don’t know if other colour options are available elsewhere) and I wasn’t overly excited about it for that reason but I really wanted to try out a RDA.

Now, I’m really glad I got it! It stands out like a sore thumb on my T-Priv but it works well (still new to the RDA Rabbit Hole) and I’ve decided I’d rather have vape gear that may not match but works awesomely. :D

Having said that, vape gear that matches DOES look terrific, so I can’t blame you for wanting to match. ;-)
That is true. I have often got stuff just to match and it hasn't worked out, and been happy with another option that doesn't really do it justice looks-wise!

To help you with your white RDA problem. I have a white Wotofo Lush that you can have if you want. It is incredibly difficult to remove the top cap so I never even bothered using it. But who knows, maybe you'll have more persistance. PM me if you want it. :)
@Stosta if you are not in a rush and want to test the Flave 24 you can borrow mine for a week or two when the mod arrives. Not matchy matchy but it will buy you time if you need it.
Once I have it in my head that I need to buy something I get myself into a self-induced rush! I'm worried that I like the Flave too much, and will then have to find another mod to match it! :-D

That's two of you recommending to stick aesthetics where the sun doesn't shine. You and @TheV ! Is it really that good?
Dead Rabbit with the new Gold topcap it will look the dogs bollies...and you can build single coil on the DR with acceptable flavour alternatively get the DR SQ with a clone Entheon that comes with the 24mm beauty ring.....
Once I have it in my head that I need to buy something I get myself into a self-induced rush! I'm worried that I like the Flave too much, and will then have to find another mod to match it! :-D

That's two of you recommending to stick aesthetics where the sun doesn't shine. You and @TheV ! Is it really that good?

Well it's no where near as good as the Flave 22 but as far as 24's go it's a keeper for me.
go with one of the tried and tested ones comes with a trial run...there's no flipping coins on this one
for me, I got no clue but this helps me aswell
Right so I have decided to go with the Pulse.

After reading some reviews, and the input from a friend of @daniel craig 's I was pretty sure it would be the winner in the end.

The best part of it is that I managed to get it at a really good price thanks to The Vape Guy's Christmas special. Not only that, but @BumbleBee is making me a special custom drip tip for it, so everything just fell into place for this.

I will just have to wait and see if it was the right choice, but in all honesty this buy has made me want one of all of the RDAs mentioned here so I can compare! Thanks for all the input guys, I possibly should have given it some more time to think over it and properly review my options, but as @Christos knows, once I get all excited there's no stopping me. :gaydude:

Now to figure out what build I'm going to put in it!
Thanks for all the input guys, I possibly should have given it some more time to think over it and properly review my options, but as @Christos knows, once I get all excited there's no stopping me. :gaydude:

Now to figure out what build I'm going to put in it!

@Stosta I’m the same! :p

I hope you have success with the Pulse! Happy vaping. :clap: