Help! I'm being attacked by Coconut Extra!

stevie g

Vaping Addict
Okay so a bit dramatic but I need some experienced guys here to help me.

I bought some of The Flavour Apprentice coconut extra and cannot get anything vape-able from it.

I've mixed @1.5% 3% 6% etc
I've even put 1 drop per 5ml... nothing

Is this just a shitty flavourant?

I'm going for a nice coconut strawberry liquid but this coconut extra is nasty.

Before you ask yes I steeped it in a slow cooker @ 42 degrees celcius for 24 hours and shook it a hell of a lot and yes it did off gas.
IMO it's not good. Reminds me of suntan lotion.

That said 24hrs isn't that long and sometimes heat doesn't help the cause, opinions on this vary though ;-)
not a pro mixer, but i had a kak experience with coconut - its a shitty flavour to work with. the only way i could save it was by moering in alot of pineapple and made a sort of a pinacolada...
That seals it then off to the bin with you you bastard coconut extra.
I haven't been mixing my own juices for a long time but I consider coconut extra more of an additive rather than a flavor. I also found it quite overpowering when working with it at first. I try to stick to 1 drop per 10ml.
You will get much better results from TFA Coconut than TFA Coconut Extra if you want the coconut to be a main feature in your flavour. Like @Trishen mentioned, treat extra as an additive.
Hi @Sprint,

I am just reading through some older posts, and if you have not thrown away that coconut extra yet, might i suggest a Castle Longs Clone.
I found a nice clone recipe over at and one of the ingredients is coconut extra.
I love this recipe and one can hardly taste the coconut.
Thought i'd mention, save you some bucks and all..(Waste not want not i always say.. ;o))
Coconut can be tricky to find the correct balance and does work better as a background flavor in my experience. I prefer the normal coconut to the coconut extra. Start at 0.5% and work up from there and try adding some sweet cream.
Coconut can be tricky to find the correct balance and does work better as a background flavor in my experience. I prefer the normal coconut to the coconut extra. Start at 0.5% and work up from there and try adding some sweet cream.
I have subsequently realized coconut extra cannot be added @0.5% due to the bitterness... hear me out... I think the other flavors sweetness gives the perception of sweetness to the coconut.

Will be sticking to using it as sparingly as koolada for a coconut essence effect :CHUKKLING:
Thanks for the tip do you perhaps have a link for me?.

@Sprint, Morning, sorry only got the responses via mail now.
The link was in my wording.. ;o) (
Not sure if we can post hotlink > here goes - (If not allowed, sorry admins)
Here's that recipe direct link.

That's Coconut Extra at 1.5%, I used it as is, without Bourbon Vanilla as I don't have that, I used Vanilla Swirl.

Talking about coconut, are there any local e-juices that have the same coconut flavour profile as for example Malibu liqueur? Looking for something very 'coconutty' if you know what I mean. :)
This might sound weird, given your results...

I have had reasonably good outcomes "flattening" the coconut extra with Ripe Banana.
Around 50/50 blend of the two makes for a really rounded, smooth, and very "tropical" tasting coconut vape.
What i mean by tropical... think of a piña colada...

Not ao sure about using it that way in mix with more flavours.
My main use is for fruity menthols.

3% menthol, 1% koolada, 3.5% coconut extra, 3% ripe banana.
Add a touch of sweetener if you want (3-5%)- but not required.

Very full and smooth ADV for the last month for me...