Hi guys. So today I went to my local vape shop and purchased a bottle of juice. I'm strictly a 3mg vaper, anything higher and my throat is torn accompanied with dizziness. So I bring it home, fill up my tank and start vaping. I got the harsh throat hit, but didn't think it was anything more than my cotton needing to be changed. Changed the cotton, gave it a go again... And I'm pretty sure this is a 6mg labeled as a 3mg. Really pissed off to say the least. So my question is, do I contact the juice company or the local vape shop? Because I really don't think it's the local vape shops problem. Some might think that I'm making this a big deal but to me it is! Just when I thought i could stop buying the imported juices and buy our local juices for half the price or so, I get a kick in the face... Feel free to leave your thoughts.