How much do you vape on average?

I find it hard to judge what I use. When I started vaping with my twisp, I used one 20ml bottle a month. Then moved up to like 2 30ml bottles. Now I cant afford to buy juice so I buy diy and maybe one or 2 ready mades depending on the month! But having gone from using one 20ml bottle of twisp liquid over a year ago to mixing up 2x 180ml bottles of diy Id say I use quite abit. Normally go through one KUI bottle and my Goblin tank. But inbetween I drip some other DIYs.

I guess I vape around 15ml a day? And my builds are all below 0.5, my lowest is currently a 0.15.
Guess i'm in the new Normal then... about 15ml - 20ml a day... split between DIY juice and a few selected local and international juices..
Strange thing is... i never thought about how much i vape in a day... till i read this thread :(
@Puff&Pass would you mind if peole posted some pics of their builds and the 'mileage' they get on them?
I use the Lemo2 with iStick 30 at work and that is about half a tank a day (currently filled with Ruthless Sherbae 6mg) . My main device is still a Twisp Clearo and that is about a tank a day (filled with Twisp Rebel mix with Tobacco 1 - 18mg's). You got to have a deep pocket to vape premium juice in a tank like the Lemo 2 (drinks like a fish!).
I use the Lemo2 with iStick 30 at work and that is about half a tank a day (currently filled with Ruthless Sherbae 6mg) . My main device is still a Twisp Clearo and that is about a tank a day (filled with Twisp Rebel mix with Tobacco 1 - 18mg's). You got to have a deep pocket to vape premium juice in a tank like the Lemo 2 (drinks like a fish!).
With local juices becoming better and better, premium import juice is becoming a thing of the past for me. I also promised myself that I will not touch import juice anymore because as soon as I find something I like, it is either out of stock the next time I want to get more, and then takes ages to restock, or the vendor has stopped bringing it in.
I think I'm on 10-20ml a day, hard to guage because I use a few devices. If it's a quiet night or weekend at work, and I have a vape buddy (which doesn't happen often) it might be inching towards 30ml too :D
Down to 1mg too, otherwise I keep feeling like I have on one of those @Silver colored 70's style sunglasses :D :D :D
The same here bud, with a fellow vapor around it turns into" try this test that" which eventually gives you the consumption of a 3L Ford:rofl:
Guess i'm in the new Normal then... about 15ml - 20ml a day... split between DIY juice and a few selected local and international juices..
Strange thing is... i never thought about how much i vape in a day... till i read this thread :(
I started thinkin about it after my wife mentioned she bought 10 100ml's Glicerine this month that just sorta vaporized:rofl::rofl::rofl: I mostly vape DIY so share a lot of juice, but a good thing to watch personal consumption.
Call me cheap..But I do VG all my juice atleast 50%..and have grown used to it..Tonight I tried undiluted juice and the taste is vaping concentrate..Id rather vape more diluted juice than smaller abounts of Undiluted. ..Probably a habbit that didn't go with the stinkies..Chain smoking atleast 30+ Winston filter a day for 18 years.I do about 15-20ml a day depending on device..And it seems I use less with bottom feeder and dripping than in a tank.
Also do 10 to 15ml a day. Only dripping and bf.
And only diy juice.
Feeling better now seeing thats more or less the average.

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Call me cheap..But I do VG all my juice atleast 50%..and have grown used to it..Tonight I tried undiluted juice and the taste is vaping concentrate..Id rather vape more diluted juice than smaller abounts of Undiluted. ..Probably a habbit that didn't go with the stinkies..Chain smoking atleast 30+ Winston filter a day for 18 years.I do about 15-20ml a day depending on device..And it seems I use less with bottom feeder and dripping than in a tank.
I agree Gert same here, the thing is most companies like Derick from skyeblue has explained blend for all devices pensticks etc. ON my rig most juices are to sharp aswell but well blended. If I purchase one, whether from Vapeking or wherever I also dilute it to taste. My DIY juices are extremely tasty some of my friends do actually want to buy it, but it is actually useless on anything under 30W...If I put a 0.5ohm coil in I don't taste it myself. I believe in this game if you cross a bridge it's gone, you can never go back. I'm stuck at atleast 0.3...with very low flavoured juice. Most of my blends are 90+VG.
It is wife just landed with a dozen bottles of VG...I am now officially married to skyeblue and consumption I think will be less monitored from here on. If I'm still alive next year and chattin to you'all then you now vaping is harmless irrespective of how much;)
10 ml a day = 1 bottle every 3 day @ R140.00 average ?
10 bottles @ R140.00 =R1400.00 a month eina

back to smoking :p
10 ml a day = 1 bottle every 3 day @ R140.00 average ?
10 bottles @ R140.00 =R1400.00 a month eina

back to smoking :p
My juice works out R9.45/50ml, 30ml/day = R5.72 (R177/month);) but I do spend closer to your amount on wire/mods/batteries etc/month:wait:...would gladly spend 10k a month tho in order to never smoke again:p
10 ml a day = 1 bottle every 3 day @ R140.00 average ?
10 bottles @ R140.00 =R1400.00 a month eina

back to smoking :p
Very true!

Analogues atR35 x 30 = R1050

Now if you Vape import juices its a whole lot worse.

Even at the additional cost I thoroughly enjoy vaping and loving the flavours out there, every month when I order it's like a new adventure. Similar to eating my daily takeaway, then going to a high end restaurant every now and then. Hope you all can relate.

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Imagine what my budget looks like peeps, stinkies used to be R7.50 a pack for my 'brand' :D

Never planned to quit, even though it irritated me endlessly the last few months. Just got a cigalike for when I didn't have a relief to smoke at work. Well, the bug bit and now I'm over 3 months stinky free. IfnI manage to be stinky free for a year, I might get a nice new mod :D
10 ml a day = 1 bottle every 3 day @ R140.00 average ?
10 bottles @ R140.00 =R1400.00 a month eina

back to smoking :p

A True Vape Geek, I salute you, back to smoking...Never, just that thought alone wants me to go out and purchase MORE vape "stuff"
@Puff&Pass would you mind if peole posted some pics of their builds and the 'mileage' they get on them?
24G Kanthal, 2mm, 7 windings, +-0.2ohm...Like I mentioned...slightly heavy on the sauces...:giggle:


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Not sure how many mls this is but I filled these tanks with 18mg juices yesterday. I avoided all my other tanks and only vaped on these, this is after 24hours:

10 ml a day of 3mg combined on 3 devices. 2x sub tank nano's and a subox mini. All 1.2 ohm coils at 15 W.

I do get what your saying, if I lower the nicotine to about 1mg then I can cape all day.

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+-20ml a week, down from 12mg to 8mg NIC and soon to 0. Beene a long hard trip but from 48 Marlboro Reds a day pre December 2014 to +-3 a day I'm happy!
Imagine what my budget looks like peeps, stinkies used to be R7.50 a pack for my 'brand' :D

Never planned to quit, even though it irritated me endlessly the last few months. Just got a cigalike for when I didn't have a relief to smoke at work. Well, the bug bit and now I'm over 3 months stinky free. IfnI manage to be stinky free for a year, I might get a nice new mod :D
Great stuff mate, Mods is a nice way to invest the cigarette budget...;)