Hunting for the (my) Perfect MTL Tank


Sith Lord
Hi Guys,

Not a simple repitition of a noob question, but essentially it is the same thing but with a twist!


Hey! Stop looking at her and pay attention to me! I'm looking for the perfect MTL tank, but with a certain set of criteria. This isn't a poll, I genuinely am looking for the right one! I have figured out that I need one, really really nice setup, that I will be using all day to replace my Subox Mini kit. I know there are haters out there, but this kit is magic for me.

I have hopefully found the right, beautiful device, but I'm lacking the right tank to go on it. I LOVE my Subtank Mini. The airflow settings, size, everything about it, to me it is a timeless piece. But there has to be something a step up from it for me. However, through my various browsing, I am convinced that my best option it simply a Toptank Mini, I know, WTF right?

Please please PUHLEASE give me some suggestions here! It needs to match these criteria:

1. Has to be RTA (available commercial coils, especially ceramic, are a bonus)
2. Single coil building essential
3. Has to come in black
4. Has to be able to fit a snazzy @hands driptip
5. The 22mm is not essential, but the lower the profile the better
6. MTL!!!
The perfect setup... Thanks to @Paulie
Take it from a sub tank mini lover
1. drip box Kangertech
2. Velocity V2 with squank (sqwonk) feed modification - available at Vapeking
3. Petri V1.5 from Sir Vape or even the original Petri V1.5

Use Kangertech Mod, Use velocity deck , Use petri cap and you have one amazing device... wow just wow
The perfect setup... Thanks to @Paulie
Take it from a sub tank mini lover
1. drip box Kangertech
2. Velocity V2 with squank (sqwonk) feed modification - available at Vapeking
3. Petri V1.5 from Sir Vape or even the original Petri V1.5

Use Kangertech Mod, Use velocity deck , Use petri cap and you have one amazing device... wow just wow
Sounds like a fun setup! But too much cloudage for me for daily use!
Hi Guys,

Not a simple repitition of a noob question, but essentially it is the same thing but with a twist!


Hey! Stop looking at her and pay attention to me! I'm looking for the perfect MTL tank, but with a certain set of criteria. This isn't a poll, I genuinely am looking for the right one! I have figured out that I need one, really really nice setup, that I will be using all day to replace my Subox Mini kit. I know there are haters out there, but this kit is magic for me.

I have hopefully found the right, beautiful device, but I'm lacking the right tank to go on it. I LOVE my Subtank Mini. The airflow settings, size, everything about it, to me it is a timeless piece. But there has to be something a step up from it for me. However, through my various browsing, I am convinced that my best option it simply a Toptank Mini, I know, WTF right?

Please please PUHLEASE give me some suggestions here! It needs to match these criteria:

1. Has to be RTA (available commercial coils, especially ceramic, are a bonus)
2. Single coil building essential
3. Has to come in black
4. Has to be able to fit a snazzy @hands driptip
5. The 22mm is not essential, but the lower the profile the better
6. MTL!!!

Sorry, can you repeat the question. Without the cleavage please I'm trying to concentrate!
Kayfun lite v3. You can close the thread now.
Doesn't exist... Nautilus X was close but no @hands drip tip... :-@:mad::(
Where's the opposite of the pessimistic rating?! Surely it exists!

EDIT - Also, you know @hands ' skills, you reckon he might be able to custom one that fits the Nautilus X?
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Kayfun lite v3. You can close the thread now.
Cool! Do you know where I can find one off-hand? I see some through Fasttech but that would be a nightmare, other places I have looked at only do SS.
Hi @Stosta

I too am interesfed in finding the the perfect tightish draw MTL RTA
Have tried a few in my hunt but not enough it seems
So far my little Evod1 seems to be the best overall for flavour, simplicity and tight draw - but am using the stock 1.8 ohm coils.

I am thinking I need an original Kayfun but just havent gotten round to it. Been way too busy.

That all said, the reason I am not in a hurry is because the Reo/RM2 with the stock airhole is the best MTL flavour producer for me. And I dont really need more flavour. I doubt I will find a RTA that beats the flavour in MTL mode. Am keen to try though.
Hi @Stosta

I too am interesfed in finding the the perfect tightish draw MTL RTA
Have tried a few in my hunt but not enough it seems
So far my little Evod1 seems to be the best overall for flavour, simplicity and tight draw - but am using the stock 1.8 ohm coils.

I am thinking I need an original Kayfun but just havent gotten round to it. Been way too busy.

That all said, the reason I am not in a hurry is because the Reo/RM2 with the stock airhole is the best MTL flavour producer for me. And I dont really need more flavour. I doubt I will find a RTA that beats the flavour in MTL mode. Am keen to try though.
Thanks @Silver !

It seems that MTL isn't a heavily supported avenue these days, I suppose if the market is in DTL then that's the way development will go. Everything is screaming "REO!" to me at the moment, but my wife will kill me.

EDIT - It's also possible that I'm being too fussy, but with the range of new products on a weekly basis I'm surprised nothing ticks all my boxes!
Thanks @Silver !

It seems that MTL isn't a heavily supported avenue these days, I suppose if the market is in DTL then that's the way development will go. Everything is screaming "REO!" to me at the moment, but my wife will kill me.

EDIT - It's also possible that I'm being too fussy, but with the range of new products on a weekly basis I'm surprised nothing ticks all my boxes!

You sure you heard REO and not the wife yelling NO!

Sent from my SM-G920F using Tapatalk
You sure you heard REO and not the wife yelling NO!

Sent from my SM-G920F using Tapatalk
The only way I know for sure is because my wife doesn't yell, that would be warning me, and I lost that privelage a long time ago! :p
Where's the opposite of the pessimistic rating?! Surely it exists!

EDIT - Also, you know @hands ' skills, you reckon he might be able to custom one that fits the Nautilus X?

Yip he probably could... in fact I'm sure he could...