I Also Love Dogs

It's pretty cool in the evenings now, so while I'm on the Internet my little ones snuggle down next to me.

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“Ever consider what our dogs must think of us? I mean, here we come back from a grocery store with the most amazing haul, chicken, pork, half a cow. They must think we’re the greatest hunters on earth!” - Anne Tyler
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Last Monday, my little Rusty had major surgery on one of his hind legs. There is apparently only one Specialist Surgeon in South Africa who knows how to do this op - and fortunately for me he's at Panorama Veterinary Clinic and Specialist Centre in Cape Town.
And fortunately for me, the surgeon who took the first X-rays and who referred me to Panorama, knew that this op can be done in SA.
He said that not all vets/surgeons are aware of that, particularly vets who qualified long ago - even within the last 5 years. He knew about it because of a previous case.

The problem is a genetic defect. The upper part of tibia (bone in the leg) was sloping downwards. Apparently it was a severe case, as it was 35 degrees out of alignment. The surgeon cut off the upper part and insert a plate. We start physio next week, but it will be 6 weeks before Rusty is allowed to walk again and 3 months for a full recovery.

After which we return for another op - on the other hind leg! It has the same defect, but not as severe. My poor little boy, who is being so brave - probably because he's stoned out of his mind most of the time with all the meds!

It must be so traumatic for our pets. Imagine ... they're left behind at a strange place, with strange people. Then go to sleep (anaesthetic) and wake up, still in a strange place. Mommy / Daddy isn't there, they're in pain, they don't know what's going on...
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Last Monday, my little Rusty had major surgery on one of his hind legs. There is apparently only one Specialist Surgeon in South Africa who knows how to do this op - and fortunately for me he's at Panorama Veterinary Clinic and Specialist Centre in Cape Town.
And fortunately for me, the surgeon who took the first X-rays and who referred me to Panorama, knew that this op can be done in SA.
He said that not all vets/surgeons are aware of that, particularly vets who qualified long ago - even within the last 5 years. He knew about it because of a previous case.

The problem is a genetic defect. The upper part of tibia (bone in the leg) was sloping downwards. Apparently it was a severe case, as it was 35 degrees out of alignment. The surgeon cut off the upper part and insert a plate. We start physio next week, but it will be 6 weeks before Rusty is allowed to walk again and 3 months for a full recovery.

After which we return for another op - on the other hind leg! It has the same defect, but not as severe. My poor little boy, who is being so brave - probably because he's stoned out of his mind most of the time with all the meds!

It must be so traumatic for our pets. Imagine ... they're left behind at a strange place, with strange people. Then go to sleep (anaesthetic) and wake up, still in a strange place. Mommy / Daddy isn't there, they're in pain, they don't know what's going on...
@Hooked , at least he has a human mom that cares and gives the unconditional love as he does. Wishing the little chap a speedy recovery and good luck for the next op. He looks happy where he sits!
@RainstormZA No, she doesn't - she looks like a young pup still. Did she have a facelift?

No, she seemed to age much slower than the other two. I think it's because she's so laid back and hardly ever gets stressed.

She still plays even at this age, she goes absolutely nuts and races around. I make a certain noise when she's in the mood and when the noise comes closer, she runs so fast like her butt was going to get bitten. She's so funny. I also sneak on her and chase her when she starts racing off.
We lost Nuschka 2 weeks ago... She was just over 12 years old and her heart gave in. Photo is from when she was in her prime.
WOW! That's some baby! What a beauty!! Just look at that shiny coat and not an inch of fat. Well done to you and your good care of him/her @Genosmate!