iJust 2 p-ing me off


New Vaper
Hello there fellow vapers!

I got myself an iJust2 about 3 weeks ago. I'm pretty new to vaping as well, so I thought I might ask you experts for some advice. I changed the first coil last weekend, vaped about 2 weeks on the first one. I had to buy the 0.5 ohm coils because there was no stock on the 0.3 ohm. Not too impressed with it, doesn't taste the same as when I first got the device.
I don't chain vape, so in my own opinion I should get at least 2 weeks out of a coil. Into about my 3rd day of the new coil, this thing is starting to taste like crap. I keep getting that siff metallic taste and I get a lot of crackling sounds when I heat it up. I checked and the cotton is pretty wet. I'm not sure if it's the coil causing this or is the device just crap?

I would appreciate any help/suggestions.

Thank you very much!
Also when you take a drag more or less how many seceonds do you pull for.
Because I see also what happens is sometimes you wanna get the same cloud production as the 0.3 coil on a 0.5 so one tends to pull for much longer.
I had that problem when I switched from the 0.3 to 0.5 .
Try taking shorter drags and see if it helps.
Also when you take a drag more or less how many seceonds do you pull for.
Because I see also what happens is sometimes you wanna get the same cloud production as the 0.3 coil on a 0.5 so one tends to pull for much longer.
I had that problem when I switched from the 0.3 to 0.5 .
Try taking shorter drags and see if it helps.

Hey, thanks for the quick response!

Yes I did prime it, I definitely put enough juice on it, I made sure of it. I drag between 3 and 5 seconds as the 0.5 takes longer to heat up.
No problem
See if taking shorter drags helps.
Try cleaning your coil in some vodka by leaving it in overnight.
Sometimes residue does build up and sometimes one can get a dud coil.
Hopefully this helps bud.
No problem
See if taking shorter drags helps.
Try cleaning your coil in some vodka by leaving it in overnight.
Sometimes residue does build up and sometimes one can get a dud coil.
Hopefully this helps bud.

Awesome man, thanks a mill, gonna give it a shot and report back.
@werner84 I had the same experience with the iJust2 coils. The 0.5 ohm coils just don't do what the 0.3 ohm coils can do and once you're used to the 0.3 the 0.5 simply won't cut it. The 0.5 gives a cooler vape, trying to get more out of it will just burn it out quicker, shorter drags is the way to go on these.

Oh and they don't seem to wick high vg juice as well as the 0.3s
I'm about to throw this device out the car window.

I was looking into the custom coil building thing and found this:
Which wire and cotton do you guys recommend to get the best experience?
I am considering:

I saw a nice vid on YT where a guy rebuilds a coild for the Melo 2 and doesn't look to be that difficult. What do you guys think?
I'm about to throw this device out the car window.

I was looking into the custom coil building thing and found this:
Which wire and cotton do you guys recommend to get the best experience?
I am considering:

I saw a nice vid on YT where a guy rebuilds a coild for the Melo 2 and doesn't look to be that difficult. What do you guys think?
Right. I'll stop you there. I have those ECR heads and I can build. Not to put you off but unless you have an ohm reader or a mod that can show you what ohms you firing at... Danger.
Secondly, its not as easy as you think it will be. I finally found a build that works well but to much effort, and if you make a mistake, coil will short continuously.
The stock coils are also random. I just had a 0.3 last me a week. Others two days. There's no consistenty with them.
My Ijust2 is my secondary vape and I love it. So I deal with the niggles. But get building on a regulated mod first with an easy deck like a velocity style. Then try the ECR heads.
I'm about to throw this device out the car window.

I was looking into the custom coil building thing and found this:
Which wire and cotton do you guys recommend to get the best experience?
I am considering:

I saw a nice vid on YT where a guy rebuilds a coild for the Melo 2 and doesn't look to be that difficult. What do you guys think?
Also nicrome wire is a waste in the Ijust2 as its not TC. Standard kanthal wire is what you need.
As for cotton bacon. Its my favorite cotton.
@werner84 As I understood, the iJust2 is a great little device. Dude, my 2c would be to check out some youtube vids and make sure that everything you are doing with your wick/building/filling is done correctly.

I also found in my own personal experience that shorter drags DRASTICALLY improves wick and coil life. 3 to 5 seconds is quite a long drag to be honest. Your coild should be RED HOT by that time and that WILLLLL cause your wick to get burned.
I have done quite a bit of reading about this. I have a multi-meter which would do the same as the ohm reader.
I just thought this would be the way to go seeing that these damn coils are 50 bucks a pop... this will work out so much more expensive than smoking lol.
If I do short burns then I get almost no vapour at all... Tell me though, if I get a device where you can regulate voltage etc. will that prevent the coil from burning red hot?
@werner84 no. The coil gets hotter and hotter the longer you keep the fire button depressed I would say it takes about 1.5seconds for the coil to start glowing REAL red at about 22 Watt... (I stand to be corrected) given, it will take longer to get this hot when there is a wick in it that's juiced up. The only way to prevent this is to go for a temperature control mod
I'm about to throw this device out the car window.

I was looking into the custom coil building thing and found this:
Which wire and cotton do you guys recommend to get the best experience?
I am considering:

I saw a nice vid on YT where a guy rebuilds a coild for the Melo 2 and doesn't look to be that difficult. What do you guys think?
I bought that but it didn't work as well as the 0.3 ohm IMO. It's pretty hard to reach 0.3ohm with that coil.
@werner84 i have the ijust2 aswell and for a bit i vaped with the standard tank and the 0.3ohm coil nevertheless the .3ohm coil was horrible the throat hit was very harsh for me anyway..what i did was i bought the aspire cleito tank which comes a 0.4ohm clapton coil and man what a difference in vape and taste i want to get the .5ohm coil the ijust2 tank and see how that works
get building on a regulated mod first with an easy deck like a velocity style. Then try the ECR heads.
Bro, you have just confused the vape out of me haha. The only deck I can build is a deck of cards :p
Do you have some links/pointers to elaborate on what you mean? Sorry for all the questions man, I appreciate everybody's help and input so far!
Bro, you have just confused the vape out of me haha. The only deck I can build is a deck of cards :p
Do you have some links/pointers to elaborate on what you mean? Sorry for all the questions man, I appreciate everybody's help and input so far!
Ah you never have to be sorry for questions on this forum, that is why it is awesome!

Some mods are regulated, meaning they have built-in protection. So if you mess up a build, there are measures in place so that it doesn't blow up in your face. The general consensus is that if you are going to start building coils (a logical step, because they are expensive), you get one of these mods that will safeguard you.

The "velocity style" is a certain setup, that is really easy to get started on, consisting of two posts with two holes in each. Like on this tank...


Ask as many questions as you need!!
Bro, you have just confused the vape out of me haha. The only deck I can build is a deck of cards :p
Do you have some links/pointers to elaborate on what you mean? Sorry for all the questions man, I appreciate everybody's help and input so far!
Are you in a position to buy another device, or do you really need to work with this one!
Are you in a position to buy another device, or do you really need to work with this one!
Well, if I can get away with "fixing" this one that would be great, but if I need to invest into something better, I am willing to get proper gear.
Ah you never have to be sorry for questions on this forum, that is why it is awesome!

Some mods are regulated, meaning they have built-in protection. So if you mess up a build, there are measures in place so that it doesn't blow up in your face. The general consensus is that if you are going to start building coils (a logical step, because they are expensive), you get one of these mods that will safeguard you.

The "velocity style" is a certain setup, that is really easy to get started on, consisting of two posts with two holes in each. Like on this tank...


Ask as many questions as you need!!
I have heard about this "drip tip" as well, also a bit confusing. With the tank you linked, does it have to be dripped or are the coils and cotton saturated in the juice seeing that there is a tank?
Have you tried the aspire triton clapton coil.
Is a nice in between coil, between the 0.3 and 0.5. Its produces decent vape and flavor and lasts much longer than the eleaf 0.3
The only thing is that its slightly longer and sometimes loosens when you unscrew your tank to fill it but i simply check its tight during every refill
Well, if I can get away with "fixing" this one that would be great, but if I need to invest into something better, I am willing to get proper gear.
I would personally recommend then getting something like the Topbox Mini Kit...

http://www.vapeclub.co.za/collections/starter-kits-and-combos/products/kanger-topbox-mini (Check the classifieds for something similar maybe?)

I have the older version of this and I still use it despite acquiring much fancier gear! You can buy coils, and you can learn to make them. It will read your builds (ohms) and is regulated in all the right ways. There is an amazing thread on here somewhere guiding you through the whole thing (the older version, this newer one allows for more advanced TC IF you want!), which I can track down if you need.

I sometimes feel compelled to get myself another one of these, just for the lols.
I have heard about this "drip tip" as well, also a bit confusing. With the tank you linked, does it have to be dripped or are the coils and cotton saturated in the juice seeing that there is a tank?
The drip tip refers to the part that you put your lips on. The tank I linked was a poor choice, it was just to highlight something else (the velocity build deck). I think you may be confusing "drip tip" with a "dripper", you don't want a dripper at this point in time, that is the one where you saturate the coils and no tank. You want to look at RBAs (Rebuildable Atomisers) or RTAs (Rebuildable Tank Atomisers) when browsing the vendors.